6443N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
6443N/A !
6443N/A ! This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
6443N/A ! Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
6443N/A ! To view a copy of this license, visit
6443N/A ! http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
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6443N/A ! Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
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6443N/A ! trunk/opendj3/legal-notices/CC-BY-NC-ND.txt.
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6443N/A ! and limitations under the License.
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6443N/A ! Copyright 2011-2013 ForgeRock AS
6443N/A !
6443N/A<chapter xml:id='chap-issues'
6443N/A xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
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6443N/A xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'
6443N/A xmlns:xinclude='http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude'>
6443N/A <title>OpenDJ Fixes, Limitations, &amp; Known Issues</title>
6443N/A <para>This chapter covers the status of key issues and limitations for OpenDJ
6443N/A <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?> and OpenDJ SDK <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?>.
6443N/A For details and information on other issues, see the <link xlink:show="new"
6443N/A xlink:href="https://bugster.forgerock.org/jira/browse/OPENDJ" >OpenDJ issue
6443N/A tracker</link>.</para>
6443N/A <section xml:id="fixes">
6443N/A <title>Key Fixes</title>
6443N/A <note><!-- TODO: reconsider when 2.4.x is no longer supported. -->
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ 2.6.0 includes important improvements to replication.
6443N/A Replication remains fully compatible with earlier versions. However, some
6443N/A operations that work fine with OpenDJ 2.6.0, such as replicating large
6443N/A groups and replicating high volumes of adds and deletes, can cause
6443N/A issues for earlier versions. Make sure you upgrade all servers to 2.6.0
6443N/A before allowing clients to take advantage of write operations that could
6443N/A cause trouble for older servers.</para>
6443N/A </note>
6443N/A <para>The following important bugs were fixed in this release.</para>
6443N/A <para>TODO</para><!-- https://github.com/markcraig/release-notes-list-builder -->
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="limitations">
6443N/A <title>Limitations</title>
6443N/A <para>Release <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?> has the following
6443N/A limitations.</para>
6443N/A <itemizedlist>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ directory server provides full LDAP v3 support, except for
6443N/A alias dereferencing, and limited support for LDAPv2.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>When you configure account lockout as part of password policy,
6443N/A OpenDJ locks an account after the specified number of consecutive
6443N/A authentication failures. Account lockout is not transactional across a
6443N/A replication topology, however. Global account lockout occurs as soon as
6443N/A the authentication failure times have been replicated.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ is not fully integrated with Microsoft Windows, yet OpenDJ
6443N/A directory server can be run as a service, and thus displayed in the
6443N/A Windows Services Control Panel.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ replication is designed to permit an unlimited number
6443N/A of replication servers in your topology. Project testing has, however,
6443N/A focused only on topologies of up to eight replication servers.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ plugin extensions must follow the guidelines set forth in
6443N/A the <filename>README</filename> file delivered in
6443N/A <filename>opendj/example-plugin.zip</filename>. When developing your
6443N/A extension, aim to remain loosely coupled with any particular version of
6443N/A OpenDJ. Libraries used must be installed in
6443N/A <filename>opendj/lib/extensions/</filename> (or bundle them in your
6443N/A .jar). Keep your configuration separate from the server configuration.
6443N/A Also, unless you are reusing standard schema definitions, keep your
6443N/A schema definitions separate as well.</para>
6443N/A <para>This can affect how your extension works after upgrade. In
6443N/A particular <literal>opendj-accountchange-handler-1.0.0</literal> does
6443N/A not work with OpenDJ 2.6.0 after upgrade (<link xlink:show="new"
6443N/A xlink:href="https://bugster.forgerock.org/jira/browse/OPENDJ-991"
6443N/A >OPENDJ-991</link>). See that issue for notes on how make that version
6443N/A of the extension work with OpenDJ 2.6.0.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <!-- This hardware is EOL.
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>On Niagara systems such as T2000, hardware SSL crypto acceleration
6443N/A runs more slowly than software crypto acceleration. To work around this
6443N/A issue take the following actions.</para>
6443N/A <orderedlist>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Add more request handlers to LDAP (for TLS) and LDAPS (for SSL)
6443N/A connection handlers.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Disable hardware acceleration for server's JVM by removing the
6443N/A SunPKCS11 security provider from
6443N/A <filename>jre/lib/security/java.security</filename>.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </orderedlist>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A -->
6443N/A </itemizedlist>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="known-issues">
6443N/A <title>Known Issues</title>
6443N/A <tip>
6443N/A <para>When deploying for production, make sure that you follow the
6443N/A installation instructions on allowing OpenDJ to use at least 64K (65536)
6443N/A file descriptors, and on tuning the JVM appropriately.</para>
6443N/A </tip>
6443N/A <para>The following important issues remained open at the time this release
6443N/A became available.</para>
6443N/A <para>TODO</para><!-- https://github.com/markcraig/release-notes-list-builder -->
6443N/A </section>