#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'fileutils'
# Automate code replacements using regular expressions
# To define a new replacement, add a new constant like VALIDATOR.
# It should be a ruby Hash with three mandatory keys and two optional key.
# The mandatory keys are:
# :dirs => a list of directory to run replacements. All subdirs are processed.
# :extensions => a list of file extensions. Only file with these extensions are processed.
# :replacements => a list of replacements, lines are processed 2 by 2
# - first line gives the pattern to replace, as a ruby regexp (see http://rubular.com/ for help and tool)
# - second line gives the replacement string, using \1, \2, ... to insert matching groups. This is a string,
# use simple quote if no special char is inserted, or use double quote if using special char like \n
# Don't forget to put a comma at end of each line, this is the array element separator.
# It is ok to leave a new line to separate each pair of line for readability.
# It is ok to use a comment in the array (use # as first non blank character of line).
# The optional keys are:
# :whitelist => a list of mandatory words. If any word in this list appears in a file name, the file
# is processed, otherwise it is ignored. Use it to explicitely indicates files to process.
# :stoplist => a list of stop words. If any word in this list appears in a file name, the file
# is not processed. Use it to exclude some files or directory that must not be processed.
# Note that if you use both whitelist and stoplist, a word in stoplist can prevent processing a file even if it
# matches the whitelist content.
# Once you have define your replacement, add the constant in REPLACEMENTS array. it will be taken into account when
# running the program (run it at root of project) with command: ./replace.rb
class Replace
# All directories that contains java code
JAVA_DIRS = ["src/main/java", "src/test/java"]
TOOLS_DIR = ["src/server/org/opends/server/tools", "src/quicksetup", "src/ads", "src/guitools",
"tests/unit-tests-testng/src/server/org/opends/server/tools" ]
SNMP_DIR = ["src/snmp/src"]
DSML_DIR = ["src/dsml/org"]
# Replacement for syntaxes
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS + SNMP_DIR,
:extensions => ["java"],
:stoplist => ["Syntax"],
:replacements =>
/import org.opends.server.api.AttributeSyntax;/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.Syntax;',
/package org.opends.server.api;/,
"package org.opends.server.api;\n\nimport org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.Syntax;",
/import org.opends.server.api.\*;/,
"import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.Syntax;\nimport org.opends.server.api.*;",
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS,
:extensions => ["java"],
:whitelist => ["SchemaConfigManager"],
:replacements =>
'Syntax \1;',
# Replacement for matching rules
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS + SNMP_DIR,
:extensions => ["java"],
:stoplist => ["MatchingRule"],
:replacements =>
/import org.opends.server.api.MatchingRule;/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.MatchingRule;',
:dirs => ["src/server/org/opends/server/schema"],
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
/import org.opends.server.api.MatchingRule;/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.MatchingRule;',
/private MatchingRule matchingRule;/,
"private org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.MatchingRule matchingRule;",
/public final Collection<MatchingRule> getMatchingRules\(\)/,
"public final Collection<org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.MatchingRule> getMatchingRules()",
/public final void initializeMatchingRule\(MatchingRuleCfg configuration\)/,
"public final void initializeMatchingRule(ServerContext serverContext, MatchingRuleCfg configuration)",
/\bmatchingRule = new \w*MatchingRule\(\);/,
"matchingRule = serverContext.getSchemaNG().getMatchingRule(EMR_);"
:dirs => ["src/server/org/opends/server/api"],
:extensions => ["java"],
:stoplist => ["MatchingRule.java"],
:replacements =>
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS + SNMP_DIR,
:extensions => ["java"],
:stoplist => ["MatchingRule"],
:replacements =>
/import org.opends.server.api.SubstringMatchingRule;/,
# Replacement for attribute type
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS + SNMP_DIR,
:extensions => ["java"],
:stoplist => [],
:replacements =>
/import org.opends.server.types.AttributeType;/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.AttributeType;',
/package org.opends.server.types;/,
"package org.opends.server.types;\n\nimport org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.AttributeType;",
/import org.opends.server.types.\*;/,
"import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.AttributeType;\nimport org.opends.server.types.*;",
# Replacement for new config framework
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS + SNMP_DIR,
:extensions => ["java"],
:stoplist => ["org/opends/server/admin", "api/Config", "MatchingRuleConfigManager"],
:replacements =>
/import org.opends.server.admin.std.server\.([^;]+);/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.server.config.server.\1;',
/import org.opends.server.admin.std.meta\.([^;]+);/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.server.config.meta.\1;',
/import org.opends.server.admin.std.client\.([^;]+);/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.server.config.client.\1;',
/import org.opends.server.admin.client\.(\w+);/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.config.client.\1;',
/import org.opends.server.admin.client.ldap\.(\w+);/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.config.client.ldap.\1;',
/import org.opends.server.admin.client.spi\.(\w+);/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.config.client.spi.\1;',
/import org.opends.server.admin.server\.([^;]+);/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.\1;',
/import org.opends.server.admin\.(\w+);/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.config.\1;',
/import org.forgerock.opendj.config.client.AuthorizationException;/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.LdapException;',
/import org.forgerock.opendj.config.client.CommunicationException;$/,
/catch \(AuthorizationException e\)/,
'catch (LdapException e)',
/catch \(CommunicationException e\)/,
'catch (LdapException e)',
# Now bring back removed imports that have no replacement
/import org.forgerock.opendj.config.client.ldap.JNDIDirContextAdaptor;/,
'import org.opends.server.admin.client.ldap.JNDIDirContextAdaptor;',
/import org.forgerock.opendj.config.AdministrationConnector;/,
'import org.opends.server.admin.AdministrationConnector;',
/import org.forgerock.opendj.config.AdministrationDataSync;/,
'import org.opends.server.admin.AdministrationDataSync;',
/import org.forgerock.opendj.config.ClassLoaderProvider;/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.config.ConfigurationFramework;',
/import org.opends.server.types.ConfigChangeResult;/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigChangeResult;',
/public ConfigChangeResult\s/,
"public org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigChangeResult ",
/new ConfigChangeResult\(/,
"new org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigChangeResult(",
/^(\s+)ServerManagementContext \w+\s*=\s*ServerManagementContext\s*.getInstance\(\);/m,
/^(\s+)RootCfg (\w+)\s+=\s+\w+\.getRootConfiguration\(\);/m,
'\1RootCfg \2 = serverContext.getServerManagementContext().getRootConfiguration();',
/^(\s+)RootCfg (\w+)\s+=\s+ServerManagementContext.getInstance\(\)\.getRootConfiguration\(\);/m,
'\1RootCfg \2 = serverContext.getServerManagementContext().getRootConfiguration();',
/^(\s+)ConfigChangeResult (\b\w+\b);/,
'\1org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigChangeResult \2;',
/(\s+)AttributeType (\w+) = (configuration|config|cfg|\w+Cfg).get(\w+)Attribute\(\);/,
'\1AttributeType \2 = \3.get\4Attribute();',
/^(\s+)public DN dn\(\)/,
'\1public org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DN dn()',
# Replacement for types
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS,
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
/import org.opends.server.types.(DN|RDN|Attribute|Entry|ResultCode);/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.\1;',
/import org.opends.server.(types|api).(AttributeType|MatchingRule);/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.\2;',
# Replacement for types
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS + ["src/admin/generated"],
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
/package org.opends.server.types.(\b\w\b);/,
"package org.opends.server.types.\\1;\n\n" +
'import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DN;',
/import org.opends.server.types.DN;/,
'import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DN;',
/import org.opends.server.types.\*;/,
"import org.opends.server.types.*;\nimport org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DN;",
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS,
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS,
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
# Need to fix removing the last parentheses
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS,
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS,
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
# Need to fix removing the last parentheses
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS,
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
# Need to fix removing the last parentheses
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS,
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
'\1\2, \3\4',
'\1\2, \3\4',
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS,
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
/(?: |\t)+$/m,
:dirs => JAVA_DIRS,
:extensions => ["java"],
:replacements =>
############################### List of replacements to run #################################
################################### Processing methods ########################################
# Main method : run replacements defined in REPLACEMENTS constant
def run
REPLACEMENTS.each { |repl|
puts "Replacing " + Replace.constants.find{ |name| Replace.const_get(name)==repl }.to_s
stoplist = repl[:stoplist] || []
whitelist = repl[:whitelist] || []
replace_dirs(repl[:replacements], repl[:dirs], stoplist, whitelist, repl[:extensions])
# Process replacements on the provided directories
def replace_dirs(replacements, dirs, stoplist, whitelist, extensions)
count_files = 0
count_total = 0
dirs.each { |directory|
files = files_under_directory(directory, extensions)
files.each { |file|
filename_has_stopword = stoplist.any? { |stopword| file.include?(stopword) }
filename_has_whiteword = whitelist.any? { |whiteword| file.include?(whiteword) }
next if filename_has_stopword || (!whitelist.empty? && !filename_has_whiteword)
count = replace_file(file, replacements)
if count > 0
count_files += 1
count_total += count
puts "Replaced in #{count_files} files, for a total of #{count_total} replacements"
# Process replacement on the provided file
def replace_file(file, replacements)
count = 0
File.open(file) { |source|
contents = source.read
(0..replacements.size-1).step(2).each { |index|
pattern, replace = replacements[index], replacements[index+1]
replace = replace.gsub('{CLASSNAME}', classname(file))
is_replaced = true
#while is_replaced
#puts "pattern: " + pattern.to_s
is_replaced = contents.gsub!(pattern, replace)
if is_replaced then count += 1 end
File.open(file + ".copy", "w+") { |f| f.write(contents) }
FileUtils.mv(file + ".copy", file, :verbose => false)
# Return java class name from java filename
def classname(file)
name = file.gsub(/.*\/(.*).java$/, '\1')
if name.nil? then '' else name end
# Process provided directories
# Expects a processing block accepting a file as argument and returning a count of changes dones
def process_dirs(dirs, stoplist, whitelist, extensions)
count_files = 0
count_total = 0
dirs.each { |directory|
files = files_under_directory(directory, extensions)
files.each { |file|
filename_has_stopword = stoplist.any? { |stopword| file.include?(stopword) }
filename_has_whiteword = whitelist.any? { |whiteword| file.include?(whiteword) }
next if filename_has_stopword || (!whitelist.empty? && !filename_has_whiteword)
count = yield file # call the block
if count > 0
count_files += 1
count_total += count
puts "Replaced in #{count_files} files, for a total of #{count_total} replacements"
# Process provided file
# Expects a processing block accepting a source string as argument and returning a count of changes + a new
# content
def process_file(file)
count = 0
File.open(file) { |source|
contents = source.read
count, new_contents = yield contents
File.open(file + ".copy", "w+") { |f| f.write(new_contents) }
FileUtils.mv(file + ".copy", file, :verbose => false)
# Return all files with provided extensions under the provided directory
# and all its subdirectories recursively
def files_under_directory(directory, extensions)
Dir[directory + '/**/*.{' + extensions.join(",") + '}']
# Launch all replacements defined in the REPLACEMENTS constant