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package org.opends.server.replication.server.changelog.api;
* This interface is the entry point for the changelog database which stores the
* replication data on persistent storage. It allows to control the overall
* database or access more specialized interfaces.
public interface ChangelogDB
* Initializes the replication database by reading its previous state and
* building the relevant ReplicaDBs according to the previous state. This
* method must be called once before using the ChangelogDB.
void initializeDB();
* Sets the purge delay for the replication database. Can be called while the
* database is running.
* <p>
* Purging happens on a best effort basis, i.e. the purge delay is used by the
* replication database to know which data can be purged, but there are no
* guarantees on when the purging will actually happen.
* @param delayInMillis
* the purge delay in milliseconds
void setPurgeDelay(long delayInMillis);
* Sets whether the replication database must compute change numbers for
* replicated changes. Change numbers are computed using a separate new
* thread.
* @param computeChangeNumber
* whether to compute change numbers for replicated changes
* @throws ChangelogException
* If a database problem happened
void setComputeChangeNumber(boolean computeChangeNumber)
throws ChangelogException;
* Shutdown the replication database.
* @throws ChangelogException
* If a database problem happened
void shutdownDB() throws ChangelogException;
* Removes the changelog database directory.
* @throws ChangelogException
* If a database problem happened
void removeDB() throws ChangelogException;
* Returns the {@link ChangeNumberIndexDB} object.
* @return the {@link ChangeNumberIndexDB} object
ChangeNumberIndexDB getChangeNumberIndexDB();
* Returns the {@link ReplicationDomainDB} object.
* @return the {@link ReplicationDomainDB} object
ReplicationDomainDB getReplicationDomainDB();