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package org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.browser;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.ldap.Control;
import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;
import javax.net.ssl.KeyManager;
import org.opends.admin.ads.util.ApplicationTrustManager;
import org.opends.admin.ads.util.ConnectionUtils;
import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.ReferralAuthenticationListener;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.LDAPURL;
import org.opends.server.types.SearchScope;
import static org.opends.admin.ads.util.ConnectionUtils.*;
* An LDAPConnectionPool is a pool of LDAPConnection.
* <BR><BR>
* When a client class needs to access an LDAPUrl, it simply passes
* this URL to getConnection() and gets an LDAPConnection back.
* When the client has finished with this LDAPConnection, it *must*
* pass it releaseConnection() which will take care of its disconnection
* or caching.
* <BR><BR>
* LDAPConnectionPool maintains a pool of authentications. This pool
* is populated using registerAuth(). When getConnection() has created
* a new connection for accessing a host:port, it looks in the authentication
* pool if any authentication is available for this host:port and, if yes,
* tries to bind the connection. If no authentication is available, the
* returned connection is simply connected (ie anonymous bind).
* <BR><BR>
* LDAPConnectionPool shares connections and maintains a usage counter
* for each connection: two calls to getConnection() with the same URL
* will return the same connection. Two calls to releaseConnection() will
* be needed to make the connection 'potentially disconnectable'.
* <BR><BR>
* releaseConnection() does not disconnect systematically a connection
* whose usage counter is null. It keeps it connected a while (TODO:
* to be implemented).
* <BR><BR>
* TODO: synchronization is a bit simplistic...
public class LDAPConnectionPool {
private final HashMap<String, AuthRecord> authTable =
new HashMap<String, AuthRecord>();
private final HashMap<String, ConnectionRecord> connectionTable =
new HashMap<String, ConnectionRecord>();
private ArrayList<ReferralAuthenticationListener> listeners;
private Control[] requestControls = new Control[] {};
private ApplicationTrustManager trustManager;
private int connectTimeout = ConnectionUtils.getDefaultLDAPTimeout();
* Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if the connection passed is registered in the
* connection pool, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
* @param ctx the connection.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the connection passed is registered in the
* connection pool, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isConnectionRegistered(InitialLdapContext ctx) {
for (String key : connectionTable.keySet())
ConnectionRecord cr = connectionTable.get(key);
if (cr.ctx != null
&& getHostName(cr.ctx).equals(getHostName(ctx))
&& getPort(cr.ctx) == getPort(ctx)
&& getBindDN(cr.ctx).equals(getBindDN(ctx))
&& getBindPassword(cr.ctx).equals(getBindPassword(ctx))
&& isSSL(cr.ctx) == isSSL(ctx)
&& isStartTLS(cr.ctx) == isStartTLS(ctx)) {
return true;
return false;
* Registers a connection in this connection pool.
* @param ctx the connection to be registered.
public void registerConnection(InitialLdapContext ctx) {
LDAPURL url = makeLDAPUrl(ctx);
String key = makeKeyFromLDAPUrl(url);
ConnectionRecord cr = new ConnectionRecord();
cr.ctx = ctx;
cr.counter = 1;
cr.disconnectAfterUse = false;
connectionTable.put(key, cr);
* Unregisters a connection from this connection pool.
* @param ctx the connection to be unregistered.
* @throws NamingException if there is a problem unregistering the connection.
public void unregisterConnection(InitialLdapContext ctx)
throws NamingException
LDAPURL url = makeLDAPUrl(ctx);
String key = makeKeyFromLDAPUrl(url);
* Adds a referral authentication listener.
* @param listener the referral authentication listener.
public void addReferralAuthenticationListener(
ReferralAuthenticationListener listener) {
if (listeners == null) {
listeners = new ArrayList<ReferralAuthenticationListener>();
* Returns an LDAPConnection for accessing the specified url.
* If no connection are available for the protocol/host/port
* of the URL, getConnection() makes a new one and call connect().
* If authentication data available for this protocol/host/port,
* getConnection() call bind() on the new connection.
* If connect() or bind() failed, getConnection() forward the
* NamingException.
* When getConnection() succeeds, the returned connection must
* be passed to releaseConnection() after use.
* @param ldapUrl the LDAP URL to which the connection must connect.
* @return a connection to the provided LDAP URL.
* @throws NamingException if there was an error connecting.
public InitialLdapContext getConnection(LDAPURL ldapUrl)
throws NamingException {
String key = makeKeyFromLDAPUrl(ldapUrl);
ConnectionRecord cr;
synchronized(this) {
cr = connectionTable.get(key);
if (cr == null) {
cr = new ConnectionRecord();
cr.ctx = null;
cr.counter = 1;
cr.disconnectAfterUse = false;
connectionTable.put(key, cr);
else {
synchronized(cr) {
try {
if (cr.ctx == null) {
boolean registerAuth = false;
AuthRecord authRecord = authTable.get(key);
if (authRecord == null)
// Best-effort: try with an already registered authentication
authRecord = authTable.values().iterator().next();
registerAuth = true;
cr.ctx = createLDAPConnection(ldapUrl, authRecord);
if (registerAuth)
authTable.put(key, authRecord);
catch(NamingException x) {
synchronized (this) {
if (cr.counter == 0) {
throw x;
return cr.ctx;
* Sets the request controls to be used by the connections of this connection
* pool.
* @param ctls the request controls.
* @throws NamingException if an error occurs updating the connections.
public synchronized void setRequestControls(Control[] ctls)
throws NamingException
requestControls = ctls;
for (ConnectionRecord cr : connectionTable.values())
if (cr.ctx != null)
* Release an LDAPConnection created by getConnection().
* The connection should be considered as virtually disconnected
* and not be used anymore.
* @param ctx the connection to be released.
public synchronized void releaseConnection(InitialLdapContext ctx) {
String targetKey = null;
ConnectionRecord targetRecord = null;
synchronized(this) {
for (String key : connectionTable.keySet()) {
ConnectionRecord cr = connectionTable.get(key);
if (cr.ctx == ctx) {
targetKey = key;
targetRecord = cr;
if (targetKey != null)
if (targetRecord == null) { // ldc is not in _connectionTable -> bug
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid LDAP connection");
synchronized (targetRecord)
if (targetRecord.counter == 0 && targetRecord.disconnectAfterUse)
* Register authentication data.
* If authentication data are already available for the protocol/host/port
* specified in the LDAPURl, they are replaced by the new data.
* If true is passed as 'connect' parameter, registerAuth() creates the
* connection and attempts to connect() and bind() . If connect() or bind()
* fail, registerAuth() forwards the NamingException and does not register
* the authentication data.
* @param ldapUrl the LDAP URL of the server.
* @param dn the bind DN.
* @param pw the password.
* @param connect whether to connect or not to the server with the
* provided authentication (for testing purposes).
* @throws NamingException if an error occurs connecting.
private void registerAuth(LDAPURL ldapUrl, String dn, String pw,
boolean connect) throws NamingException {
String key = makeKeyFromLDAPUrl(ldapUrl);
final AuthRecord ar = new AuthRecord();
ar.dn = dn;
ar.password = pw;
if (connect) {
InitialLdapContext ctx = createLDAPConnection(ldapUrl, ar);
synchronized(this) {
authTable.put(key, ar);
ConnectionRecord cr = connectionTable.get(key);
if (cr != null) {
if (cr.counter <= 0) {
else {
cr.disconnectAfterUse = true;
* Register authentication data from an existing connection.
* This routine recreates the LDAP URL corresponding to
* the connection and passes it to registerAuth(LDAPURL).
* @param ctx the connection that we retrieve the authentication information
* from.
private void registerAuth(InitialLdapContext ctx) {
LDAPURL url = makeLDAPUrl(ctx);
try {
registerAuth(url, getBindDN(ctx), getBindPassword(ctx), false);
catch (NamingException x) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bug");
* Unregister authentication data.
* If for the given url there's a connection, try to bind as anonymous.
* If unbind fails throw NamingException.
* @param ldapUrl the url associated with the authentication to be
* unregistered.
* @throws NamingException if the unbind fails.
private void unRegisterAuth(LDAPURL ldapUrl) throws NamingException {
String key = makeKeyFromLDAPUrl(ldapUrl);
* Disconnect the connection associated to a record
* and remove the record from connectionTable.
* @param cr the ConnectionRecord to remove.
private void disconnectAndRemove(ConnectionRecord cr)
String key = makeKeyFromRecord(cr);
catch (NamingException x)
// Bizarre. However it's not really a problem here.
* Notifies the listeners that a referral authentication change happened.
private void notifyListeners()
for (ReferralAuthenticationListener listener : listeners)
* Make the key string for an LDAP URL.
* @param url the LDAP URL.
* @return the key to be used in Maps for the provided LDAP URL.
private static String makeKeyFromLDAPUrl(LDAPURL url) {
String protocol = isSecureLDAPUrl(url) ? "LDAPS" : "LDAP";
return protocol + ":" + url.getHost() + ":" + url.getPort();
* Make the key string for an connection record.
* @param rec the connection record.
* @return the key to be used in Maps for the provided connection record.
private static String makeKeyFromRecord(ConnectionRecord rec) {
String protocol = ConnectionUtils.isSSL(rec.ctx) ? "LDAPS" : "LDAP";
return protocol + ":" + getHostName(rec.ctx) + ":" + getPort(rec.ctx);
* Creates an LDAP Connection for a given LDAP URL and using the
* authentication of a AuthRecord.
* @param ldapUrl the LDAP URL.
* @param ar the authentication information.
* @return a connection.
* @throws NamingException if an error occurs when connecting.
private InitialLdapContext createLDAPConnection(LDAPURL ldapUrl,
AuthRecord ar) throws NamingException
// Take the base DN out of the URL and only keep the protocol, host and port
ldapUrl = new LDAPURL(ldapUrl.getScheme(), ldapUrl.getHost(),
ldapUrl.getPort(), (DN)null, null, null, null, null);
if (isSecureLDAPUrl(ldapUrl))
return ConnectionUtils.createLdapsContext(ldapUrl.toString(), ar.dn,
ar.password, getConnectTimeout(), null,
getTrustManager(), getKeyManager());
return ConnectionUtils.createLdapContext(ldapUrl.toString(), ar.dn,
ar.password, getConnectTimeout(), null);
* Sets the ApplicationTrustManager used by the connection pool to
* connect to servers.
* @param trustManager the ApplicationTrustManager.
public void setTrustManager(ApplicationTrustManager trustManager)
this.trustManager = trustManager;
* Returns the ApplicationTrustManager used by the connection pool to
* connect to servers.
* @return the ApplicationTrustManager used by the connection pool to
* connect to servers.
public ApplicationTrustManager getTrustManager()
return trustManager;
* Returns the timeout to establish the connection in milliseconds.
* @return the timeout to establish the connection in milliseconds.
public int getConnectTimeout()
return connectTimeout;
* Sets the timeout to establish the connection in milliseconds.
* Use {@code 0} to express no timeout.
* @param connectTimeout the timeout to establish the connection in
* milliseconds.
* Use {@code 0} to express no timeout.
public void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout)
this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
private KeyManager getKeyManager()
// TODO: we should get it from ControlPanelInfo
return null;
* Returns whether the URL is ldaps URL or not.
* @param url the URL.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the LDAP URL is secure and <CODE>false</CODE>
* otherwise.
private static boolean isSecureLDAPUrl(LDAPURL url) {
return !LDAPURL.DEFAULT_SCHEME.equalsIgnoreCase(url.getScheme());
private LDAPURL makeLDAPUrl(InitialLdapContext ctx) {
return new LDAPURL(
isSSL(ctx) ? "ldaps" : LDAPURL.DEFAULT_SCHEME,
null, // no attributes
null, // No filter
null); // No extensions
* Make an url from the specified arguments.
* @param ctx the connection to the server.
* @param dn the base DN of the URL.
* @return an LDAP URL from the specified arguments.
public static LDAPURL makeLDAPUrl(InitialLdapContext ctx, String dn) {
return new LDAPURL(
ConnectionUtils.isSSL(ctx) ? "ldaps" : LDAPURL.DEFAULT_SCHEME,
null, // No attributes
null); // No filter
* Make an url from the specified arguments.
* @param url an LDAP URL to use as base of the new LDAP URL.
* @param dn the base DN for the new LDAP URL.
* @return an LDAP URL from the specified arguments.
public static LDAPURL makeLDAPUrl(LDAPURL url, String dn) {
return new LDAPURL(
null, // no attributes
null, // No filter
null); // No extensions
* A structure representing authentication data.
class AuthRecord {
String dn;
String password;
* A structure representing an active connection.
class ConnectionRecord {
InitialLdapContext ctx;
int counter;
boolean disconnectAfterUse;