* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Portions Copyright 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.protocols.jmx;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.security.KeyStore;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.management.Attribute;
import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils;
import org.opends.server.admin.server.AdminTestCaseUtils;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.meta.JMXConnectionHandlerCfgDefn;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.JMXConnectionHandlerCfg;
import org.opends.server.config.JMXMBean;
import org.opends.server.core.AddOperationBasis;
import org.opends.server.core.DeleteOperation;
import org.opends.server.core.DeleteOperationBasis;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.protocols.internal.InternalClientConnection;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigChangeResult;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.Entry;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* A simple test for : - JMX connection establishment without using SSL -
* JMX get and set - configuration change
public class JmxConnectTest extends JmxTestCase {
* Set up the environment for performing the tests in this suite.
* @throws Exception
* If the environment could not be set up.
public void setUp() throws Exception
"dn: cn=Privileged User,o=test",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"cn: Privileged User",
"givenName: Privileged",
"sn: User",
"uid: privileged.user",
"userPassword: password",
"ds-privilege-name: config-read",
"ds-privilege-name: config-write",
"ds-privilege-name: password-reset",
"ds-privilege-name: update-schema",
"ds-privilege-name: ldif-import",
"ds-privilege-name: ldif-export",
"ds-privilege-name: backend-backup",
"ds-privilege-name: backend-restore",
"ds-privilege-name: proxied-auth",
"ds-privilege-name: bypass-acl",
"ds-privilege-name: unindexed-search",
"ds-privilege-name: jmx-read",
"ds-privilege-name: jmx-write",
"ds-pwp-password-policy-dn: cn=Clear UserPassword Policy," +
"cn=Password Policies,cn=config",
"dn: cn=Unprivileged JMX User,o=test",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"cn: Privileged User",
"givenName: Privileged",
"sn: User",
"uid: privileged.user",
"userPassword: password",
"ds-privilege-name: config-read",
"ds-privilege-name: config-write",
"ds-privilege-name: password-reset",
"ds-privilege-name: update-schema",
"ds-privilege-name: ldif-import",
"ds-privilege-name: ldif-export",
"ds-privilege-name: backend-backup",
"ds-privilege-name: backend-restore",
"ds-privilege-name: proxied-auth",
"ds-privilege-name: bypass-acl",
"ds-privilege-name: unindexed-search",
"ds-pwp-password-policy-dn: cn=Clear UserPassword Policy," +
"cn=Password Policies,cn=config");
* Clean up the environment after performing the tests in this suite.
* @throws Exception
* If the environment could not be set up.
public void afterClass() throws Exception
InternalClientConnection conn = InternalClientConnection
DeleteOperation deleteOperation = conn.processDelete(DN
.valueOf("cn=Privileged User,o=test"));
assertEquals(deleteOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
deleteOperation = conn.processDelete(DN
.valueOf("cn=Unprivileged JMX User,o=test"));
assertEquals(deleteOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Build data for the simpleConnect test.
* @return the data.
@DataProvider(name = "simpleConnect")
Object[][] createCredentials() {
return new Object[][] {
{ "cn=directory manager", "password", false }, // no JMX_READ privilege
{ "cn=Privileged User,o=test", "password", true },
{ "cn=Privileged User,o=test", "wrongPassword", false },
{ "cn=wrong user", "password", false },
{ "invalid DN", "password", false },
{ "cn=Privileged User,o=test", null, false },
{ null, "password", false }, { null, null, false }, };
* Check that simple (no SSL) connections to the JMX service are
* accepted when the given credentials are OK and refused when the
* credentials are invalid.
@Test(enabled = false, dataProvider = "simpleConnect")
public void simpleConnect(String user, String password,
boolean expectedResult) throws Exception {
OpendsJmxConnector connector = connect(user, password,
assertEquals(connector != null, expectedResult);
if (connector != null) {
* Build some data for the simpleGet test.
@DataProvider(name = "simpleGet")
Object[][] createNames() {
return new Object[][] {
"cn=JMX Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config",
"ds-cfg-listen-port", TestCaseUtils.getServerJmxPort() },
"cn=JMX Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config",
"objectclass", null },
"cn=JMX Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config",
"ds-cfg-ssl-cert-nickname", "server-cert" },
// not working at the moment see issue 655
// {"cn=JE
// Database,ds-cfg-backend-id=userRoot,cn=Backends,cn=config",
// "ds-cfg-db-cache-percent", 10},
* Test simple JMX get.
@Test(enabled = false, dataProvider = "simpleGet")
public void simpleGet(String dn, String attributeName, Object value)
throws Exception {
OpendsJmxConnector connector = connect("cn=Privileged User,o=test",
"password", TestCaseUtils.getServerJmxPort());
MBeanServerConnection jmxc = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
Object val = jmxGet(dn, attributeName, jmxc);
if (value != null) {
assertEquals(val, value);
} else {
* Test setting some config attribute through jmx.
// NOTE: This test is disabled because JMX interaction is not allowed with
// the admin framework, and the cn=config entry is now governed by it.
@Test(enabled = false)
public void simpleSet() throws Exception {
OpendsJmxConnector connector = connect("cn=Privileged User,o=test",
"password", TestCaseUtils.getServerJmxPort());
MBeanServerConnection jmxc = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
jmxc.queryNames(null, null).clear();
final String dn = "cn=config";
final String attribute = "ds-cfg-size-limit";
long val = (Long) jmxGet(dn, attribute, jmxc);
jmxSet(dn, attribute, val + 1, jmxc);
long newVal = (Long) jmxGet(dn, attribute, jmxc);
assertEquals(newVal, val + 1);
jmxSet(dn, attribute, val + 1, jmxc);
* Test that disabling JMX connection handler does its job by -
* opening a JMX connection - changing the JMX connection handler
* state to disable - trying to open a new JMX connection and check
* that it fails.
* @throws Exception
@Test(enabled = false)
public void disable() throws Exception {
// Create a new JMX connector for this test.
// This will allow to use the old one if this test fails.
ServerSocket serverJmxSocket = new ServerSocket();
serverJmxSocket.bind(new InetSocketAddress("", 0));
int serverJmxPort = serverJmxSocket.getLocalPort();
Entry newJmxConnectionJmx = TestCaseUtils
"dn: cn= New JMX Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: ds-cfg-connection-handler",
"objectClass: ds-cfg-jmx-connection-handler",
"ds-cfg-ssl-cert-nickname: server-cert",
"ds-cfg-java-class: org.opends.server.protocols.jmx.JmxConnectionHandler",
"ds-cfg-enabled: true",
"ds-cfg-use-ssl: false", "ds-cfg-listen-port: "
+ serverJmxPort, "cn: JMX Connection Handler");
InternalClientConnection connection =
AddOperationBasis addOp = new AddOperationBasis(connection,
InternalClientConnection.nextMessageID(), null,
newJmxConnectionJmx.getName(), newJmxConnectionJmx
.getObjectClasses(), newJmxConnectionJmx
.getUserAttributes(), newJmxConnectionJmx
OpendsJmxConnector newJmxConnector = connect(
"cn=Privileged User,o=test", "password", serverJmxPort);
// Get the "old" connector
OpendsJmxConnector connector = connect("cn=Privileged User,o=test",
"password", TestCaseUtils.getServerJmxPort());
MBeanServerConnection jmxc = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
// Disable the "new" connector
toggleEnableJmxConnector(connector, newJmxConnectionJmx.getName(), false);
OpendsJmxConnector jmxcDisabled = connect("cn=Privileged User,o=test",
"password", serverJmxPort);
toggleEnableJmxConnector(connector, newJmxConnectionJmx.getName(), true);
jmxcDisabled = connect("cn=Privileged User,o=test", "password", serverJmxPort);
// cleanup client connection
DeleteOperationBasis delOp = new DeleteOperationBasis(connection,
InternalClientConnection.nextMessageID(), null,
* Test changing JMX port through LDAP.
@Test(enabled = false)
public void changePort() throws Exception {
// Connect to the JMX service and get the current port
final String dn = "cn=JMX Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config";
final String attribute = "ds-cfg-listen-port";
OpendsJmxConnector connector = connect("cn=Privileged User,o=test",
"password", TestCaseUtils.getServerJmxPort());
MBeanServerConnection jmxc = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
// use JMX to get the current value of the JMX port number
Long initJmxPort = (Long) jmxGet(dn, attribute, jmxc);
// change the configuration of the connection handler to use a free port
int serverJmxPort = TestCaseUtils.findFreePort();
Entry entry = TestCaseUtils
"dn: cn=JMX Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: ds-cfg-connection-handler",
"objectClass: ds-cfg-jmx-connection-handler",
"ds-cfg-ssl-cert-nickname: server-cert",
"ds-cfg-java-class: org.opends.server.protocols.jmx.JmxConnectionHandler",
"ds-cfg-enabled: true",
"ds-cfg-use-ssl: false", "ds-cfg-listen-port: "
+ serverJmxPort, "cn: JMX Connection Handler");
// connect the the JMX service using the new port
connector = connect("cn=Privileged User,o=test", "password", serverJmxPort);
jmxc = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
long val = (Long) jmxGet(dn, attribute, jmxc);
assertEquals(val, serverJmxPort);
// re-establish the initial configuration of the JMX service
entry = TestCaseUtils
"dn: cn=JMX Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: ds-cfg-connection-handler",
"objectClass: ds-cfg-jmx-connection-handler",
"ds-cfg-ssl-cert-nickname: server-cert",
"ds-cfg-java-class: org.opends.server.protocols.jmx.JmxConnectionHandler",
"ds-cfg-enabled: true",
"ds-cfg-use-ssl: false", "ds-cfg-listen-port: "
+ initJmxPort, "cn: JMX Connection Handler");
// Check that the old port is ok
connector = connect("cn=Privileged User,o=test", "password",
jmxc = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
* Check that simple (no SSL) connections to the JMX service are
* accepted when the given credentials are OK and refused when the
* credentials are invalid.
@Test(enabled = false) // this fails a lot especially due to the in core restarts
public void sslConnect() throws Exception {
// Enable SSL by setting ds-cfg-use-ssl boolean and the
// certificate alias using ds-cfg-ssl-cert-nickname attribute.
int initJmxPort = TestCaseUtils.getServerJmxPort();
Entry entry = TestCaseUtils
"dn: cn=JMX Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: ds-cfg-connection-handler",
"objectClass: ds-cfg-jmx-connection-handler",
"ds-cfg-ssl-cert-nickname: server-cert",
"ds-cfg-java-class: org.opends.server.protocols.jmx.JmxConnectionHandler",
"ds-cfg-enabled: true",
"ds-cfg-use-ssl: true",
"ds-cfg-listen-port: " + initJmxPort,
"ds-cfg-key-manager-provider: cn=JKS,cn=Key Manager Providers,cn=config",
"cn: JMX Connection Handler");
OpendsJmxConnector jmxc = sslConnect("cn=Privileged User,o=test",
"password", initJmxPort);
assertNotNull(jmxc,"OpendsJmxConnector shouldn't be null");
// Before returning the result,
// disable SSL by setting ds-cfg-use-ssl boolean
entry = TestCaseUtils
"dn: cn=JMX Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: ds-cfg-connection-handler",
"objectClass: ds-cfg-jmx-connection-handler",
"ds-cfg-ssl-cert-nickname: server-cert",
"ds-cfg-java-class: org.opends.server.protocols.jmx.JmxConnectionHandler",
"ds-cfg-enabled: true",
"ds-cfg-use-ssl: false", "ds-cfg-listen-port: "
+ initJmxPort, "cn: JMX Connection Handler");
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
jmxc = connect("cn=Privileged User,o=test", "password", initJmxPort);
private void configureJmx(Entry entry) throws Exception {
ArrayList<LocalizableMessage> reasons = new ArrayList<>();
// Get the Jmx connection handler from the core server
JmxConnectionHandler jmxConnectionHandler = getJmxConnectionHandler();
JMXConnectionHandlerCfg config = AdminTestCaseUtils
.getInstance(), entry);
if (!jmxConnectionHandler.isConfigurationChangeAcceptable(config,
reasons)) {
fail("unacceptable JMX configuration" + reasons);
ConfigChangeResult configResult = jmxConnectionHandler
assertEquals(configResult.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Connect to the JMX service.
private OpendsJmxConnector connect(String user, String password, int jmxPort)
throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>();
// Provide the credentials required by the server to successfully
// perform user authentication
String[] credentials;
if (user == null && password == null) {
credentials = null;
credentials = new String[] { user, password };
env.put("jmx.remote.credentials", credentials);
env.put("jmx.remote.x.client.connection.check.period", 0);
// Create an RMI connector client and
// connect it to the RMI connector server
OpendsJmxConnector opendsConnector;
try {
opendsConnector = new OpendsJmxConnector("localhost", jmxPort, env);
return opendsConnector;
} catch (SecurityException e) {
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* Connect to the JMX service using SSL.
private OpendsJmxConnector sslConnect(String user, String password,
long jmxPort) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>();
// Provide the credentials required by the server to successfully
// perform user authentication
String[] credentials;
if (user == null && password == null) {
credentials = null;
credentials = new String[] { user, password };
env.put("jmx.remote.credentials", credentials);
// Provide the Trust manager.
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
FileInputStream keyStoreFile = new FileInputStream(getJmxKeystorePath());
ks.load(keyStoreFile, "password".toCharArray());
TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory
env.put(JmxConnectionHandler.TRUST_MANAGER_ARRAY_KEY, tmf.getTrustManagers());
// Create an RMI connector client and
// connect it to the RMI connector server
OpendsJmxConnector opendsConnector;
try {
opendsConnector = new OpendsJmxConnector("localhost",
(int) jmxPort, env);
return opendsConnector;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private String getJmxKeystorePath() {
return DirectoryServer.getInstanceRoot() + File.separator + "config"
+ File.separator + "server.keystore";
* Set the enabled config attribute for a JMX connector thorugh JMX
* operation.
* @param jmxc
* connector to use for the interaction
* @param testedConnector
* The DN of the connector the test
* @param enabled
* the value of the enabled config attribute
private void toggleEnableJmxConnector(OpendsJmxConnector jmxc,
DN testedConnector, boolean enabled) throws Exception {
MBeanServerConnection mbsc = jmxc.getMBeanServerConnection();
// Get status of the JMX connection handler
String jmxName = JMXMBean.getJmxName(testedConnector);
ObjectName name = ObjectName.getInstance(jmxName);
Attribute status = (Attribute) mbsc.getAttribute(name,
if (status != null)
Attribute attr = new Attribute(
"ds-cfg-enabled", enabled);
mbsc.setAttribute(name, attr);
status = (Attribute) mbsc.getAttribute(name,
status = null;
* Get an attribute value through JMX.
private Object jmxGet(String dn, String attributeName,
MBeanServerConnection mbsc) throws Exception {
String jmxName = JMXMBean.getJmxName(DN.valueOf(dn));
ObjectName name = ObjectName.getInstance(jmxName);
Attribute status = (Attribute) mbsc.getAttribute(name, attributeName);
if (status != null)
return status.getValue();
return null;
catch (AttributeNotFoundException anfe)
return null;
* Set an attribute value through JMX.
private void jmxSet(String dn, String attributeName, Object value,
MBeanServerConnection mbsc) throws Exception {
String jmxName = JMXMBean.getJmxName(DN.valueOf(dn));
ObjectName name = ObjectName.getInstance(jmxName);
Attribute attr = new Attribute(attributeName, value);
mbsc.setAttribute(name, attr);