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<title>OpenAM News</title>
<author email="openam-dev@forgerock.org">ForgeRock AS</author>
<section name="New Releases">
January 27, 2016. ForgeRock Identity Platform, including OpenAM 13 is now
This major release brings many new features and important fixes,
including fixes for security issues within OpenAM.
Get this ForgeRock release from the <a
href="https://backstage.forgerock.com/#!/downloads/enterprise/OpenAM">enterprise download</a> page.
Find the documentation for the release at the <a
>ForgeRock BackStage</a> website.
December 18, 2014. OpenAM 12.0.0 is now available.
This major release brings many new features and important fixes,
including fixes for security issues within OpenAM.
Get this ForgeRock release from the <a
href="https://backstage.forgerock.com/#!/downloads/enterprise/OpenAM">enterprise download</a> page.
Find the documentation for the release at the <a
>ForgeRock BackStage</a> website.
November 8, 2013. OpenAM 11.0 and Policy Agents 3.3 have been released.
This major release brings many new features and important fixes,
including fixes for security issues within OpenAM and web policy agents.
Get this ForgeRock release from the <a
href="https://backstage.forgerock.com/#!/downloads/enterprise/OpenAM">enterprise download</a> page.
Find the documentation for the release at the <a
>ForgeRock BackStage</a> website.
<p>November 23, 2012. OpenAM 9.5.5 has been released and is available from
the <a href="http://forgerock.org/openam.html">download page</a>. This
maintenance release resolves a number of issues, including security issues
within OpenAM. Read the <a
>Release Notes</a>, which are posted on the ForgeRock Wiki. You can also
review the <a
>release announcement</a> in the OpenAM users mail archive.</p>
<p>April 16, 2012. OpenAM 10.0.0 is now available from the <a
href="http://forgerock.org/openam.html">download page</a>. This major release
of OpenAM brings many new features, enhancement, and fixes. The final <a
>Release Notes</a> are posted on docs.forgerock.org. Also read the <a
>release announcement</a>.</p>
<p>February 7, 2012. OpenAM 10.0.0 Early Access is ready. Read the <a
>release announcement</a> from the OpenAM users mail archive.</p>
<p>December 7, 2011. OpenAM 9.5.4 is out. Get the release from the OpenAM
<a href="http://forgerock.org/openam.html">download page</a>.
<a href="https://wikis.forgerock.org/confluence/display/openam/OpenAM+9.5.4+Release+Notes"
>Release Notes</a> are posted on the Wiki. Also see the <a
>release announcement</a>.</p>
<p>August 1, 2011. OpenAM 9.5.3 has been released. Get it from the OpenAM
<a href="http://forgerock.org/openam.html">download page</a>.</p>
<p>July 31, 2011. OpenAM Web Policy Agents version 3.0.4 are available.
Find them under Download Stable Web Policy Agents 3.0.4 on the <a
href="http://forgerock.org/openam.html">download page</a>.</p>
<p>March 3, 2011. OpenAM 9.5.2 is out! Come get 9.5.2 from the <a
href="http://forgerock.org/openam.html">download page</a>.</p>