This tree contains the forgerock OpenDJ 2 branch incl. revision history.
Probably dueto a cleanup of the subversion mess this branch got removed and
is not available via forgerock anymore. To not depend on the remote site
(e.g. when opengrok needs to calc diffs or obtain other details), we choose
to "mirror" it via mercurial (hgsubversion) at the time we encountered major
problems with this site/svn. So the history shows "{localNodeId}:{hash} {rev}",
whereby rev is the revision id from the original repository aka forgerock.
Because the latest mercurial provided by our plattform (2.8.2) got worse or
doesn't work at all, e.g. opendj3, or the complete clone of trunk/opends takes
~7h or doesn't work at all (opendj3), but with git-svn ~1.5h; histedit changes,
which make work harder; eclipse plugin is quite annoying/inefficient/resource
waisting) and other things like the "to activate this builtin feature, you have
to write a '$feature=' line into your ~/.hgrc" non-sense, TCO of python/python
related stuff is often a nightmare and that git made its way and provides
almost the same and even more features than mercurial, we decided to switch
over to git-svn. So this and all mirrors of "still alive repos" will vanish
here step by step 'til the end of 2015.