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# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Portions Copyright 2013 ForgeRock AS
define suffix=o=example
define maildomain=example.com
define numusers=5
branch: ou=masterOnlineImport,[suffix]
subordinateTemplate: person:[numusers]
template: person
rdnAttr: uid
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
givenName: <first>
sn: <last>
cn: {givenName} {sn}
initials: {givenName:1}<random:chars:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:1>{sn:1}
employeeNumber: <sequential:0>
uid: user.{employeeNumber}
mail: {uid}@[maildomain]
userPassword: \{SSHA\}vLB1TSb3UgQq4sCEcZ0fIqrxLenK7oMuhglrQw==
telephoneNumber: <random:telephone>
pager: <random:telephone>
mobile: <random:telephone>
street: <random:numeric:5> <file:streets> Street
l: <file:cities>
st: <file:states>
postalCode: <random:numeric:5>
postalAddress: {cn} - {street} - {l}, {st} {postalCode}
description: This is the description for {cn}.
description;lang-fr: Ceci est la description en Français pour {cn}
description;lang-es: Eso es la Descripción en Español para {cn}
description;lang-jp: {cn}の日本語の説明です。
jpegPhoto:: <random:base64:1000>