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* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
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package org.opends.server.plugins.profiler;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.io.ASN1Reader;
import org.forgerock.opendj.io.ASN1Writer;
* This class defines a data structure that may be used to hold information
* about a thread stack trace.
public class ProfileStack
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
* The line number that will be used for stack frames in which the line number
* is unknown but it is not a native method.
public static final int LINE_NUMBER_UNKNOWN = -1;
* The line number that will be used for stack frames in which the line number
* is unknown because it is a native method.
public static final int LINE_NUMBER_NATIVE = -2;
/** The number of frames in this stack. */
private int numFrames;
/** The source file line numbers for each of the frames in this stack. */
private int[] lineNumbers;
/** The class names for each of the frames in this stack. */
private String[] classNames;
/** The method names for each of the frames in this stack. */
private String[] methodNames;
* Creates a new profile stack with the provided information.
* @param stackElements The stack trace elements to use to create this
* profile stack.
public ProfileStack(StackTraceElement[] stackElements)
numFrames = stackElements.length;
classNames = new String[numFrames];
methodNames = new String[numFrames];
lineNumbers = new int[numFrames];
for (int i=0, j=numFrames-1; i < numFrames; i++,j--)
classNames[i] = stackElements[j].getClassName();
methodNames[i] = stackElements[j].getMethodName();
lineNumbers[i] = stackElements[j].getLineNumber();
if (lineNumbers[i] <= 0)
if (stackElements[j].isNativeMethod())
lineNumbers[i] = LINE_NUMBER_NATIVE;
lineNumbers[i] = LINE_NUMBER_UNKNOWN;
* Creates a new profile stack with the provided information.
* @param classNames The class names for the frames in this stack.
* @param methodNames The method names for the frames in this stack.
* @param lineNumbers The line numbers for the frames in this stack.
private ProfileStack(String[] classNames, String[] methodNames,
int[] lineNumbers)
this.numFrames = classNames.length;
this.classNames = classNames;
this.methodNames = methodNames;
this.lineNumbers = lineNumbers;
* Retrieves the number of frames in this stack.
* @return The number of frames in this stack.
public int getNumFrames()
return numFrames;
* Retrieves the class names in this stack.
* @return The class names in this stack.
public String[] getClassNames()
return classNames;
* Retrieves the class name from the specified frame in the stack.
* @param depth The depth of the frame to retrieve, with the first frame
* being frame zero.
* @return The class name from the specified frame in the stack.
public String getClassName(int depth)
return classNames[depth];
* Retrieves the method names in this stack.
* @return The method names in this stack.
public String[] getMethodNames()
return methodNames;
* Retrieves the method name from the specified frame in the stack.
* @param depth The depth of the frame to retrieve, with the first frame
* being frame zero.
* @return The method name from the specified frame in the stack.
public String getMethodName(int depth)
return methodNames[depth];
* Retrieves the line numbers in this stack.
* @return The line numbers in this stack.
public int[] getLineNumbers()
return lineNumbers;
* Retrieves the line number from the specified frame in the stack.
* @param depth The depth of the frame for which to retrieve the line
* number.
* @return The line number from the specified frame in the stack.
public int getLineNumber(int depth)
return lineNumbers[depth];
* Retrieves the hash code for this profile stack. It will be the sum of the
* hash codes for the class and method name and line number for the first
* frame.
* @return The hash code for this profile stack.
public int hashCode()
if (numFrames != 0)
return classNames[0].hashCode() + methodNames[0].hashCode() + lineNumbers[0];
return 0;
* Indicates whether to the provided object is equal to this profile stack.
* @param o The object for which to make the determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the provided object is a profile stack object
* with the same set of class names, method names, and line numbers
* as this profile stack, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (o == null)
return false;
else if (this == o)
return true;
ProfileStack s = (ProfileStack) o;
if (numFrames != s.numFrames)
return false;
for (int i=0; i < numFrames; i++)
if (lineNumbers[i] != s.lineNumbers[i] ||
!classNames[i].equals(s.classNames[i]) ||
return false;
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
* Encodes and writes this profile stack to the capture file.
* @param writer The writer to use.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing.
public void write(ASN1Writer writer) throws IOException
for (int i=0; i < numFrames; i++)
* Decodes the contents of the provided element as a profile stack.
* @param reader The ASN.1 reader to read the encoded profile stack
* information from.
* @return The decoded profile stack.
* @throws IOException If the element could not be decoded for some reason.
public static ProfileStack decode(ASN1Reader reader) throws IOException
int numFrames = (int)reader.readInteger();
String[] classNames = new String[numFrames];
String[] methodNames = new String[numFrames];
int[] lineNumbers = new int[numFrames];
int i = 0;
classNames[i] = reader.readOctetStringAsString();
methodNames[i] = reader.readOctetStringAsString();
lineNumbers[i] = (int)reader.readInteger();
return new ProfileStack(classNames, methodNames, lineNumbers);