* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information:
* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DereferenceAliasesPolicy;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.SearchScope;
import org.opends.server.api.AccessControlHandler;
import org.opends.server.api.AuthenticationPolicyState;
import org.opends.server.api.ClientConnection;
import org.opends.server.api.plugin.PluginResult;
import org.opends.server.controls.AccountUsableResponseControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.MatchedValuesControl;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPFilter;
import org.opends.server.types.AbstractOperation;
import org.opends.server.types.Attribute;
import org.opends.server.types.AttributeBuilder;
import org.opends.server.types.AttributeType;
import org.opends.server.types.CancelRequest;
import org.opends.server.types.CancelResult;
import org.opends.server.types.CanceledOperationException;
import org.opends.server.types.Control;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryException;
import org.opends.server.types.Entry;
import org.opends.server.types.OperationType;
import org.opends.server.types.RawFilter;
import org.opends.server.types.SearchFilter;
import org.opends.server.types.SearchResultEntry;
import org.opends.server.types.SearchResultReference;
import org.opends.server.types.operation.PostResponseSearchOperation;
import org.opends.server.types.operation.PreParseSearchOperation;
import org.opends.server.types.operation.SearchEntrySearchOperation;
import org.opends.server.types.operation.SearchReferenceSearchOperation;
import org.opends.server.util.TimeThread;
import static org.opends.messages.CoreMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer.*;
import static org.opends.server.loggers.AccessLogger.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
import static org.opends.server.workflowelement.localbackend.LocalBackendWorkflowElement.*;
* This class defines an operation that may be used to locate entries in the
* Directory Server based on a given set of criteria.
public class SearchOperationBasis
extends AbstractOperation
implements PreParseSearchOperation,
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
* Indicates whether a search result done response has been sent to the
* client.
private final AtomicBoolean responseSent = new AtomicBoolean(false);
/** Indicates whether the client is able to handle referrals. */
private boolean clientAcceptsReferrals = true;
* Indicates whether to include the account usable control with search result
* entries.
private boolean includeUsableControl;
/** Indicates whether to only real attributes should be returned. */
private boolean realAttributesOnly;
/** Indicates whether only LDAP subentries should be returned. */
private boolean returnSubentriesOnly;
* Indicates whether the filter references subentry or ldapSubentry object
* class.
private boolean filterIncludesSubentries;
private boolean filterNeedsCheckingForSubentries = true;
* Indicates whether to include attribute types only or both types and values.
private boolean typesOnly;
/** Indicates whether to only virtual attributes should be returned. */
private boolean virtualAttributesOnly;
* The raw, unprocessed base DN as included in the request from the client.
private ByteString rawBaseDN;
/** The dereferencing policy for the search operation. */
private DereferenceAliasesPolicy derefPolicy;
/** The base DN for the search operation. */
private DN baseDN;
/** The proxied authorization target DN for this operation. */
private DN proxiedAuthorizationDN;
/** The number of entries that have been sent to the client. */
private int entriesSent;
* The number of search result references that have been sent to the client.
private int referencesSent;
/** The size limit for the search operation. */
private int sizeLimit;
/** The time limit for the search operation. */
private int timeLimit;
/** The raw, unprocessed filter as included in the request from the client. */
private RawFilter rawFilter;
/** The set of attributes that should be returned in matching entries. */
private Set<String> attributes;
/** The set of response controls for this search operation. */
private final List<Control> responseControls = new ArrayList<>();
/** The time that the search time limit has expired. */
private long timeLimitExpiration;
/** The matched values control associated with this search operation. */
private MatchedValuesControl matchedValuesControl;
/** The search filter for the search operation. */
private SearchFilter filter;
/** The search scope for the search operation. */
private SearchScope scope;
/** Indicates whether to send the search result done to the client or not. */
private boolean sendResponse = true;
* Creates a new search operation with the provided information.
* @param clientConnection The client connection with which this operation
* is associated.
* @param operationID The operation ID for this operation.
* @param messageID The message ID of the request with which this
* operation is associated.
* @param requestControls The set of controls included in the request.
* @param rawBaseDN The raw, unprocessed base DN as included in the
* request from the client.
* @param scope The scope for this search operation.
* @param derefPolicy The alias dereferencing policy for this search
* operation.
* @param sizeLimit The size limit for this search operation.
* @param timeLimit The time limit for this search operation.
* @param typesOnly The typesOnly flag for this search operation.
* @param rawFilter the raw, unprocessed filter as included in the
* request from the client.
* @param attributes The requested attributes for this search
* operation.
public SearchOperationBasis(ClientConnection clientConnection,
long operationID,
int messageID, List<Control> requestControls,
ByteString rawBaseDN, SearchScope scope,
DereferenceAliasesPolicy derefPolicy, int sizeLimit,
int timeLimit, boolean typesOnly, RawFilter rawFilter,
Set<String> attributes)
super(clientConnection, operationID, messageID, requestControls);
this.rawBaseDN = rawBaseDN;
this.scope = scope;
this.derefPolicy = derefPolicy;
this.sizeLimit = sizeLimit;
this.timeLimit = timeLimit;
this.typesOnly = typesOnly;
this.rawFilter = rawFilter;
this.attributes = attributes != null ? attributes : new LinkedHashSet<String>(0);
this.sizeLimit = getSizeLimit(sizeLimit, clientConnection);
this.timeLimit = getTimeLimit(timeLimit, clientConnection);
* Creates a new search operation with the provided information.
* @param clientConnection The client connection with which this operation
* is associated.
* @param operationID The operation ID for this operation.
* @param messageID The message ID of the request with which this
* operation is associated.
* @param requestControls The set of controls included in the request.
* @param baseDN The base DN for this search operation.
* @param scope The scope for this search operation.
* @param derefPolicy The alias dereferencing policy for this search
* operation.
* @param sizeLimit The size limit for this search operation.
* @param timeLimit The time limit for this search operation.
* @param typesOnly The typesOnly flag for this search operation.
* @param filter The filter for this search operation.
* @param attributes The attributes for this search operation.
public SearchOperationBasis(ClientConnection clientConnection,
long operationID,
int messageID, List<Control> requestControls,
DN baseDN, SearchScope scope,
DereferenceAliasesPolicy derefPolicy, int sizeLimit,
int timeLimit, boolean typesOnly, SearchFilter filter,
Set<String> attributes)
super(clientConnection, operationID, messageID, requestControls);
this.baseDN = baseDN;
this.scope = scope;
this.derefPolicy = derefPolicy;
this.sizeLimit = sizeLimit;
this.timeLimit = timeLimit;
this.typesOnly = typesOnly;
this.filter = filter;
this.attributes = attributes != null ? attributes : new LinkedHashSet<String>(0);
rawBaseDN = ByteString.valueOfUtf8(baseDN.toString());
rawFilter = new LDAPFilter(filter);
this.sizeLimit = getSizeLimit(sizeLimit, clientConnection);
this.timeLimit = getTimeLimit(timeLimit, clientConnection);
private int getSizeLimit(int sizeLimit, ClientConnection clientConnection)
if (clientConnection.getSizeLimit() <= 0)
return sizeLimit;
else if (sizeLimit <= 0)
return clientConnection.getSizeLimit();
return Math.min(sizeLimit, clientConnection.getSizeLimit());
private int getTimeLimit(int timeLimit, ClientConnection clientConnection)
if (clientConnection.getTimeLimit() <= 0)
return timeLimit;
else if (timeLimit <= 0)
return clientConnection.getTimeLimit();
return Math.min(timeLimit, clientConnection.getTimeLimit());
public final ByteString getRawBaseDN()
return rawBaseDN;
public final void setRawBaseDN(ByteString rawBaseDN)
this.rawBaseDN = rawBaseDN;
baseDN = null;
public final DN getBaseDN()
if (baseDN == null)
baseDN = DN.decode(rawBaseDN);
catch (DirectoryException de)
return baseDN;
public final void setBaseDN(DN baseDN)
this.baseDN = baseDN;
public final SearchScope getScope()
return scope;
public final void setScope(SearchScope scope)
this.scope = scope;
public final DereferenceAliasesPolicy getDerefPolicy()
return derefPolicy;
public final void setDerefPolicy(DereferenceAliasesPolicy derefPolicy)
this.derefPolicy = derefPolicy;
public final int getSizeLimit()
return sizeLimit;
public final void setSizeLimit(int sizeLimit)
this.sizeLimit = sizeLimit;
public final int getTimeLimit()
return timeLimit;
public final void setTimeLimit(int timeLimit)
this.timeLimit = timeLimit;
public final boolean getTypesOnly()
return typesOnly;
public final void setTypesOnly(boolean typesOnly)
this.typesOnly = typesOnly;
public final RawFilter getRawFilter()
return rawFilter;
public final void setRawFilter(RawFilter rawFilter)
this.rawFilter = rawFilter;
filter = null;
public final SearchFilter getFilter()
if (filter == null)
filter = rawFilter.toSearchFilter();
catch (DirectoryException de)
return filter;
public final Set<String> getAttributes()
return attributes;
public final void setAttributes(Set<String> attributes)
if (attributes == null)
this.attributes = attributes;
public final int getEntriesSent()
return entriesSent;
public final int getReferencesSent()
return referencesSent;
public final boolean returnEntry(Entry entry, List<Control> controls)
return returnEntry(entry, controls, true);
public final boolean returnEntry(Entry entry, List<Control> controls,
boolean evaluateAci)
boolean typesOnly = getTypesOnly();
// See if the size limit has been exceeded. If so, then don't send the
// entry and indicate that the search should end.
if (getSizeLimit() > 0 && getEntriesSent() >= getSizeLimit())
return false;
// See if the time limit has expired. If so, then don't send the entry and
// indicate that the search should end.
if (getTimeLimit() > 0
&& TimeThread.getTime() >= getTimeLimitExpiration())
return false;
// Determine whether the provided entry is a subentry and if so whether it
// should be returned.
if (entry.isSubentry() || entry.isLDAPSubentry())
if (filterNeedsCheckingForSubentries)
filterIncludesSubentries = checkFilterForLDAPSubEntry(filter, 0);
filterNeedsCheckingForSubentries = false;
if (getScope() != SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT
&& !filterIncludesSubentries
&& !isReturnSubentriesOnly())
return true;
else if (isReturnSubentriesOnly())
// Subentries are visible and normal entries are not.
return true;
// Determine whether to include the account usable control. If so, then
// create it now.
if (isIncludeUsableControl())
if (controls == null)
controls = new ArrayList<>(1);
// FIXME -- Need a way to enable PWP debugging.
AuthenticationPolicyState state = AuthenticationPolicyState.forUser(
entry, false);
if (state.isPasswordPolicy())
PasswordPolicyState pwpState = (PasswordPolicyState) state;
boolean isInactive = pwpState.isDisabled()
|| pwpState.isAccountExpired();
boolean isLocked = pwpState.isLocked();
boolean isReset = pwpState.mustChangePassword();
boolean isExpired = pwpState.isPasswordExpired();
if (isInactive || isLocked || isReset || isExpired)
int secondsBeforeUnlock = pwpState.getSecondsUntilUnlock();
int remainingGraceLogins = pwpState.getGraceLoginsRemaining();
.add(new AccountUsableResponseControl(isInactive, isReset,
isExpired, remainingGraceLogins, isLocked,
int secondsBeforeExpiration = pwpState.getSecondsUntilExpiration();
controls.add(new AccountUsableResponseControl(
// Another type of authentication policy (e.g. PTA).
else if (state.isDisabled())
controls.add(new AccountUsableResponseControl(false, false, false,
-1, true, -1));
controls.add(new AccountUsableResponseControl(-1));
catch (Exception e)
// Check to see if the entry can be read by the client.
SearchResultEntry unfilteredSearchEntry = new SearchResultEntry(entry, controls);
if (evaluateAci && !getACIHandler().maySend(this, unfilteredSearchEntry))
return true;
// Make a copy of the entry and pare it down to only include the set
// of requested attributes.
// NOTE: that this copy will include the objectClass attribute.
Entry filteredEntry =
entry.filterEntry(getAttributes(), typesOnly,
isVirtualAttributesOnly(), isRealAttributesOnly());
// If there is a matched values control, then further pare down the entry
// based on the filters that it contains.
MatchedValuesControl matchedValuesControl = getMatchedValuesControl();
if (matchedValuesControl != null && !typesOnly)
// First, look at the set of objectclasses.
// NOTE: the objectClass attribute is also present and must be
// dealt with later.
AttributeType attrType = DirectoryServer.getObjectClassAttributeType();
Iterator<String> ocIterator =
while (ocIterator.hasNext())
ByteString ocName = ByteString.valueOfUtf8(ocIterator.next());
if (! matchedValuesControl.valueMatches(attrType, ocName))
// Next, the set of user attributes (incl. objectClass attribute).
for (Map.Entry<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> e : filteredEntry
AttributeType t = e.getKey();
List<Attribute> oldAttributes = e.getValue();
List<Attribute> newAttributes = new ArrayList<>(oldAttributes.size());
for (Attribute a : oldAttributes)
// Assume that the attribute will be either empty or contain
// very few values.
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(a, true);
for (ByteString v : a)
if (matchedValuesControl.valueMatches(t, v))
// Then the set of operational attributes.
for (Map.Entry<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> e : filteredEntry
AttributeType t = e.getKey();
List<Attribute> oldAttributes = e.getValue();
List<Attribute> newAttributes = new ArrayList<>(oldAttributes.size());
for (Attribute a : oldAttributes)
// Assume that the attribute will be either empty or contain
// very few values.
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(a, true);
for (ByteString v : a)
if (matchedValuesControl.valueMatches(t, v))
// Convert the provided entry to a search result entry.
SearchResultEntry filteredSearchEntry = new SearchResultEntry(
filteredEntry, controls);
// Strip out any attributes that the client does not have access to.
// FIXME: need some way to prevent plugins from adding attributes or
// values that the client is not permitted to see.
if (evaluateAci)
getACIHandler().filterEntry(this, unfilteredSearchEntry, filteredSearchEntry);
// Invoke any search entry plugins that may be registered with the server.
PluginResult.IntermediateResponse pluginResult =
invokeSearchResultEntryPlugins(this, filteredSearchEntry);
// Send the entry to the client.
if (pluginResult.sendResponse())
// Log the entry sent to the client.
logSearchResultEntry(this, filteredSearchEntry);
catch (DirectoryException de)
return false;
return pluginResult.continueProcessing();
private AccessControlHandler<?> getACIHandler()
return AccessControlConfigManager.getInstance().getAccessControlHandler();
public final boolean returnReference(DN dn, SearchResultReference reference)
return returnReference(dn, reference, true);
public final boolean returnReference(DN dn, SearchResultReference reference,
boolean evaluateAci)
// See if the time limit has expired. If so, then don't send the entry and
// indicate that the search should end.
if (getTimeLimit() > 0
&& TimeThread.getTime() >= getTimeLimitExpiration())
return false;
// See if we know that this client can't handle referrals. If so, then
// don't even try to send it.
if (!isClientAcceptsReferrals()
// See if the client has permission to read this reference.
|| (evaluateAci && !getACIHandler().maySend(dn, this, reference)))
return true;
// Invoke any search reference plugins that may be registered with the
// server.
PluginResult.IntermediateResponse pluginResult =
invokeSearchResultReferencePlugins(this, reference);
// Send the reference to the client. Note that this could throw an
// exception, which would indicate that the associated client can't handle
// referrals. If that't the case, then set a flag so we'll know not to try
// to send any more.
if (pluginResult.sendResponse())
// Log the entry sent to the client.
logSearchResultReference(this, reference);
if (sendSearchReference(reference))
// FIXME -- Should the size limit apply here?
// We know that the client can't handle referrals, so we won't try to
// send it any more.
catch (DirectoryException de)
return false;
return pluginResult.continueProcessing();
public final void sendSearchResultDone()
// Send the search result done message to the client. We want to make sure
// that this only gets sent once, and it's possible that this could be
// multithreaded in the event of a persistent search, so do it safely.
if (responseSent.compareAndSet(false, true))
public final OperationType getOperationType()
// Note that no debugging will be done in this method because it is a likely
// candidate for being called by the logging subsystem.
return OperationType.SEARCH;
public DN getProxiedAuthorizationDN()
return proxiedAuthorizationDN;
public final List<Control> getResponseControls()
return responseControls;
public final void addResponseControl(Control control)
public final void removeResponseControl(Control control)
public void abort(CancelRequest cancelRequest)
if(cancelResult == null && this.cancelRequest == null)
this.cancelRequest = cancelRequest;
public final void toString(StringBuilder buffer)
buffer.append(", opID=");
buffer.append(", baseDN=");
buffer.append(", scope=");
buffer.append(", filter=");
public void setTimeLimitExpiration(long timeLimitExpiration)
this.timeLimitExpiration = timeLimitExpiration;
public boolean isReturnSubentriesOnly()
return returnSubentriesOnly;
public void setReturnSubentriesOnly(boolean returnLDAPSubentries)
this.returnSubentriesOnly = returnLDAPSubentries;
public MatchedValuesControl getMatchedValuesControl()
return matchedValuesControl;
public void setMatchedValuesControl(MatchedValuesControl controls)
this.matchedValuesControl = controls;
public boolean isIncludeUsableControl()
return includeUsableControl;
public void setIncludeUsableControl(boolean includeUsableControl)
this.includeUsableControl = includeUsableControl;
public long getTimeLimitExpiration()
return timeLimitExpiration;
public boolean isClientAcceptsReferrals()
return clientAcceptsReferrals;
public void setClientAcceptsReferrals(boolean clientAcceptReferrals)
this.clientAcceptsReferrals = clientAcceptReferrals;
public boolean isSendResponse()
return sendResponse;
public void setSendResponse(boolean sendResponse)
this.sendResponse = sendResponse;
public boolean isRealAttributesOnly()
return this.realAttributesOnly;
public boolean isVirtualAttributesOnly()
return this.virtualAttributesOnly;
public void setRealAttributesOnly(boolean realAttributesOnly)
this.realAttributesOnly = realAttributesOnly;
public void setVirtualAttributesOnly(boolean virtualAttributesOnly)
this.virtualAttributesOnly = virtualAttributesOnly;
public void sendSearchEntry(SearchResultEntry searchEntry)
throws DirectoryException
getClientConnection().sendSearchEntry(this, searchEntry);
public boolean sendSearchReference(SearchResultReference searchReference)
throws DirectoryException
return getClientConnection().sendSearchReference(this, searchReference);
public void setProxiedAuthorizationDN(DN proxiedAuthorizationDN)
this.proxiedAuthorizationDN = proxiedAuthorizationDN;
public final void run()
// Start the processing timer.
int timeLimit = getTimeLimit();
long timeLimitExpiration;
if (timeLimit <= 0)
timeLimitExpiration = Long.MAX_VALUE;
// FIXME -- Factor in the user's effective time limit.
timeLimitExpiration = getProcessingStartTime() + (1000L * timeLimit);
// Check for and handle a request to cancel this operation.
if (!processOperationResult(getPluginConfigManager().invokePreParseSearchPlugins(this)))
// Check for and handle a request to cancel this operation.
// Process the search base and filter to convert them from their raw forms
// as provided by the client to the forms required for the rest of the
// search processing.
DN baseDN = getBaseDN();
if (baseDN == null){
execute(this, baseDN);
catch(CanceledOperationException coe)
cancelResult = new CancelResult(ResultCode.CANCELLED, null);
// Stop the processing timer.
if(cancelRequest == null || cancelResult == null ||
cancelResult.getResultCode() != ResultCode.CANCELLED)
// If everything is successful to this point and it is not a persistent
// search, then send the search result done message to the client.
// Otherwise, we'll want to make the size and time limit values
// unlimited to ensure that the remainder of the persistent search
// isn't subject to those restrictions.
if (isSendResponse())
else if(cancelRequest.notifyOriginalRequestor() ||
// If no cancel result, set it
if(cancelResult == null)
cancelResult = new CancelResult(ResultCode.TOO_LATE, null);
/** Invokes the post response plugins. */
private void invokePostResponsePlugins()
// Invoke the post response plugins that have been registered with
// the current operation
public void updateOperationErrMsgAndResCode()
* Checks if the filter contains an equality element with the objectclass
* attribute type and a value of "ldapSubentry" and if so sets
* returnSubentriesOnly to <code>true</code>.
* @param filter
* The complete filter being checked, of which this filter may be a
* subset.
* @param depth
* The current depth of the evaluation, which is used to prevent
* infinite recursion due to highly nested filters and eventually
* running out of stack space.
* @return {@code true} if the filter references the sub-entry object class.
private boolean checkFilterForLDAPSubEntry(SearchFilter filter, int depth)
// Paranoid check to avoid recursion deep enough to provoke
// the stack overflow. This should never happen because if
// a given filter is too nested SearchFilter exception gets
// raised long before this method is invoked.
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("Exceeded maximum filter depth");
return false;
switch (filter.getFilterType())
if (filter.getAttributeType().isObjectClass())
ByteString v = filter.getAssertionValue();
// FIXME : technically this is not correct since the presence
// of draft oc would trigger rfc oc visibility and visa versa.
String stringValueLC = toLowerCase(v.toString());
if (OC_LDAP_SUBENTRY_LC.equals(stringValueLC) ||
return true;
case AND:
case OR:
for (SearchFilter f : filter.getFilterComponents())
if (checkFilterForLDAPSubEntry(f, depth + 1))
return true;
return false;