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* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Portions Copyright 2011-2013 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.task;
import static org.opends.messages.AdminToolMessages.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.directory.Attribute;
import javax.naming.directory.DirContext;
import javax.naming.directory.ModificationItem;
import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;
import org.opends.admin.ads.util.ConnectionUtils;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.ControlPanelInfo;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.ServerDescriptor;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.ConfigurationElementCreatedEvent;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.PrintStreamListener;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.ui.ColorAndFontConstants;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.ui.ProgressDialog;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.util.ApplicationPrintStream;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.util.ConfigReader;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.util.ProcessReader;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.util.Utilities;
import org.opends.messages.Message;
import org.opends.quicksetup.Installation;
import org.opends.quicksetup.UserData;
import org.opends.server.types.ByteString;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.Schema;
import org.opends.server.util.Base64;
import org.opends.server.util.SetupUtils;
import org.opends.server.util.cli.CommandBuilder;
* The class used to define a number of common methods and mechanisms for the
* tasks that are run in the Control Panel.
public abstract class Task
private static String localHostName = UserData.getDefaultHostName();
private String binDir;
* The different task types.
public enum Type
* New Base DN creation.
* New index creation.
* Modification of indexes.
* Deletion of indexes.
* Creation of VLV indexes.
* Modification of VLV indexes.
* Deletion of VLV indexes.
* Import of an LDIF file.
* Export of an LDIF file.
* Backup.
* Restore.
* Verification of indexes.
* Rebuild of indexes.
* Enabling of Windows Service.
* Disabling of Windows Service.
* Starting the server.
* Stopping the server.
* Updating the java settings for the different command-lines.
* Creating a new element in the schema.
* Deleting an schema element.
* Modify an schema element.
* Modifying an entry.
* Creating an entry.
* Deleting an entry.
* Deleting a base DN.
* Deleting a backend.
* Other task.
* The state on which the task can be.
public enum State
* The task is not started.
* The task is running.
* The task finished successfully.
* The task finished with error.
* Returns the names of the backends that are affected by the task.
* @return the names of the backends that are affected by the task.
public abstract Set<String> getBackends();
* The current state of the task.
protected State state = State.NOT_STARTED;
* The return code of the task.
protected Integer returnCode;
* The last exception encountered during the task execution.
protected Throwable lastException;
* The progress logs of the task. Note that the user of StringBuffer is not
* a bug, because of the way the contents of logs is updated, using
* StringBuffer instead of StringBuilder is required.
protected StringBuffer logs = new StringBuffer();
* The error logs of the task.
protected StringBuilder errorLogs = new StringBuilder();
* The standard output logs of the task.
protected StringBuilder outputLogs = new StringBuilder();
* The print stream for the error logs.
protected ApplicationPrintStream errorPrintStream =
new ApplicationPrintStream();
* The print stream for the standard output logs.
protected ApplicationPrintStream outPrintStream =
new ApplicationPrintStream();
* The process (if any) that the task launched. For instance if this is a
* start server task, the process generated executing the start-ds
* command-line.
protected Process process;
private ControlPanelInfo info;
private ServerDescriptor server;
private ProgressDialog progressDialog;
private ArrayList<ConfigurationElementCreatedListener> confListeners =
new ArrayList<ConfigurationElementCreatedListener>();
private static int MAX_BINARY_LENGTH_TO_DISPLAY = 1024;
* Constructor of the task.
* @param info the control panel information.
* @param progressDialog the progress dialog where the task progress will be
* displayed.
protected Task(ControlPanelInfo info, ProgressDialog progressDialog)
this.info = info;
this.progressDialog = progressDialog;
outPrintStream.addListener(new PrintStreamListener()
* Add a new line to the logs.
* @param msg the new line.
public void newLine(String msg)
errorPrintStream.addListener(new PrintStreamListener()
* Add a new line to the error logs.
* @param msg the new line.
public void newLine(String msg)
server = info.getServerDescriptor();
* Returns the ControlPanelInfo object.
* @return the ControlPanelInfo object.
public ControlPanelInfo getInfo()
return info;
* Returns the logs of the task.
* @return the logs of the task.
public String getLogs()
return logs.toString();
* Returns the error logs of the task.
* @return the error logs of the task.
public String getErrorLogs()
return errorLogs.toString();
* Returns the output logs of the task.
* @return the output logs of the task.
public String getOutputLogs()
return outputLogs.toString();
* Returns the state of the task.
* @return the state of the task.
public State getState()
return state;
* Returns last exception encountered during the task execution.
* Returns <CODE>null</CODE> if no exception was found.
* @return last exception encountered during the task execution.
public Throwable getLastException()
return lastException;
* Returns the return code (this makes sense when the task launches a
* command-line, it will return the error code returned by the command-line).
* @return the return code.
public Integer getReturnCode()
return returnCode;
* Returns the process that the task launched.
* Returns <CODE>null</CODE> if not process was launched.
* @return the process that the task launched.
public Process getProcess()
return process;
* Returns the progress dialog.
* @return the progress dialog.
protected ProgressDialog getProgressDialog()
return progressDialog;
* Tells whether a new server descriptor should be regenerated when the task
* is over. If the task has an influence in the configuration or state of
* the server (for instance the creation of a base DN) this method should
* return <CODE>true</CODE> so that the configuration will be re-read and
* all the ConfigChangeListeners will receive a notification with the new
* configuration.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if a new server descriptor must be regenerated
* when the task is over and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean regenerateDescriptor()
return true;
* Method that is called when everything is finished after updating the
* progress dialog. It is called from the event thread.
public void postOperation()
* The description of the task. It is used in both the incompatibility
* messages and in the warning message displayed when the user wants to
* quit and there are tasks running.
* @return the description of the task.
public abstract Message getTaskDescription();
* Adds a configuration element created listener.
* @param listener the listener.
public void addConfigurationElementCreatedListener(
ConfigurationElementCreatedListener listener)
* Removes a configuration element created listener.
* @param listener the listener.
public void removeConfigurationElementCreatedListener(
ConfigurationElementCreatedListener listener)
* Notifies the configuration element created listener that a new object has
* been created.
* @param configObject the created object.
protected void notifyConfigurationElementCreated(Object configObject)
for (ConfigurationElementCreatedListener listener : confListeners)
new ConfigurationElementCreatedEvent(this, configObject));
* Returns a String representation of a value. In general this is called
* to display the command-line equivalent when we do a modification in an
* entry. But since some attributes must be obfuscated (like the user
* password) we pass through this method.
* @param attrName the attribute name.
* @param o the attribute value.
* @return the obfuscated String representing the attribute value to be
* displayed in the logs of the user.
protected String obfuscateAttributeStringValue(String attrName, Object o)
if (Utilities.mustObfuscate(attrName,
return Utilities.OBFUSCATED_VALUE;
if (o instanceof byte[])
byte[] bytes = (byte[])o;
if (displayBase64(attrName))
if (bytes.length > MAX_BINARY_LENGTH_TO_DISPLAY)
return INFO_CTRL_PANEL_VALUE_IN_BASE64.get().toString();
return Base64.encode(bytes);
if (bytes.length > MAX_BINARY_LENGTH_TO_DISPLAY)
return INFO_CTRL_PANEL_BINARY_VALUE.get().toString();
// Get the String value
ByteString v = ByteString.wrap(bytes);
return v.toString();
return String.valueOf(o);
* Obfuscates (if required) the attribute value in an LDIF line.
* @param line the line of the LDIF file that must be treated.
* @return the line obfuscated.
protected String obfuscateLDIFLine(String line)
String returnValue;
int index = line.indexOf(":");
if (index != -1)
String attrName = line.substring(0, index).trim();
if (Utilities.mustObfuscate(attrName,
returnValue = attrName + ": " +Utilities.OBFUSCATED_VALUE;
returnValue = line;
returnValue = line;
return returnValue;
* Executes a command-line synchronously.
* @param commandLineName the command line full path.
* @param args the arguments for the command-line.
* @return the error code returned by the command-line.
protected int executeCommandLine(String commandLineName, String[] args)
returnCode = -1;
String[] cmd = new String[args.length + 1];
cmd[0] = commandLineName;
for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++)
cmd[i+1] = args[i];
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
// Use the java args in the script.
Map<String, String> env = pb.environment();
//env.put(SetupUtils.OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS, "");
ProcessReader outReader = null;
ProcessReader errReader = null;
try {
process = pb.start();
outReader = new ProcessReader(process, outPrintStream, false);
errReader = new ProcessReader(process, errorPrintStream, true);
returnCode = process.waitFor();
} catch (Throwable t)
lastException = t;
if (outReader != null)
if (errReader != null)
return returnCode;
* Informs of whether the task to be launched can be launched or not. Every
* task must implement this method so that we avoid launching in paralel two
* tasks that are not compatible. Note that in general if the current task
* is not running this method will return <CODE>true</CODE>.
* @param taskToBeLaunched the Task that we are trying to launch.
* @param incompatibilityReasons the list of incompatibility reasons that
* must be updated.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the task that we are trying to launch can be
* launched in paralel with this task and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public abstract boolean canLaunch(Task taskToBeLaunched,
Collection<Message> incompatibilityReasons);
* Execute the task. This method is synchronous.
public abstract void runTask();
* Returns the type of the task.
* @return the type of the task.
public abstract Type getType();
* Returns the binary/script directory.
* @return the binary/script directory.
protected String getBinaryDir()
if (binDir == null)
File f = Installation.getLocal().getBinariesDirectory();
binDir = f.getCanonicalPath();
catch (Throwable t)
binDir = f.getAbsolutePath();
if (binDir.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) != (binDir.length() - 1))
binDir += File.separatorChar;
return binDir;
* Check whether the provided task and this task run on the same server.
* @param task the task the task to be analyzed.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if both tasks run on the same server and
* <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
protected boolean runningOnSameServer(Task task)
boolean runningOnSameServer = false;
if (getServer().isLocal() && task.getServer().isLocal())
runningOnSameServer = true;
// Compare the host name and the instance path. This is safer than
// comparing ports: we might be running locally on a stopped instance with
// the same configuration as a "remote" (though located on the same
// machine) server.
String f1 = getServer().getInstancePath();
String f2 = task.getServer().getInstancePath();
String host1 = getServer().getHostname();
String host2 = task.getServer().getHostname();
if (host1 == null)
runningOnSameServer = host2 == null;
runningOnSameServer = host1.equalsIgnoreCase(host2);
if (runningOnSameServer)
if (f1 == null)
runningOnSameServer = f2 == null;
runningOnSameServer = f1.equals(f2);
return runningOnSameServer;
* Returns the server descriptor on which the task was launched.
* @return the server descriptor on which the task was launched.
public ServerDescriptor getServer()
return server;
* Returns the full path of the command-line associated with this task or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if there is not a command-line (or a single command-line)
* associated with the task.
* @return the full path of the command-line associated with this task.
protected abstract String getCommandLinePath();
* Returns the full path of the command-line for a given script name.
* @param scriptBasicName the script basic name (with no extension).
* @return the full path of the command-line for a given script name.
protected String getCommandLinePath(String scriptBasicName)
String cmdLineName;
if (Utilities.isWindows())
cmdLineName = getBinaryDir()+scriptBasicName+".bat";
cmdLineName = getBinaryDir()+scriptBasicName;
return cmdLineName;
* Returns the list of command-line arguments.
* @return the list of command-line arguments.
protected abstract List<String> getCommandLineArguments();
* Returns the list of obfuscated command-line arguments. This is called
* basically to display the equivalent command-line to the user.
* @param clearArgs the arguments in clear.
* @return the list of obfuscated command-line arguments.
protected List<String> getObfuscatedCommandLineArguments(
List<String> clearArgs)
String[] toObfuscate = {"--bindPassword", "--currentPassword",
ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(clearArgs);
for (int i=1; i<args.size(); i++)
for (String argName : toObfuscate)
if (args.get(i-1).equalsIgnoreCase(argName))
args.set(i, Utilities.OBFUSCATED_VALUE);
return args;
* Returns the command-line arguments that correspond to the configuration.
* This method is called to remove them when we display the equivalent
* command-line. In some cases we run the methods of the command-line
* directly (on this JVM) instead of launching the script in another process.
* When we call this methods we must add these arguments, but they are not
* to be included as arguments of the command-line (when is launched as a
* script).
* @return the command-line arguments that correspond to the configuration.
protected ArrayList<String> getConfigCommandLineArguments()
ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
return args;
* Returns the list of arguments related to the connection (host, port, bind
* DN, etc.).
* @return the list of arguments related to the connection.
protected List<String> getConnectionCommandLineArguments()
return getConnectionCommandLineArguments(true, false);
* Returns the list of arguments related to the connection (host, port, bind
* DN, etc.).
* @param useAdminConnector use the administration connector to generate
* the command line.
* @param addConnectionTypeParameters add the connection type parameters
* (--useSSL or --useStartTLS parameters: for ldapadd, ldapdelete, etc.).
* @return the list of arguments related to the connection.
protected List<String> getConnectionCommandLineArguments(
boolean useAdminConnector, boolean addConnectionTypeParameters)
ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
InitialLdapContext ctx;
if (useAdminConnector)
ctx = getInfo().getDirContext();
ctx = getInfo().getUserDataDirContext();
if (isServerRunning() && (ctx != null))
String hostName = localHostName;
if ((hostName == null) || !getInfo().getServerDescriptor().isLocal())
hostName = ConnectionUtils.getHostName(ctx);
int port = ConnectionUtils.getPort(ctx);
boolean isSSL = ConnectionUtils.isSSL(ctx);
boolean isStartTLS = ConnectionUtils.isStartTLS(ctx);
String bindDN = ConnectionUtils.getBindDN(ctx);
String bindPwd = ConnectionUtils.getBindPassword(ctx);
if (isSSL || isStartTLS)
if (isSSL && addConnectionTypeParameters)
else if (isStartTLS && addConnectionTypeParameters)
return args;
* Returns the noPropertiesFile argument.
* @return the noPropertiesFile argument.
protected String getNoPropertiesFileArgument()
return "--noPropertiesFile";
* Returns the command-line to be displayed (when we display the equivalent
* command-line).
* @return the command-line to be displayed.
public String getCommandLineToDisplay()
String cmdLineName = getCommandLinePath();
if (cmdLineName != null)
List<String> args =
return getEquivalentCommandLine(cmdLineName, args);
return null;
* Commodity method to know if the server is running or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the server is running and <CODE>false</CODE>
* otherwise.
protected boolean isServerRunning()
return getInfo().getServerDescriptor().getStatus() ==
* Returns the print stream for the error logs.
* @return the print stream for the error logs.
public ApplicationPrintStream getErrorPrintStream()
return errorPrintStream;
* Returns the print stream for the output logs.
* @return the print stream for the output logs.
public ApplicationPrintStream getOutPrintStream()
return outPrintStream;
* Prints the equivalent modify command line in the progress dialog.
* @param dn the dn of the modified entry.
* @param mods the modifications.
* @param useAdminCtx use the administration connector.
protected void printEquivalentCommandToModify(DN dn,
Collection<ModificationItem> mods, boolean useAdminCtx)
printEquivalentCommandToModify(dn.toString(), mods, useAdminCtx);
* Prints the equivalent modify command line in the progress dialog.
* @param dn the dn of the modified entry.
* @param mods the modifications.
* @param useAdminCtx use the administration connector.
protected void printEquivalentCommandToModify(String dn,
Collection<ModificationItem> mods, boolean useAdminCtx)
ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
getConnectionCommandLineArguments(useAdminCtx, true)));
String equiv = getEquivalentCommandLine(getCommandLinePath("ldapmodify"),
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("dn: "+dn);
boolean firstChangeType = true;
for (ModificationItem mod : mods)
if (firstChangeType)
sb.append("<br>changetype: modify<br>");
firstChangeType = false;
Attribute attr = mod.getAttribute();
String attrName = attr.getID();
if (mod.getModificationOp() == DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE)
sb.append("add: "+attrName+"<br>");
else if (mod.getModificationOp() == DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE)
sb.append("replace: "+attrName+"<br>");
sb.append("delete: "+attrName+"<br>");
for (int i=0; i<attr.size(); i++)
Object o = attr.get(i);
// We are systematically adding the values in binary mode.
// Use the attribute names to figure out the value to be displayed.
if (displayBase64(attr.getID()))
sb.append(attrName+":: ");
sb.append(attrName+": ");
sb.append(obfuscateAttributeStringValue(attrName, o));
catch (NamingException ne)
// Bug
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unexpected error parsing modifications: "+ne, ne);
sb.toString(), ColorAndFontConstants.progressFont));
* The separator used to link the lines of the resulting command-lines.
private final static String LINE_SEPARATOR =
* Returns the equivalent command line in HTML without font properties.
* @param cmdName the command name.
* @param args the arguments for the command line.
* @return the equivalent command-line in HTML.
public static String getEquivalentCommandLine(String cmdName,
List<String> args)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(cmdName);
for (int i=0; i<args.size(); i++)
String arg = args.get(i);
if (arg.charAt(0) == '-')
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
* Prints the equivalent command line.
* @param cmdName the command name.
* @param args the arguments for the command line.
* @param msg the message associated with the command line.
protected void printEquivalentCommandLine(String cmdName, List<String> args,
Message msg)
getEquivalentCommandLine(cmdName, args)+"</b><br><br>",
* Tells whether the provided attribute's values must be displayed using
* base 64 when displaying the equivalent command-line or not.
* @param attrName the attribute name.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the attribute must be displayed using base 64
* and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
protected boolean displayBase64(String attrName)
Schema schema = null;
if (getInfo() != null)
schema = getInfo().getServerDescriptor().getSchema();
return Utilities.hasBinarySyntax(attrName, schema);
* Prints the equivalent rename command line in the progress dialog.
* @param oldDN the old DN of the entry.
* @param newDN the new DN of the entry.
* @param useAdminCtx use the administration connector.
protected void printEquivalentRenameCommand(DN oldDN, DN newDN,
boolean useAdminCtx)
ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
getConnectionCommandLineArguments(useAdminCtx, true)));
String equiv = getEquivalentCommandLine(getCommandLinePath("ldapmodify"),
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("dn: "+oldDN);
sb.append("changetype: moddn<br>");
sb.append("newrdn: "+newDN.getRDN()+"<br>");
sb.append("deleteoldrdn: 1");
* Returns the incompatible message between two tasks.
* @param taskRunning the task that is running.
* @param taskToBeLaunched the task that we are trying to launch.
* @return the incompatible message between two tasks.
protected Message getIncompatibilityMessage(Task taskRunning,
Task taskToBeLaunched)