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package org.opends.server.util;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigException;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryEnvironmentConfig;
import org.opends.server.types.InitializationException;
import static org.opends.messages.UtilityMessages.*;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
* This class provides a number of utility methods for using OpenDS in an
* embedded manner (i.e., running within the same JVM as another application and
* controlled by that application).
public final class EmbeddedUtils
* Indicates whether the Directory Server is currently running.
* @return {@code true} if the server is currently running, or {@code false}
* if not.
public static boolean isRunning()
return DirectoryServer.isRunning();
* Attempts to start the Directory Server.
* @param config The environment configuration to use for the server.
* @throws InitializationException If the Directory Server is already
* running, or if an error occurs during
* server initialization or startup.
public static void startServer(DirectoryEnvironmentConfig config)
throws InitializationException
if (DirectoryServer.isRunning())
throw new InitializationException(
DirectoryServer directoryServer = DirectoryServer.reinitialize(config);
catch (ConfigException e)
throw new InitializationException(e.getMessageObject(), e);
* Attempts to stop the Directory Server.
* @param className The name of the class that initiated the shutdown.
* @param reason A message explaining the reason for the shutdown.
public static void stopServer(String className, LocalizableMessage reason)
DirectoryServer.shutDown(className, reason);
* Attempts to restart the Directory Server. This will perform an in-core
* restart in which the existing server instance will be shut down, a new
* instance will be created, and it will be reinitialized and restarted.
* @param className The name of the class that initiated the restart.
* @param reason A message explaining the reason for the retart.
* @param config The environment configuration to use for the new server
* instance.
public static void restartServer(String className, LocalizableMessage reason,
DirectoryEnvironmentConfig config)
DirectoryServer.restart(className, reason, config);
* Sets up a number of internal server data structures to ensure that they are
* properly initialized for use. This is necessary if server libraries are
* going to be used without the server running (e.g., to facilitate use in an
* LDAP client API, for DN processing, etc.). This will have no effect if the
* server has already been initialized for client use.
public static void initializeForClientUse()