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<adm:managed-object name="access-log-publisher"
package="org.opends.server.admin.std" extends="log-publisher"
<adm:user-friendly-plural-name />
are responsible for distributing access log messages from the access
logger to a destination.
Access log messages provide information about the types of operations
processed by the server.
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:profile name="cli">
<cli:managed-object custom="true" />
<adm:relation name="access-log-filtering-criteria">
The set of criteria which will be used to filter log records.
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<ldap:rdn-sequence>cn=Filtering Criteria</ldap:rdn-sequence>
<adm:property-override name="java-class">
<adm:property name="filtering-policy">
Specifies how filtering criteria should be applied to log records.
<adm:value name="no-filtering">
No filtering will be performed, and all records will be logged.
<adm:value name="inclusive">
Records must match at least one of the filtering criteria in order
to be logged.
<adm:value name="exclusive">
Records must not match any of the filtering criteria in order to be
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property name="suppress-internal-operations" advanced="true">
Indicates whether internal operations (for example, operations
that are initiated by plugins) should be logged along with the
operations that are requested by users.
<adm:boolean />
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property name="suppress-synchronization-operations"
Indicates whether access messages that are generated by
synchronization operations should be suppressed.
<adm:boolean />
<adm:profile name="ldap">