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$Id: saml2error.jsp,v 1.3 2009/06/17 03:10:28 exu Exp $
Portions Copyrighted 2013 ForgeRock AS
This is the default error display page.
There are three parameters passed down to this URL:
1. errorcode : Error code, this is the I18n key of the error message.
2. httpstatuscode : Http status code
3. errormessage : More detailed I18n'd error message
Here is a list of error codes (from locale files):
* nullSPEntityID
* nullIDPEntityID
* idpNotFound
* requestProcessingError
* failedToProcessSSOResponse
* nullInput
* requestProcessingMNIError
* nullRequestType
* nullSSOToken
* LogoutRequestProcessingError
* LogoutResponseProcessingError
* largeContentLength
* errorMetaManager
* metaDataError
* nullSessionProvider
* SSOFailed
* LogoutRequestCreationError
* nullAssertionID
* failedToGetAssertionIDRequestMapper
* failedToAuthenticateRequesterURI
* invalidAssertionID
* invalidAssertion
* unsupportedEncoding
* MissingSAMLRequest
* nullDecodedStrFromSamlResponse
* nullIDPMetaAlias
* metaDataError
* invalidSOAPMessage
* unableToCreateArtifactResponse
* LogoutRequestCreationError
* UnableToRedirectToAuth
* errorCreateArtifact
* failedToSendECPResponse
* notSupportedHTTPMethod
* missingArtifact
* errorObtainArtifact
* failedToGetIDPSSODescriptor
* errorCreateArtifactResolve
* errorInSOAPCommunication
* invalidIDP
* cannotFindArtifactResolutionUrl
* soapError
* failedToCreateArtifactResponse
* missingArtifactResponse
* invalidSignature
* invalidInResponseTo
* invalidIssuer
* invalidStatusCode
* failedToCreateSOAPMessage
* failedToCreateResponse
* assertionNotSigned
* missingSAMLResponse
* errorObtainResponse
* errorDecodeResponse
* invalidHttpRequestFromECP
* failedToProcessQueryRequest
* failedToCreateAssertionIDRequest
* nullPathInfo
* invalidMetaAlias
* failedToCreateAttributeQuery
* failedToCreateAuthnQuery
* nameIDMappingFailed
* failedToInitECPRequest
* singleLogoutFailed
* nullRequestUri
* invalidRequestUri
* noRedirectionURL
* readerServiceFailed
* nullSessionIndex
* nullNameID
Here is the list of error codes for SAML v1.x:
* untrustedSite
* nullInputParameter
* invalidConfig
* missingTargetHost
* nullTrustedSite
* errorCreateArtifact
* targetForbidden
* failedCreateSSOToken
* missingTargetSite
* couldNotCreateResponse
* errorSigningResponse
* errorEncodeResponse
* missingSAMLResponse
* errorDecodeResponse
* errorObtainResponse
* invalidResponse
--%><%@ page language="java"
String errorCode = request.getParameter(SAMLConstants.ERROR_CODE);
if (!ESAPI.validator().isValidInput("HTTP Parameter Value: " + errorCode,
errorCode, "HTTPParameterValue", 2000, true)){
errorCode = null;
String httpStatusCode =
String errorMessage = request.getParameter(SAMLConstants.ERROR_MESSAGE);
if (!ESAPI.validator().isValidInput("HTTP Parameter Value: " + errorMessage,
errorMessage, "HTTPParameterValue", 2000, true)){
errorMessage = null;
if (((errorMessage == null) || (errorMessage.length() == 0)) &&
(errorCode != null)) {
errorMessage = SAML2Utils.bundle.getString(errorCode);
int sc = HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
if (httpStatusCode != null) {
try {
sc = Integer.parseInt(httpStatusCode);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// ignore
if (true) {
// This condition check, tho not pleasant looking, is necessary to avoid JSP
// complication errors due to unreachable code generated by the hosted app server.
response.sendError(sc, errorMessage);