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<chapter xml:id='chap-issues'
xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
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<title>OpenDJ Fixes, Limitations, &amp; Known Issues</title>
<para>This chapter covers the status of key issues and limitations for OpenDJ
<?eval ${docTargetVersion}?> and OpenDJ SDK <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?>.
For details and information on other issues, see the <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href="https://bugster.forgerock.org/jira/browse/OPENDJ" >OpenDJ issue
<section xml:id="fixes">
<title>Key Fixes</title>
<note><!-- TODO: reconsider when 2.4.x is no longer supported. -->
<para>OpenDJ 2.6.0 includes important improvements to replication.
Replication remains fully compatible with earlier versions. However, some
operations that work fine with OpenDJ 2.6.0, such as replicating large
groups and replicating high volumes of adds and deletes, can cause
issues for earlier versions. Make sure you upgrade all servers to 2.6.0
before allowing clients to take advantage of write operations that could
cause trouble for older servers.</para>
<para>The following important bugs were fixed in this release.</para>
<para>TODO</para><!-- https://github.com/markcraig/release-notes-list-builder -->
<section xml:id="limitations">
<para>Release <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?> has the following
<para>OpenDJ directory server provides full LDAP v3 support, except for
alias dereferencing, and limited support for LDAPv2.</para>
<para>When you configure account lockout as part of password policy,
OpenDJ locks an account after the specified number of consecutive
authentication failures. Account lockout is not transactional across a
replication topology, however. Global account lockout occurs as soon as
the authentication failure times have been replicated.</para>
<para>OpenDJ is not fully integrated with Microsoft Windows, yet OpenDJ
directory server can be run as a service, and thus displayed in the
Windows Services Control Panel.</para>
<para>OpenDJ replication is designed to permit an unlimited number
of replication servers in your topology. Project testing has, however,
focused only on topologies of up to eight replication servers.</para>
<para>OpenDJ plugin extensions must follow the guidelines set forth in
the <filename>README</filename> file delivered in
<filename>opendj/example-plugin.zip</filename>. When developing your
extension, aim to remain loosely coupled with any particular version of
OpenDJ. Libraries used must be installed in
<filename>opendj/lib/extensions/</filename> (or bundle them in your
.jar). Keep your configuration separate from the server configuration.
Also, unless you are reusing standard schema definitions, keep your
schema definitions separate as well.</para>
<para>This can affect how your extension works after upgrade. In
particular <literal>opendj-accountchange-handler-1.0.0</literal> does
not work with OpenDJ 2.6.0 after upgrade (<link xlink:show="new"
>OPENDJ-991</link>). See that issue for notes on how make that version
of the extension work with OpenDJ 2.6.0.</para>
<!-- This hardware is EOL.
<para>On Niagara systems such as T2000, hardware SSL crypto acceleration
runs more slowly than software crypto acceleration. To work around this
issue take the following actions.</para>
<para>Add more request handlers to LDAP (for TLS) and LDAPS (for SSL)
connection handlers.</para>
<para>Disable hardware acceleration for server's JVM by removing the
SunPKCS11 security provider from
<section xml:id="known-issues">
<title>Known Issues</title>
<para>When deploying for production, make sure that you follow the
installation instructions on allowing OpenDJ to use at least 64K (65536)
file descriptors, and on tuning the JVM appropriately.</para>
<para>The following important issues remained open at the time this release
became available.</para>
<para>TODO</para><!-- https://github.com/markcraig/release-notes-list-builder -->