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package org.opends.server.protocols.ldap;
import org.opends.server.types.LDAPException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder;
import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.EOL;
import org.forgerock.opendj.io.ASN1Writer;
import org.forgerock.opendj.io.ASN1;
import org.forgerock.opendj.io.ASN1Reader;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* This class defines a set of tests for the
* org.opends.server.protocol.ldap.CompareRequestProtocolOp class.
public class TestCompareRequestProtocolOp extends LdapTestCase
/** The protocol op type for compare requests. */
public static final byte OP_TYPE_COMPARE_REQUEST = 0x6E;
/** The protocol op type for compare responses. */
public static final byte OP_TYPE_COMPARE_RESPONSE = 0x6F;
/** The DN for compare requests in this test case. */
private static final ByteString dn =
/** The assertion value for this compare request. */
private ByteString assertionValue = ByteString.valueOfUtf8("=test");
/** The attribute type for this compare request. */
private String attributeType = "testAttribute";
* Test to make sure the class processes the right LDAP op type.
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testOpType() throws Exception
CompareRequestProtocolOp compareRequest = new CompareRequestProtocolOp(dn,
attributeType, assertionValue);
assertEquals(compareRequest.getType(), OP_TYPE_COMPARE_REQUEST);
* Test to make sure the class returns the correct protocol name.
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testProtocolOpName() throws Exception
CompareRequestProtocolOp compareRequest = new CompareRequestProtocolOp(dn,
attributeType, assertionValue);
assertEquals(compareRequest.getProtocolOpName(), "Compare Request");
* Test the constructors to make sure the right objects are constructed.
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testConstructors() throws Exception
CompareRequestProtocolOp compareRequest;
//Test to make sure the constructor with dn param works.
compareRequest = new CompareRequestProtocolOp(dn, attributeType,
assertEquals(compareRequest.getDN(), dn);
assertEquals(compareRequest.getAssertionValue(), assertionValue);
assertEquals(compareRequest.getAttributeType(), attributeType);
* Test the decode method when an null element is passed
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(expectedExceptions = LDAPException.class)
public void testDecodeNullElement() throws Exception
* Test the decode method when an empty element is passed
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(expectedExceptions = LDAPException.class)
public void testDecodeEmptyElement() throws Exception
ByteStringBuilder builder = new ByteStringBuilder();
ASN1Writer writer = ASN1.getWriter(builder);
ASN1Reader reader = ASN1.getReader(builder.toByteString());
* Test the decode method when invalid elements is passed.
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(expectedExceptions = LDAPException.class)
public void testDecodeInvalidElement() throws Exception
ByteStringBuilder builder = new ByteStringBuilder();
ASN1Writer writer = ASN1.getWriter(builder);
ASN1Reader reader = ASN1.getReader(builder.toByteString());
* Test the decode method when an element w/ wrong op type is passed.
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(expectedExceptions = LDAPException.class)
public void testDecodeWrongElementType() throws Exception
ByteStringBuilder builder = new ByteStringBuilder();
ASN1Writer writer = ASN1.getWriter(builder);
ASN1Reader reader = ASN1.getReader(builder.toByteString());
* Test the encode and decode methods with null params
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(expectedExceptions = Exception.class)
public void testNullEncodeDecode() throws Exception
ByteStringBuilder builder = new ByteStringBuilder();
ASN1Writer writer = ASN1.getWriter(builder);
CompareRequestProtocolOp compareEncoded;
CompareRequestProtocolOp compareDecoded;
compareEncoded = new CompareRequestProtocolOp(null, null, null);
ASN1Reader reader = ASN1.getReader(builder.toByteString());
compareDecoded = (CompareRequestProtocolOp)LDAPReader.readProtocolOp(reader);
* Test the encode and decode methods and corner cases.
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testEncodeDecode() throws Exception
ByteStringBuilder builder = new ByteStringBuilder();
ASN1Writer writer = ASN1.getWriter(builder);
CompareRequestProtocolOp compareEncoded;
CompareRequestProtocolOp compareDecoded;
ArrayList<LDAPAttribute> attributes;
//Test case for a full encode decode operation with normal params.
compareEncoded = new CompareRequestProtocolOp(dn, attributeType,
ASN1Reader reader = ASN1.getReader(builder.toByteString());
compareDecoded = (CompareRequestProtocolOp)LDAPReader.readProtocolOp(reader);
assertEquals(compareEncoded.getType(), OP_TYPE_COMPARE_REQUEST);
assertEquals(compareEncoded.getDN(), compareDecoded.getDN());
* Test the toString (single line) method.
* @throws Exception If the test fails unexpectedly.
public void TestToStringSingleLine() throws Exception
CompareRequestProtocolOp compareRequest = new CompareRequestProtocolOp(
dn, attributeType, assertionValue);
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
String key = "CompareRequest(dn=" + dn
+ ", attribute=" + attributeType
+ ", value=" + assertionValue + ")";
assertEquals(buffer.toString(), key);
* Test the toString (multi line) method.
* @throws Exception If the test fails unexpectedly.
public void TestToStringMultiLine() throws Exception
int indent = 5;
CompareRequestProtocolOp compareRequest = new CompareRequestProtocolOp(dn, attributeType, assertionValue);
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
compareRequest.toString(buffer, indent);
StringBuilder indentBuf = new StringBuilder(indent);
for (int i = 0 ; i < indent; i++)
indentBuf.append(' ');
StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder();
key.append(indentBuf).append("Compare Request").append(EOL);
key.append(indentBuf).append(" Target DN: ").append(dn).append(EOL);
key.append(indentBuf).append(" Attribute Type: ").append(attributeType).append(EOL);
key.append(indentBuf).append(" Assertion Value:").append(EOL);
assertEquals(buffer.toString(), key.toString());