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<adm:managed-object name="network-group"
is used to classify incoming client connections and route requests to
<adm:tag name="core-server"/>
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:relation name="network-group-qos-policy"
Specifies the set of quality of service (QoS) policies enforced by
All client connections belonging to the
will comply with its policies.
<adm:one-to-many unique="true"
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<ldap:rdn-sequence>cn=QoS Policies</ldap:rdn-sequence>
<adm:property name="enabled" mandatory="true">
Indicates whether the
is enabled for use in the server.
If a
is not enabled then its workflows will not be accessible when
processing operations.
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property name="priority" mandatory="true">
Specifies the priority for this <adm:user-friendly-name/>.
A client connection is first compared against the
with the lowest priority. If the client connection does not match
its connection criteria, then the client connection is compared against
with next lowest priority, and so on. If no
is selected then the client connection is rejected.
<adm:integer lower-limit="0"/>
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property name="workflow" multi-valued="true">
Specifies a set of workflows which should be accessible from this
<adm:synopsis>No workflows will be accessible.</adm:synopsis>
<adm:aggregation relation-name="workflow"
The referenced workflows must be enabled.
<adm:contains property="enabled" value="true"/>
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property name="allowed-auth-method" multi-valued="true">
Specifies a set of allowed authorization methods that clients
must use in order to establish connections to this
Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not
interfere with connections that may have already been
All authorization methods are allowed.
<adm:value name="anonymous">
Unauthorized clients.
<adm:value name="simple">
Clients who bind using simple authentication (name and password).
<adm:value name="sasl">
Clients who bind using SASL/external certificate based
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property name="allowed-protocol" multi-valued="true">
Specifies a set of allowed supported protocols that clients
must use in order to establish connections to this
Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not
interfere with connections that may have already been
All supported protocols are allowed.
<adm:value name="ldap">
Clients using LDAP are allowed.
<adm:value name="ldaps">
Clients using LDAPS are allowed.
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property name="allowed-bind-dn" multi-valued="true">
Specifies a set of bind DN patterns that determine the
clients that are allowed to establish connections to this
Valid bind DN filters are strings composed of zero or more
wildcards. A double wildcard ** replaces one or more RDN
components (as in uid=dmiller,**,dc=example,dc=com). A simple
wildcard * replaces either a whole RDN, or a whole type, or a
value substring (as in uid=bj*,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com).
Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not
interfere with connections that may have already been
All bind DNs are allowed.
<adm:string />
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property-reference name="allowed-client" />
<adm:property-reference name="denied-client" />
<adm:property name="is-security-mandatory">
Specifies whether or not a secured client connection
is required in order for clients to establish connections
to this <adm:user-friendly-name/>.
Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not
interfere with connections that may have already been
<adm:boolean />
<adm:profile name="ldap">