user-friendly-name=Core Schema
user-friendly-plural-name=Core Schemas
synopsis=Core Schema define the core schema elements to load.
description=Core schema provider configuration.
property.allow-zero-length-values-directory-string.synopsis=Indicates whether zero-length (that is, an empty string) values are allowed for directory string.
property.allow-zero-length-values-directory-string.description=This is technically not allowed by the revised LDAPv3 specification, but some environments may require it for backward compatibility with servers that do allow it.
property.disabled-matching-rule.synopsis=The set of disabled matching rules.
property.disabled-matching-rule.description=Matching rules must be specified using the syntax: OID, or use the default value 'NONE' to specify no value.
property.disabled-matching-rule.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=The OID of the disabled matching rule.
property.disabled-syntax.synopsis=The set of disabled syntaxes.
property.disabled-syntax.description=Syntaxes must be specified using the syntax: OID, or use the default value 'NONE' to specify no value.
property.disabled-syntax.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=The OID of the disabled syntax, or NONE
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the Core Schema is enabled for use. the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Core Schema implementation.
property.strict-format-country-string.synopsis=Indicates whether or not country code values are required to strictly comply with the standard definition for this syntax.
property.strict-format-country-string.description=When set to false, country codes will not be validated and, as a result any string containing 2 characters will be acceptable.
property.strip-syntax-min-upper-bound-attribute-type-description.synopsis=Indicates whether the suggested minimum upper bound appended to an attribute's syntax OID in it's schema definition Attribute Type Description is stripped off.
property.strip-syntax-min-upper-bound-attribute-type-description.description=When retrieving the server's schema, some APIs (JNDI) fail in their syntax lookup methods, because they do not parse this value correctly. This configuration option allows the server to be configured to provide schema definitions these APIs can parse correctly.