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* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.opends.server.replication.protocol;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.zip.DataFormatException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.io.ASN1Reader;
import org.forgerock.opendj.io.ASN1Writer;
import org.opends.server.replication.common.CSN;
import org.opends.server.replication.common.ServerState;
* This message is part of the replication protocol.
* RS1 sends a MonitorRequestMessage to RS2 to requests its monitoring
* information.
* When RS2 receives a MonitorRequestMessage from RS1, RS2 responds with a
* MonitorMsg.
public class MonitorMsg extends ReplicationMsg
* The destination server or servers of this message.
private final int destination;
* The serverID of the server that sends this message.
private final int senderID;
* Data structure to manage the state and the approximation of the data of the
* first missing change for each LDAP server connected to a Replication
* Server.
private static class ServerData
private ServerState state;
private long approxFirstMissingDate;
* Data structure to manage the state of this replication server
* and the state information for the servers connected to it.
private static class SubTopoMonitorData
/** This replication server DbState. */
private ServerState replServerDbState;
/** The data related to the LDAP servers connected to this RS. */
private final Map<Integer, ServerData> ldapStates = new HashMap<>();
/** The data related to the RS servers connected to this RS. */
private final Map<Integer, ServerData> rsStates = new HashMap<>();
private final SubTopoMonitorData data = new SubTopoMonitorData();
* Creates a new MonitorMsg.
* @param sender The sender of this message.
* @param destination The destination of this message.
public MonitorMsg(int sender, int destination)
this.senderID = sender;
this.destination = destination;
* Sets the state of the replication server.
* @param state The state.
public void setReplServerDbState(ServerState state)
data.replServerDbState = state;
* Sets the information of an LDAP server.
* @param serverId The serverID.
* @param state The server state.
* @param approxFirstMissingDate The approximation of the date
* of the older missing change. null when none.
* @param isLDAPServer Specifies whether the server is a DS or a RS
public void setServerState(int serverId, ServerState state,
long approxFirstMissingDate, boolean isLDAPServer)
final ServerData sd = new ServerData();
sd.state = state;
sd.approxFirstMissingDate = approxFirstMissingDate;
if (isLDAPServer)
data.ldapStates.put(serverId, sd);
data.rsStates.put(serverId, sd);
* Get the server state for the LDAP server with the provided serverId.
* @param serverId The provided serverId.
* @return The state.
public ServerState getLDAPServerState(int serverId)
return data.ldapStates.get(serverId).state;
* Get the server state for the RS server with the provided serverId.
* @param serverId The provided serverId.
* @return The state.
public ServerState getRSServerState(int serverId)
return data.rsStates.get(serverId).state;
* Get the approximation of the date of the older missing change for the
* LDAP Server with the provided server Id.
* @param serverId The provided serverId.
* @return The approximated state.
public long getLDAPApproxFirstMissingDate(int serverId)
return data.ldapStates.get(serverId).approxFirstMissingDate;
* Get the approximation of the date of the older missing change for the
* RS Server with the provided server Id.
* @param serverId The provided serverId.
* @return The approximated state.
public long getRSApproxFirstMissingDate(int serverId)
return data.rsStates.get(serverId).approxFirstMissingDate;
* Creates a new EntryMessage from its encoded form.
* @param in The byte array containing the encoded form of the message.
* @param version The version of the protocol to use to decode the msg.
* @throws DataFormatException If the byte array does not contain a valid
* encoded form of the ServerStartMessage.
MonitorMsg(byte[] in, short version) throws DataFormatException
final ByteArrayScanner scanner = new ByteArrayScanner(in);
if (scanner.nextByte() != MSG_TYPE_REPL_SERVER_MONITOR)
throw new DataFormatException("input is not a valid "
+ getClass().getCanonicalName());
if (version == ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V1)
this.senderID = scanner.nextIntUTF8();
this.destination = scanner.nextIntUTF8();
else if (version <= ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V3)
this.senderID = scanner.nextShort();
this.destination = scanner.nextShort();
this.senderID = scanner.nextInt();
this.destination = scanner.nextInt();
ASN1Reader asn1Reader = scanner.getASN1Reader();
// loop on the servers
ServerState newState = new ServerState();
int serverId = 0;
long outime = 0;
boolean isLDAPServer = false;
// loop on the list of CSN of the state
CSN csn;
if (version >= ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V7)
csn = CSN.valueOf(asn1Reader.readOctetString());
csn = CSN.valueOf(asn1Reader.readOctetStringAsString());
if (data.replServerDbState != null && serverId == 0)
// we are on the first CSN that is a fake CSN to store the serverId
// and the older update time
serverId = csn.getServerId();
outime = csn.getTime();
isLDAPServer = csn.getSeqnum() > 0;
// we are on a normal CSN
if (data.replServerDbState == null)
// the first state is the replication state
data.replServerDbState = newState;
// the next states are the server states
setServerState(serverId, newState, outime, isLDAPServer);
} catch(Exception e)
{ /* do nothing */
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public byte[] getBytes(short protocolVersion)
final ByteArrayBuilder builder = new ByteArrayBuilder();
append(builder, senderID, protocolVersion);
append(builder, destination, protocolVersion);
/* Put the serverStates ... */
ASN1Writer writer = builder.getASN1Writer();
/* first put the Replication Server state */
data.replServerDbState.writeTo(writer, protocolVersion);
// then the DS + RS server data
writeServerStates(protocolVersion, writer, false /* DS */);
writeServerStates(protocolVersion, writer, true /* RS */);
if (protocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V1)
// legacy coding mistake
return builder.toByteArray();
catch (Exception e)
return null;
private void append(final ByteArrayBuilder builder, int data,
short protocolVersion)
if (protocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V1)
else if (protocolVersion <= ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V3)
else // protocolVersion >= ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V4
private void writeServerStates(short protocolVersion, ASN1Writer writer,
boolean writeRSStates) throws IOException
final Map<Integer, ServerData> servers =
writeRSStates ? data.rsStates : data.ldapStates;
final int seqNum = writeRSStates ? 0 : 1;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, ServerData> server : servers.entrySet())
* A fake CSN helps storing the LDAP server ID. The sequence number will
* be used to differentiate between an LDAP server (1) or an RS (0).
CSN csn = new CSN(
server.getValue().approxFirstMissingDate, seqNum,
if (protocolVersion >= ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V7)
// the CSNs that make the state
server.getValue().state.writeTo(writer, protocolVersion);
* Get the state of the replication server that sent this message.
* @return The state.
public ServerState getReplServerDbState()
return data.replServerDbState;
* Returns an iterator on the serverId of the connected LDAP servers.
* @return The iterator.
public Iterator<Integer> ldapIterator()
return data.ldapStates.keySet().iterator();
* Returns an iterator on the serverId of the connected RS servers.
* @return The iterator.
public Iterator<Integer> rsIterator()
return data.rsStates.keySet().iterator();
* Get the destination.
* @return the destination
public int getDestination()
return destination;
* Get the server ID of the server that sent this message.
* @return the server id
public int getSenderID()
return senderID;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString()
final StringBuilder stateS = new StringBuilder("\nRState:[");
for (Entry<Integer, ServerData> entry : data.ldapStates.entrySet())
ServerData sd = entry.getValue();
.append(sd.state).append("]").append(" afmd=")
for (Entry<Integer, ServerData> entry : data.rsStates.entrySet())
final ServerData sd = entry.getValue();
.append(sd.state).append("]").append(" afmd=")
return getClass().getCanonicalName() +
"[ sender=" + this.senderID +
" destination=" + this.destination +
" data=[" + stateS + "]" +