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<title>Joining the OpenDJ Community</title>
<para>After you <link
>sign up</link> at ForgeRock, you can also login to the Wiki and the issue
database to follow what is happening with the project.</para>
<para>If you have questions regarding OpenDJ which are not answered by the
documentation, there is a mailing list which can be found at
<link xlink:href='https://lists.forgerock.org/mailman/listinfo/opendj'
>https://lists.forgerock.org/mailman/listinfo/opendj</link> where you are
likely to find an answer. You can also make suggestions
regarding updates at the documentation mailing list
(<link xlink:href='https://lists.forgerock.org/mailman/listinfo/docs'
<para>You can join the IRC discussion in the #opendj room at
<para>The Wiki has information on how to check out OpenDJ source code.
There is also a mailing list for OpenDJ development that can be found at
<link xlink:href='https://lists.forgerock.org/mailman/listinfo/opendj-dev'
Should you want to contribute a patch, test, or feature, or want to author
part of the core documentation, first have a look on the ForgeRock Community
page at <link xlink:href='http://www.forgerock.org/get_involved.html'>
how to get involved</link>.</para>