* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
* or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
* add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
* by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions copyright 2012 ForgeRock AS.
package org.opends.build.tools;
import com.vladium.emma.report.*;
import com.vladium.emma.report.html.doc.*;
import com.vladium.emma.data.*;
import com.vladium.util.IntObjectMap;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.dav.DAVRepositoryFactory;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNClientManager;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision;
public class CoverageDiff extends Task {
private static SVNClientManager ourClientManager =
private static final String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private boolean verbose = false;
private boolean enabled = true;
private final int COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES = 0;
private final int MOD_EXE_LINES = 1;
private final int MOD_LINES = 2;
private final int DEL_LINES = 3;
private final String ENCODING = "ISO-8859-1";
private final int IO_BUF_SIZE = 32 * 1024;
private final LinkedHashMap<String, SrcFileItem> emmaSrcMap =
new LinkedHashMap<String, SrcFileItem>();
private final LinkedHashMap<String, Double[]> modCoverageMap =
new LinkedHashMap<String, Double[]>();
private final String CSS = "TABLE,TD,TH {border-style:solid; border-color:black;} " +
"TD,TH {background:white;margin:0;line-height:100%;padding-left:0.5em;padding-right:0.5em;} " +
"TD {border-width:0 1px 0 0;} TH {border-width:1px 1px 1px 0;} " +
"TR TD.h {color:red;} " +
"TABLE {border-spacing:0; border-collapse:collapse;border-width:0 0 1px 1px;} " +
"P,H1,H2,H3,TH {font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;} " +
"TD {font-family:courier,monospace;font-size:10pt;} " +
"TABLE.hdft {border-spacing:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-style:none;} " +
"TABLE.hdft TH,TABLE.hdft TD {border-style:none;line-height:normal;} " +
"TABLE.hdft TH.tl,TABLE.hdft TD.tl {background:#6699CC;color:white;} " +
"TABLE.hdft TD.nv {background:#6633DD;color:white;} " +
".nv A:link {color:white;} .nv A:visited {color:white;} " +
".nv A:active {color:yellow;} " +
"TABLE.hdft A:link {color:white;} " +
"TABLE.hdft A:visited {color:white;} " +
"TABLE.hdft A:active {color:yellow;} " +
".in {color:#356085;} " +
"TABLE.s TD {padding-left:0.25em;padding-right:0.25em;} " +
"TABLE.s TD.ddt {padding-left:0.25em;padding-right:0.25em;color:#AAAAAA;}" +
"TABLE.s TD.ds {padding-left:0.25em;padding-right:0.25em;text-align:right;background:#F0F0F0;} " +
"TABLE.s TD.dm {padding-left:0.25em;padding-right:0.25em;text-align:right;background:#BCCFF9;} " +
"TABLE.s TD.dd {padding-left:0.25em;padding-right:0.25em;text-align:right;background:#AAAAAA;color:#FFFFFF} " +
"TABLE.s TH {padding-left:0.25em;padding-right:0.25em;text-align:left;background:#F0F0F0;} " +
"TABLE.s TD.cz {background:#FF9999;} " +
"TABLE.s TD.cp {background:#FFFF88;} " +
"TABLE.s TD.cc {background:#CCFFCC;} " +
"A:link {color:#0000EE;text-decoration:none;} " +
"A:visited {color:#0000EE;text-decoration:none;} " +
"A:hover {color:#0000EE;text-decoration:underline;} " +
"TABLE.cn {border-width:0 0 1px 0;} " +
"TABLE.s {border-width:1px 0 1px 1px;} " +
"TD.h {color:red;border-width:0 1px 0 0;} " +
"TD.f {border-width:0 1px 0 1px;} " +
"TD.hf {color:red;border-width:0 1px 0 1px;} " +
"TH.f {border-width:1px 1px 1px 1px;} " +
"TR.cis TD {background:#F0F0F0;} " +
"TR.cis TD {border-width:1px 1px 1px 0;} " +
"TR.cis TD.h {color:red;border-width:1px 1px 1px 0;} " +
"TR.cis TD.f {border-width:1px 1px 1px 1px;} " +
"TR.cis TD.hf {color:red;border-width:1px 1px 1px 1px;} " +
"TD.b {border-style:none;background:transparent;line-height:50%;} " +
"TD.bt {border-width:1px 0 0 0;background:transparent;line-height:50%;} " +
"TR.o TD {background:#F0F0F0;}" +
"TABLE.it {border-style:none;}" +
"TABLE.it TD,TABLE.it TH {border-style:none;}";
private File emmaDataPath;
private File outputPath;
private String diffPath;
// The SVN revision to perform the diff against when calculating
// the coverage diff. It can be a revision number, a timestamp,
// or a revision keyword (BASE, COMMITTED, and PREV make the
// most sense). The primary use case for this setting is to do
// a coverage diff against the previous revision when there are
// no changes in the working copy. It defaults to BASE.
private String fromRevision;
public void setEmmaDataPath(String file)
emmaDataPath = new File(file);
public void setOutputPath(String file)
outputPath = new File(file);
public void setDiffPath(String diffArgs)
diffPath = diffArgs;
public void setVerbose(String bol)
verbose = bol.toLowerCase().equals("true");
public void setEnabled(String bol)
enabled = bol.toLowerCase().equals("true");
public void setFromRevision(String fromRevision)
this.fromRevision = fromRevision;
public void execute() throws BuildException {
try {
} catch (BuildException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
private void innerExecute() throws BuildException, SVNException
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
verboseOut("Starting to execute coveragediff.");
verboseOut("diffPath='" + diffPath +"'");
if(emmaDataPath == null)
throw new BuildException("emmaDataPath attribute is not set. It must be set to the path of the EMMA data directory");
if(outputPath == null)
throw new BuildException("outputPath attribute is not set. It must be set to a valid directory where the report will be generated");
if(fromRevision == null)
throw new BuildException("fromRevision attribute is not set. It must be set to the revision from which the diff is generated (e.g. BASE).");
// So we can go over http:// and https:// when diff'ing against previous versions
IReportDataView emmaDataView = null;
emmaDataView = loadEmmaData(emmaDataPath);
verboseOut("Loaded EMMA data.");
catch(IOException ie)
System.out.println("WARNING: An error occurred while loading EMMA " +
"data. Report will not contain any coverage information.");
processDiffOutput(getDiffOutputReader(), emmaDataView);
catch(IOException ie)
System.out.println("ERROR: An error occurred while processing diff output: " + ie.toString() + " Quitting...");
System.out.println("Coverage diff completed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms.");
private IReportDataView loadEmmaData(File emmaCoverageDataDir) throws IOException
if(emmaCoverageDataDir == null)
throw new IOException("Emma Converage Data Directory is null");
File[] emmaCoverageDataFiles = emmaCoverageDataDir.listFiles();
int emmaCoverageDataFileCount = 0;
IReportDataView m_view;
IMetaData mdata = null;
ICoverageData cdata = null;
if(emmaCoverageDataFiles == null || emmaCoverageDataFiles.length <= 0)
throw new IOException("No EMMA data files found");
verboseOut("processing input files ...");
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// merge all data files:
for (final File dataFile : emmaCoverageDataFiles) {
verboseOut("processing input file [" + dataFile.getAbsolutePath() + "] ...");
final IMergeable[] fileData = DataFactory.load(dataFile);
final IMetaData _mdata = (IMetaData) fileData[DataFactory.TYPE_METADATA];
if (_mdata != null) {
verboseOut(" loaded " + _mdata.size() + " metadata entries");
if (mdata == null)
mdata = _mdata;
mdata = (IMetaData) mdata.merge(_mdata); // note: later datapath entries override earlier ones
final ICoverageData _cdata = (ICoverageData) fileData[DataFactory.TYPE_COVERAGEDATA];
if (_cdata != null) {
verboseOut(" loaded " + _cdata.size() + " coverage data entries");
if (cdata == null)
cdata = _cdata;
cdata = (ICoverageData) cdata.merge(_cdata); // note: later datapath entries override earlier ones
verboseOut(emmaCoverageDataFileCount + " file(s) read and merged in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
if ((mdata == null) || mdata.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("nothing to do: no metadata found in any of the data files");
return null;
if (cdata == null) {
System.out.println("nothing to do: no runtime coverage data found in any of the data files");
return null;
if (cdata.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("no collected coverage data found in any of the data files [Diff output will not include coverage data]");
return null;
if (!mdata.hasLineNumberData() || !mdata.hasSrcFileData()) {
System.out.println("no collected line coverage data found in any of the data files [Diff output will not include coverage data]");
return null;
final IReportDataModel model = IReportDataModel.Factory.create (mdata, cdata);
m_view = model.getView (IReportDataView.HIER_SRC_VIEW);
verboseOut(" merged metadata contains " + mdata.size() + " entries");
verboseOut(" merged coverage data contains " + cdata.size() + " entries");
return m_view;
private BufferedReader getDiffOutputReader()
throws IOException, SVNException {
File workspaceRoot = getProject().getBaseDir();
File diffFile = new File(outputPath, "svn.diff");
// Most often this will be 'BASE' but it could also be 'PREVIOUS'
SVNRevision baseRevision = SVNRevision.parse(fromRevision);
System.out.println("Doing coverage diff from revision: " + baseRevision.toString());
ourClientManager.getDiffClient().doDiff(workspaceRoot, baseRevision,
workspaceRoot, SVNRevision.WORKING, SVNDepth.INFINITY, false,
new FileOutputStream(diffFile), null);
return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(
private void processDiffOutput(BufferedReader diffOutput,
IReportDataView emmaDataView)
throws IOException {
File file = new File(outputPath, "index.html");
BufferedWriter writer =
new BufferedWriter (new OutputStreamWriter (
new FileOutputStream (file), ENCODING), IO_BUF_SIZE);
HTMLWriter out = new HTMLWriter(writer);
System.out.println("Writing report to [" + file.toString() + "]");
String title = "Coverage Diff Report (generated ";
title = title + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis ());
title = title + " )";
HTMLDocument page = new HTMLDocument (title, ENCODING);
page.addStyle (CSS);
String line = diffOutput.readLine();
ArrayList<String> diffOutputFile = new ArrayList<String>();
while(line != null)
//Diffed file
if(line.length() >6 && line.substring(0, 6).equals("Index:"))
processDiffOutputFile(page, diffOutputFile, emmaDataView);
diffOutputFile = new ArrayList<String>();
line = diffOutput.readLine();
processDiffOutputFile(page, diffOutputFile, emmaDataView);
IElementList overallStats = new ElementList();
final IElement statTitle = IElement.Factory.create (Tag.Hs[1]);
statTitle.setText("OVERALL STATS SUMMARY", true);
final HTMLTable statsTable = new HTMLTable (null, null, null, "0");
statsTable.setClass ("it");
HTMLTable.IRow row = statsTable.newRow ();
row.newCell ().setText ("svn diff arg(s):", true);
row.newCell ().setText ("" + diffPath.toString(), true);
row = statsTable.newRow ();
row.newCell ().setText ("total files modified:", true);
row.newCell ().setText ("" + emmaSrcMap.keySet().size(), false);
Double[] overallModCoverage = new Double[4];
overallModCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES] = 0.0;
overallModCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES] = 0.0;
overallModCoverage[MOD_LINES] = 0.0;
overallModCoverage[DEL_LINES] = 0.0;
Double[] modCoverage;
for (Double[] doubles : modCoverageMap.values()) {
modCoverage = doubles;
if (modCoverage != null) {
overallModCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES] += modCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES];
overallModCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES] += modCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES];
overallModCoverage[MOD_LINES] += modCoverage[MOD_LINES];
overallModCoverage[DEL_LINES] += modCoverage[DEL_LINES];
String modCoverageStr = "";
if(overallModCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES] > 0)
modCoverageStr = String.format("%d%% (%.1f/%.1f)",
modCoverageStr = String.format("%d%% (%.1f/%.1f)", 100,
row = statsTable.newRow ();
row.newCell ().setText ("total lines modified:", true);
row.newCell ().setText ("" + overallModCoverage[MOD_LINES].intValue(), true);
row = statsTable.newRow ();
row.newCell ().setText ("total lines removed:", true);
row.newCell ().setText ("" + overallModCoverage[DEL_LINES].intValue(), true);
row = statsTable.newRow ();
row.newCell ().setText ("coverage for modified executable lines:", true);
row.newCell ().setText ("" + modCoverageStr, true);
final IElement coverageTitle = IElement.Factory.create (Tag.Hs[1]);
statTitle.setText("OVERALL DIFF SUMMARY", true);
HTMLTable summaryTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
if(emmaDataView != null)
addHeaderRow(emmaDataView.getRoot(), summaryTable, true);
addHeaderRow(null, summaryTable, true);
Set<Map.Entry<String, SrcFileItem>> items = emmaSrcMap.entrySet();
boolean odd = true;
int count = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, SrcFileItem> item : items) {
if (item != null) {
final String fileName = item.getKey();
final SrcFileItem srcFileItem = item.getValue();
final Double[] modCoverage = modCoverageMap.get(fileName);
addItemRow(fileName, srcFileItem, modCoverage, odd, summaryTable,
"s" + count, true, true);
odd = !odd;
private void processDiffOutputFile(HTMLDocument html,
ArrayList<String> diffFile,
IReportDataView emmaDataView)
throws IOException
if(diffFile.size() <= 0)
Double[] modCoverage = new Double[4];
modCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES] = 0.0;
modCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES] = 0.0;
modCoverage[MOD_LINES] = 0.0;
modCoverage[DEL_LINES] = 0.0;
String fileHeader = diffFile.get(0);
verboseOut("fileHeader: " + diffFile);
//Try to get the package information if its a Java file
File srcFilePath = new File(fileHeader.substring(7));
SrcFileItem emmaSourceItem = null;
FileInputStream srcFile = new FileInputStream(srcFilePath);
String srcFilePackage = parseJavaPackage(srcFile);
if(emmaDataView != null)
emmaSourceItem = getEmmaSrcItem(emmaDataView.getRoot(),
srcFilePackage, srcFilePath.getName());
//Figure out the flag for the working copy.
String workingCopyFlag = null;
String otherCopyFlag = null;
String firstFileLine = diffFile.get(2);
String secondFileLine = diffFile.get(3);
verboseOut("firstFileLine=" + firstFileLine);
verboseOut("secondFileLine=" + secondFileLine);
String revisionStr = "unknown";
// Skip over binary files
if (firstFileLine.contains("Cannot display")) {
HTMLTable srcTable = null;
if(firstFileLine.endsWith("(working copy)"))
workingCopyFlag = firstFileLine.substring(0, 1);
otherCopyFlag = firstFileLine.substring(0, 1);
revisionStr = firstFileLine.substring(firstFileLine.lastIndexOf("("));
if(secondFileLine.endsWith("(working copy)"))
workingCopyFlag = secondFileLine.substring(0, 1);
otherCopyFlag = secondFileLine.substring(0, 1);
revisionStr = secondFileLine.substring(secondFileLine.lastIndexOf("("));
if(firstFileLine.endsWith("(revision 0)") ||
secondFileLine.endsWith("(revision 0)"))
workingCopyFlag = "+";
otherCopyFlag = "-";
if(workingCopyFlag == null || otherCopyFlag == null)
throw new IOException("Error occurred while parsing diff output." + EOL +
"firstFileLine= '" + firstFileLine + "'" + EOL +
"secondFileLine= '" + secondFileLine + "'");
srcTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
ArrayList<String> diffOutputChunk = new ArrayList<String>();
Double[] chunkModCoverage;
for(int i = 4; i < diffFile.size(); i++)
//Found a chunk indicator.
chunkModCoverage = processDiffOutputFileChunk(srcTable, diffOutputChunk, workingCopyFlag,
otherCopyFlag, emmaSourceItem);
if(chunkModCoverage != null)
modCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES] += chunkModCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES];
modCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES] += chunkModCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES];
modCoverage[MOD_LINES] += chunkModCoverage[MOD_LINES];
modCoverage[DEL_LINES] += chunkModCoverage[DEL_LINES];
diffOutputChunk = new ArrayList<String>();
//Not any of the above so this line must be diffed text
//Finishing process whatever we have queued up
chunkModCoverage = processDiffOutputFileChunk(srcTable, diffOutputChunk, workingCopyFlag,
otherCopyFlag, emmaSourceItem);
if(chunkModCoverage != null)
modCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES] += chunkModCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES];
modCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES] += chunkModCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES];
modCoverage[MOD_LINES] += chunkModCoverage[MOD_LINES];
modCoverage[DEL_LINES] += chunkModCoverage[DEL_LINES];
final IElement a = IElement.Factory.create (Tag.A);
a.getAttributes ().set (Attribute.NAME, "s" + emmaSrcMap.keySet().size());
final IElement itemname = IElement.Factory.create (Tag.SPAN);
itemname.setText (srcFilePath.toString(), true);
itemname.setClass ("in");
final IElementList title = new ElementList ();
title.add (new Text ("DIFF SUMMARY FOR SOURCE FILE [", true));
title.add (itemname);
title.add (new Text ("] against ", true));
title.add (new Text (revisionStr, true));
html.addH (1, title, null);
if(emmaSourceItem != null)
final HTMLTable coverageTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
addHeaderRow(emmaSourceItem, coverageTable, false);
addItemRow(srcFilePath.toString(), emmaSourceItem, modCoverage, false, coverageTable, null, false, false);
html.addH(2, "Coverage Information Not Available (e.g. file is not in src/, is not java, is an interface, or was deleted)", null);
if(srcTable != null)
emmaSrcMap.put(srcFilePath.toString(), emmaSourceItem);
modCoverageMap.put(srcFilePath.toString(), modCoverage);
private Double[] processDiffOutputFileChunk(HTMLTable table,
ArrayList<String> diffChunk,
String workingCopyFlag,
String otherCopyFlag,
SrcFileItem emmaSrcItem)
if(diffChunk.size() <= 0)
return null;
int workingCopyBegin;
int workingCopyRange;
int otherCopyBegin;
Double[] modCoverage = new Double[4];
modCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES] = 0.0;
modCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES] = 0.0;
modCoverage[MOD_LINES] = 0.0;
modCoverage[DEL_LINES] = 0.0;
IntObjectMap lineCoverageMap = null;
if(emmaSrcItem != null)
lineCoverageMap = emmaSrcItem.getLineCoverage ();
String chunkHeader = diffChunk.get(0);
int workingCopyBeginIdx = chunkHeader.indexOf(workingCopyFlag);
int workingCopyCommaIdx = chunkHeader.indexOf(",", workingCopyBeginIdx);
int workingCopyEndIdx = chunkHeader.indexOf(" ", workingCopyCommaIdx);
int otherCopyBeginIdx = chunkHeader.indexOf(otherCopyFlag);
int otherCopyCommaIdx = chunkHeader.indexOf(",", otherCopyBeginIdx);
workingCopyBegin = Integer.parseInt(
chunkHeader.substring(workingCopyBeginIdx + 1, workingCopyCommaIdx));
workingCopyRange = Integer.parseInt(
chunkHeader.substring(workingCopyCommaIdx + 1, workingCopyEndIdx));
otherCopyBegin = Integer.parseInt(
chunkHeader.substring(otherCopyBeginIdx + 1, otherCopyCommaIdx));
String chunkLine;
SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData lCoverageData = null;
int workingCopyLine = workingCopyBegin;
int otherCopyLine = otherCopyBegin;
final HTMLTable.IRow chunkRow = table.newTitleRow();
final HTMLTable.ICell chunkCell = chunkRow.newCell();
chunkCell.setText("Lines " + workingCopyBegin + " - " +
String.valueOf(workingCopyLine + workingCopyRange), true);
for(int i = 1; i < diffChunk.size(); i++)
chunkLine = diffChunk.get(i);
if(lineCoverageMap != null)
lCoverageData = (SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData) lineCoverageMap.get (workingCopyLine);
final HTMLTable.IRow srcRow = table.newRow();
final HTMLTable.ICell lineNumCell = srcRow.newCell();
final HTMLTable.ICell lineTxtCell = srcRow.newCell();
if (chunkLine.length() == 0) {
lineTxtCell.setText(" ", true);
} else {
lineTxtCell.setText(chunkLine.substring(1), true);
//This line is either a modified line or a unchanged line
lineNumCell.setText(String.valueOf(workingCopyLine), true);
//Determine if this line is a modified line or a unchange line
modCoverage[MOD_LINES] ++;
if(lCoverageData != null)
modCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES] ++;
case SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData.LINE_COVERAGE_ZERO:
lineTxtCell.setClass ("cz");
case SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData.LINE_COVERAGE_PARTIAL:
lineTxtCell.setClass ("cp");
modCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES] += 0.5;
case SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData.LINE_COVERAGE_COMPLETE:
lineTxtCell.setClass ("cc");
modCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES] ++;
lineNumCell.setText(String.valueOf(otherCopyLine), true);
modCoverage[DEL_LINES] ++;
return modCoverage;
private String parseJavaPackage(FileInputStream srcFile)
throws IOException {
BufferedReader srcFileReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(srcFile));
String line = srcFileReader.readLine();
while(line != null)
int beginIdx = line.indexOf("package");
if(beginIdx > -1)
int endIdx = line.indexOf(";", beginIdx);
if(endIdx > -1)
return line.substring(beginIdx + 7, endIdx).trim();
line = srcFileReader.readLine();
return null;
private SrcFileItem getEmmaSrcItem(IItem rootItem,
String srcPackageName,
String srcFileName)
if(rootItem == null || srcPackageName == null || srcFileName == null)
return null;
for(Iterator<?> packages = rootItem.getChildren(); packages.hasNext();)
IItem packageItem = (IItem)packages.next();
for(Iterator<?> sources = packageItem.getChildren(); sources.hasNext();)
SrcFileItem sourceItem = (SrcFileItem)sources.next();
return sourceItem;
return null;
private void addHeaderRow (final IItem item, final HTMLTable table, boolean includeName)
// header row:
final HTMLTable.IRow header = table.newTitleRow ();
final HTMLTable.ICell nameCell = header.newCell();
nameCell.setText("File", true);
for (int c = 1; c <= 4; ++ c)
IItemAttribute attr = null;
if(item != null)
attr = item.getAttribute (c, 0);
if (attr != null)
final HTMLTable.ICell cell = header.newCell ();
cell.setText (attr.getName (), true);
final HTMLTable.ICell cell = header.newCell ();
cell.setText (" ", true);
if(item != null)
final HTMLTable.ICell cell = header.newCell();
cell.setText("mod lines, %", true);
final HTMLTable.ICell cell = header.newCell ();
cell.setText (" ", true);
* No header row, just data rows.
private void addItemRow (final String fileName,
final IItem item,
final Double[] modCoverage,
final boolean odd,
final HTMLTable table,
final String nameHREF,
final boolean anchor,
final boolean includeName)
final HTMLTable.IRow row = table.newRow ();
if (odd) row.setClass ("o");
final HTMLTable.ICell nameCell = row.newCell();
if(nameHREF != null)
final String fullHREFName = anchor ? "#".concat (nameHREF) : nameHREF;
nameCell.add(new HyperRef(fullHREFName, fileName, true));
nameCell.setText(fileName, true);
final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (11);
for (int c = 1; c <=4; ++ c)
IItemAttribute attr = null;
if(item != null)
attr = item.getAttribute (c, 0);
if (attr != null)
final HTMLTable.ICell cell = row.newCell ();
//final boolean fail = (m_metrics [attrID] > 0) && ! attr.passes (item, m_metrics [attrID]);
buf.setLength (0);
attr.format (item, buf);
cell.setText (buf.toString (), true);
//if (fail) cell.setClass (CSS_DATA_HIGHLIGHT);
final HTMLTable.ICell cell = row.newCell ();
cell.setText (" ", true);
if(item != null && modCoverage != null)
String modCoverageStr = "";
if(modCoverage[1] > 0)
modCoverageStr = String.format("%d%% (%.1f/%.1f)",
modCoverage[COVERED_MOD_EXE_LINES], modCoverage[MOD_EXE_LINES]);
modCoverageStr = String.format("%d%% (%.1f/%.1f)", 100,
final HTMLTable.ICell cell = row.newCell();
cell.setText(modCoverageStr, true);
final HTMLTable.ICell cell = row.newCell ();
cell.setText (" ", true);
// Enable this with -Dtest.diff.verbose=true from the commandline
private void verboseOut(Object msg)
if (verbose)