* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2007-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.core;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode;
import org.opends.server.api.Backend;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryException;
import static org.forgerock.util.Reject.*;
import static org.opends.messages.CoreMessages.*;
* Registry for maintaining the set of registered base DN's, associated backends
* and naming context information.
public class BaseDnRegistry {
/** The set of base DNs registered with the server. */
private final TreeMap<DN, Backend> baseDNs = new TreeMap<>();
/** The set of private naming contexts registered with the server. */
private final TreeMap<DN, Backend> privateNamingContexts = new TreeMap<>();
/** The set of public naming contexts registered with the server. */
private final TreeMap<DN, Backend> publicNamingContexts = new TreeMap<>();
* Indicates whether or not this base DN registry is in test mode.
* A registry instance that is in test mode will not modify backend
* objects referred to in the above maps.
private boolean testOnly;
* Registers a base DN with this registry.
* @param baseDN to register
* @param backend with which the base DN is associated
* @param isPrivate indicates whether or not this base DN is private
* @return list of error messages generated by registering the base DN
* that should be logged if the changes to this registry are
* committed to the server
* @throws DirectoryException if the base DN cannot be registered
public List<LocalizableMessage> registerBaseDN(DN baseDN, Backend<?> backend, boolean isPrivate)
throws DirectoryException
// Check to see if the base DN is already registered with the server.
Backend<?> existingBackend = baseDNs.get(baseDN);
if (existingBackend != null)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_REGISTER_BASEDN_ALREADY_EXISTS.
get(baseDN, backend.getBackendID(), existingBackend.getBackendID());
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, message);
// Check to see if the backend is already registered with the server for
// any other base DN(s). The new base DN must not have any hierarchical
// relationship with any other base Dns for the same backend.
LinkedList<DN> otherBaseDNs = new LinkedList<>();
for (DN dn : baseDNs.keySet())
Backend<?> b = baseDNs.get(dn);
if (b.equals(backend))
if (baseDN.isAncestorOf(dn) || baseDN.isDescendantOf(dn))
get(baseDN, backend.getBackendID(), dn);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, message);
// Check to see if the new base DN is subordinate to any other base DN
// already defined. If it is, then any other base DN(s) for the same
// backend must also be subordinate to the same base DN.
final Backend<?> superiorBackend = getSuperiorBackend(baseDN, otherBaseDNs, backend.getBackendID());
if (superiorBackend == null && backend.getParentBackend() != null)
get(baseDN, backend.getBackendID(), backend.getParentBackend().getBackendID());
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, message);
// Check to see if the new base DN should be the superior base DN for any
// other base DN(s) already defined.
LinkedList<Backend<?>> subordinateBackends = new LinkedList<>();
LinkedList<DN> subordinateBaseDNs = new LinkedList<>();
for (DN dn : baseDNs.keySet())
Backend<?> b = baseDNs.get(dn);
DN parentDN = dn.parent();
while (parentDN != null)
if (parentDN.equals(baseDN))
else if (baseDNs.containsKey(parentDN))
parentDN = parentDN.parent();
// If we've gotten here, then the new base DN is acceptable. If we should
// actually apply the changes then do so now.
final List<LocalizableMessage> errors = new LinkedList<>();
// Check to see if any of the registered backends already contain an
// entry with the DN specified as the base DN. This could happen if
// we're creating a new subordinate backend in an existing directory
// (e.g., moving the "ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" branch to its own
// backend when that data already exists under the "dc=example,dc=com"
// backend). This condition shouldn't prevent the new base DN from
// being registered, but it's definitely important enough that we let
// the administrator know about it and remind them that the existing
// backend will need to be reinitialized.
if (superiorBackend != null && superiorBackend.entryExists(baseDN))
get(superiorBackend.getBackendID(), baseDN, backend.getBackendID()));
baseDNs.put(baseDN, backend);
if (superiorBackend == null)
if (!testOnly)
if (isPrivate)
privateNamingContexts.put(baseDN, backend);
publicNamingContexts.put(baseDN, backend);
else if (otherBaseDNs.isEmpty() && !testOnly)
if (!testOnly)
for (Backend<?> b : subordinateBackends)
Backend<?> oldParentBackend = b.getParentBackend();
if (oldParentBackend != null)
for (DN dn : subordinateBaseDNs)
return errors;
private Backend<?> getSuperiorBackend(DN baseDN, LinkedList<DN> otherBaseDNs, String backendID)
throws DirectoryException
Backend<?> superiorBackend = null;
DN parentDN = baseDN.parent();
while (parentDN != null)
if (baseDNs.containsKey(parentDN))
superiorBackend = baseDNs.get(parentDN);
for (DN dn : otherBaseDNs)
if (!dn.isDescendantOf(parentDN))
LocalizableMessage msg = ERR_REGISTER_BASEDN_DIFFERENT_PARENT_BASES.get(baseDN, backendID, dn);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg);
parentDN = parentDN.parent();
return superiorBackend;
* Deregisters a base DN with this registry.
* @param baseDN to deregister
* @return list of error messages generated by deregistering the base DN
* that should be logged if the changes to this registry are
* committed to the server
* @throws DirectoryException if the base DN could not be deregistered
public List<LocalizableMessage> deregisterBaseDN(DN baseDN)
throws DirectoryException
// Make sure that the Directory Server actually contains a backend with
// the specified base DN.
Backend<?> backend = baseDNs.get(baseDN);
if (backend == null)
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, message);
// Check to see if the backend has a parent backend, and whether it has
// any subordinates with base DNs that are below the base DN to remove.
Backend<?> superiorBackend = backend.getParentBackend();
LinkedList<Backend<?>> subordinateBackends = new LinkedList<>();
if (backend.getSubordinateBackends() != null)
for (Backend<?> b : backend.getSubordinateBackends())
for (DN dn : b.getBaseDNs())
if (dn.isDescendantOf(baseDN))
// See if there are any other base DNs registered within the same backend.
LinkedList<DN> otherBaseDNs = new LinkedList<>();
for (DN dn : baseDNs.keySet())
if (dn.equals(baseDN))
Backend<?> b = baseDNs.get(dn);
if (backend.equals(b))
// If we've gotten here, then it's OK to make the changes.
// Get rid of the references to this base DN in the mapping tree
// information.
final LinkedList<LocalizableMessage> errors = new LinkedList<>();
if (superiorBackend == null)
// If there were any subordinate backends, then all of their base DNs
// will now be promoted to naming contexts.
for (Backend<?> b : subordinateBackends)
if (!testOnly)
for (DN dn : b.getBaseDNs())
if (b.isPrivateBackend())
privateNamingContexts.put(dn, b);
publicNamingContexts.put(dn, b);
// If there are no other base DNs for the associated backend, then
// remove this backend as a subordinate of the parent backend.
if (otherBaseDNs.isEmpty() && !testOnly)
// If there are any subordinate backends, then they need to be made
// subordinate to the parent backend. Also, we should log a warning
// message indicating that there may be inconsistent search results
// because some of the structural entries will be missing.
if (! subordinateBackends.isEmpty())
// Suppress this warning message on server shutdown.
if (!DirectoryServer.getInstance().isShuttingDown()) {
baseDN, backend.getBackendID()));
if (!testOnly)
for (Backend<?> b : subordinateBackends)
return errors;
* Creates a default instance.
* Returns a copy of this registry.
* @return copy of this registry
BaseDnRegistry copy()
final BaseDnRegistry registry = new BaseDnRegistry(true);
return registry;
* Creates a parameterized instance.
* @param testOnly indicates whether this registry will be used for testing;
* when <code>true</code> this registry will not modify backends
private BaseDnRegistry(boolean testOnly)
this.testOnly = testOnly;
* Gets the mapping of registered base DNs to their associated backend.
* @return mapping from base DN to backend
Map<DN,Backend> getBaseDnMap() {
return this.baseDNs;
* Gets the mapping of registered public naming contexts to their
* associated backend.
* @return mapping from naming context to backend
Map<DN,Backend> getPublicNamingContextsMap() {
return this.publicNamingContexts;
* Gets the mapping of registered private naming contexts to their
* associated backend.
* @return mapping from naming context to backend
Map<DN,Backend> getPrivateNamingContextsMap() {
return this.privateNamingContexts;
* Indicates whether the specified DN is contained in this registry as
* a naming contexts.
* @param dn The DN for which to make the determination.
* @return {@code true} if the specified DN is a naming context in this
* registry, or {@code false} if it is not.
boolean containsNamingContext(DN dn)
return privateNamingContexts.containsKey(dn) || publicNamingContexts.containsKey(dn);
* Clear and nullify this registry's internal state.
void clear() {