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package com.sun.identity.shared.debug;
import com.sun.identity.shared.configuration.SystemPropertiesManager;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* Unit test for DebugImpl.
public class DebugTest extends DebugTestTemplate {
protected static final String DEBUG_CONFIG_FOR_TEST = "/debug_config_test/debugconfig.properties";
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void changeDebugLevel() throws Exception {
//initialize a scenario
SystemPropertiesManager.initializeProperties(DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_LEVEL, DebugLevel.ERROR.getName());
IDebug debug = provider.getInstance(logName);
debug.message("Should not appear in log", null);
//check status before the test
checkLogFileStatus(false, logName);
debug.error("Should appear in log", null);
checkLogFileStatus(true, logName);
Assert.assertEquals(debug.getState(), DebugLevel.ERROR.getLevel(), "Debug level state");
//Change debug level
//Check result
debug.message("Should appear in log", null);
Assert.assertEquals(debug.getState(), DebugLevel.MESSAGE.getLevel(), "Debug level state");
public void mergeAll() throws Exception {
//initialize a scenario
SystemPropertiesManager.initializeProperties(DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_MERGEALL, MERGE_ALL_ON);
IDebug debug = provider.getInstance(logName);
debug.message("Should not appear in log", null);
debug.error("Should appear in log", null);
//Check that we write in the merge file
checkLogFileStatus(true, DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_MERGEALL_FILE);
public void resetDebug() throws Exception {
//initialize a scenario
IDebug debug = provider.getInstance(logName);
debug.message("Should appear in log", null);
//Check status before test
checkLogFileStatus(false, DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_MERGEALL_FILE);
checkLogFileStatus(true, logName);
//Do the reset
SystemPropertiesManager.initializeProperties(DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_LEVEL, DebugLevel.ERROR.getName());
debug.error("Should appear in log", null);
//Test that every has been reset with the new properties
Assert.assertEquals(debug.getState(), DebugLevel.ERROR.getLevel(), "Debug level state");
checkLogFileStatus(true, DebugConstants.CONFIG_DEBUG_MERGEALL_FILE);
public void shouldFindFileWithWildCard() throws Exception {
// given
IDebug debug = provider.getInstance("org.forgerock.test.DebugTest");
// when
debug.error("Should appear in log", null);
// then
checkLogFileStatus(true, "wildcardTest");