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package org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryException;
import org.opends.server.types.LDAPURL;
import static org.opends.messages.AccessControlMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat.Aci.*;
* A class representing an ACI target keyword.
public class Target
* Enumeration representing the target operator.
private EnumTargetOperator operator = EnumTargetOperator.EQUALITY;
* True if the URL contained a DN wild-card pattern.
private boolean isPattern;
* The target DN from the URL or null if it was a wild-card pattern.
private DN urlDN;
* The pattern matcher for a wild-card pattern or null if the URL
* contained an ordinary DN.
private PatternDN patternDN;
* TODO Save aciDN parameter and use it in matchesPattern re-write.
* Should the aciDN argument provided to the constructor be stored so that
* it can be used in the matchesPattern() method? The DN should only be
* considered a potential match if it is at or below the entry containing
* the ACI.
* This constructor parses the target string.
* @param operator An enumeration of the operation of this target.
* @param target A string representation of the target.
* @param aciDN The dn of the ACI entry used for a descendant check.
* @throws AciException If the target string is invalid.
private Target(EnumTargetOperator operator, String target, DN aciDN)
throws AciException {
this.operator = operator;
try {
//The NULL_LDAP_URL corresponds to the root DSE.
if (!NULL_LDAP_URL.equals(target) && !Pattern.matches(LDAP_URL, target)) {
LDAPURL targetURL = LDAPURL.decode(target, false);
if (targetURL.getRawBaseDN().contains("*")) {
patternDN = PatternDN.decodeSuffix(targetURL.getRawBaseDN());
} else {
if(!urlDN.isDescendantOf(aciDN)) {
throw new AciException(WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_TARGET_DN_NOT_DESCENDENTOF.get(urlDN, aciDN));
catch (DirectoryException e){
* Decode an expression string representing a target keyword expression.
* @param operator An enumeration of the operation of this target.
* @param expr A string representation of the target.
* @param aciDN The DN of the ACI entry used for a descendant check.
* @return A Target class representing this target.
* @throws AciException If the expression string is invalid.
public static Target decode(EnumTargetOperator operator,
String expr, DN aciDN)
throws AciException {
return new Target(operator, expr, aciDN);
* Returns the operator of this expression.
* @return An enumeration of the operation value.
public EnumTargetOperator getOperator() {
return operator;
* Returns the URL DN of the expression.
* @return A DN of the URL or null if the URL contained a DN pattern.
public DN getDN() {
return urlDN;
* Returns boolean if a pattern was seen during parsing.
* @return True if the URL contained a DN pattern.
public boolean isPattern() {
return isPattern;
* This method tries to match a pattern against a DN.
* @param dn The DN to try an match.
* @return True if the pattern matches.
public boolean matchesPattern(DN dn) {
return patternDN.matchesDN(dn);