*** version 2.3.0 ***
Fixed the following bugs:
+ Pressing the Esc key when an item in a MenuBar has focus will now result
in the item blurring in IE.
+ Clicking a YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instance with a "url" configuration property
set will now result in the hiding of its parent YAHOO.widget.Menu instance.
+ Creating an empty YAHOO.widget.Menu instance from existing markup will no
longer result in a JavaScript error.
+ The "constraintoviewport" configuration property now correctly keeps a
YAHOO.widget.Menu instance inside the boundaries of the browser viewport.
+ Tuned scrolling behavior so that when the user has scrolled to the bottom of
a YAHOO.widget.Menu instance and starts pressing the up arrow key, the
contents begin scrolling only when the next item to be selected is out of
view of the scrollable area.
+ Modified "removeMenu" method of YAHOO.widget.MenuManager so that it removes
the specified YAHOO.widget.Menu instance from the collection of visible menus.
+ Calling the "destroy" method of a visible YAHOO.widget.Menu instance now
purges it from the YAHOO.widget.Manager's collection of visible Menus.
+ YAHOO.widget.Menu instances now blur before hiding.
+ The debug version of YAHOO.widget.Menu now correctly logs as "Menu" rather
than "Overlay" in IE.
+ Setting a YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instance's "checked" configuration property
to "true" two or more times followed by "false" will no longer result in some
of the DOM elements used to render the checkmark icon will no longer remain
in the item's DOM.
+ It is now possible to click anywhere on a YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instance
and have it navigate to the URL specified by its "url" configuration property
- even if the MenuItem has a value specified for its "target"
configuation property.
+ The "toString" method of YAHOO.widget.MenuItem now returns the instance's id.
+ Setting the YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.prototype.COLLAPSED_SUBMENU_INDICATOR_TEXT
constant to empty string no longer results in JavaScript error.
+ YAHOO.widget.MenuBar instances behave the same regardless of the value
of their "position" configuration property.
+ It is now possible to ctr or shift-click on YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instances
without the browser automatically redirecting to the URL specified by the
MenuItem's "url" configuration property.
Added the following features:
+ Prototype of all classes (Menu, ContextMenu, MenuBar, MenuItem,
ContextMenuItem, MenuBarItem) are augmented with YAHOO.util.EventProvider.
+ Added the following methods to YAHOO.widget.MenuManager:
- "getMenuItem"
- "getMenuItemGroup"
+ Added the following methods to YAHOO.widget.Menu:
- "subscribe"
- "getSubmenus"
- "onRender"
+ Added a "disabled" configuration property to YAHOO.widget.Menu.
+ Added the constant "CSS_LABEL_CLASS_NAME" to YAHOO.widget.MenuItem that
represents the name of the CSS class applied to the <A/> node that is the
first child of its root <LI/> node.
+ Added the constant "CSS_LABEL_CLASS_NAME" to YAHOO.widget.MenuBarItem that
represents the name of the CSS class applied to the <A/> node that is the
first child of its root <LI/> node.
+ Added ability for YAHOO.widget.Menu instances to have shadow:
- The shadow for a Menu is implemented by appending a new element as the
last child of its root <DIV/> element:
<DIV class="yuimenu">
<DIV class="bd">
<LI class="yuimenuitem"/>
<LI class="yuimenuitem"/>
<LI class="yuimenuitem"/>
<DIV class="yui-menu-shadow"/>
- The code that creates the shadow element resides inside the Menu's
public "onRender" prototype method. To disable the creation of a Menu's
shadow override the prototype of the "onRender" method:
YAHOO.widget.Menu.prototype.onRender = function () { };
- The actual creation of the shadow element is deferred until the Menu is
made visible for the first time.
- The shadow element is only created for Menu instances whose
"position" configuration property is set to "dynamic."
- A Menu's shadow element can be styled via two CSS classes:
+ "yui-menu-shadow" - Applied to the shadow element when it is created.
+ "yui-menu-shadow-visible" - Applied to the shadow element when the
Menu is visible; it is removed when hidden.
- The shadow element is only styled when using the new "Sam" skin, for
the previous default skin its "display" property is set to "none."
+ Deprecated "browser" property of YAHOO.widget.MenuItem in favor
of the YAHOO.env.ua.
+ Modified the DOM structure for a YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instance so that its
root <LI/> node only has only two direct descendants:
- The <A/> node for its text label
- The <DIV/> node for its submenu
The submenu indicator node (<EM class="submenuindicator" />), checked
indicator node (<EM class="checkedindicator" />), and help text node
(<EM class="helptext" />) that were previously direct descendants of a
YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instance's root <LI/> are now direct descendants of
its <A/> node:
<LI class="yuimenuitem || yuimenubaritem">
<A class="yuimenuitemlabel || yuimenubaritemlabel">
Text Label
<EM class="helptext"> Help Text </EM> (Optional)
<EM class="checkedindicator"> ... </EM> (Optional)
<EM class="submenuindicator"> ... </EM> (Optional)
<DIV class="yuimenu"> ... </DIV> (Optional submenu node)
+ As a result of the DOM structure changes for YAHOO.widget.MenuItem, the
following CSS class are now only applied to a YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
instance's <A/> node:
- "selected"
- "disabled"
- "checked"
- "hashelptext"
- "hassubmenu"
+ The "text" configuration property of YAHOO.widget.MenuItem now accepts a
string of HTML (previously only accepted plain text).
+ The "emphasis" and "strongemphasis" configuration properties of
YAHOO.widget.MenuItem are no longer interpreted when building from
existing markup.
+ All YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instances built from markup must have an <A> node
as the first child of its root <LI> node.
+ When building YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instances from existing markup, the value
of the "text" property is set to the innerHTML of the menu item's <A> node.
+ Deprecated the following YAHOO.widget.MenuItem configuration properties:
- "strongemphasis"
- "emphasis"
- "helptext"
Known Issues
+ ContextMenu works differently in Opera
Opera doesn't support the "contextmenu" DOM event used to trigger the display
of YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu instances. As a result, clicking the right mouse
button in Opera will not result in the display of a ContextMenu instance
as it would in IE, Gecko, and Safari. To work around this shortcoming, users
will need to do the following to trigger the display of
YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu instances in Opera:
- Opera for Windows: Hold down the control key while clicking with the
left mouse button.
- Opera for Mac OS X: Hold down the command/Apple key while clicking with
the left mouse button.
+ Focus highlight sticks in Opera
In Opera focus is designated via the application of a background color
to an element's text node. When a Menu instance has focus in Opera, the
focus highlight can remain on a MenuItem instance even after it has blurred.
+ ContextMenu instances cannot be invoked by clicking on Java Applets
When a Java Applet is specified as the "trigger" element for a ContextMenu
instance it will not display when the Applet is clicked. This is not a
bug in the ContextMenu class, but rather a result of DOM events not bubbling
up from inside Java Applets. For more information on this issue see:
+ Flash Movies appear on top of Menu instances
Flash movies can appear on top of Menu instances in IE and Gecko-based
browsers. To fix this problem, set the "wmode" of the Flash movie to either
"transparent" or "opaque" as indicated below:
Via the <object> tag:
<param name="wmode" value="opaque">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
Via the <embed> tag:
<embed wmode="transparent"> ... </embed>
<embed wmode="opaque"> ... </embed>
** For more information see
+ Menu instances not rendered at correct z-index in IE
In IE, when a Menu instance is rendered inside a relatively positioned
element the z-index of the Menu instance is now relative to its
relatively positioned parent element. This is not a bug in the
Menu class, but rather a bug in IE where relatively positioned elements
establish a new stacking context for their child nodes. To avoid this
bug is recommend that all Menu instances that need to be able to float
above any other element in the document be made direct descendants of the
<body> element.
** For more information see
+ Elements with scrollbars poke through Menu instances floating above them
There is a bug in Gecko-based browsers for Mac OS X where an element's
scrollbars will poke through absolutely positioned elements floating above
them. To fix this problem the "overflow" property of a Menu instance's
shadow element is toggled between "hidden" and "auto" (through the application
and removal of the "hide-scrollbars" and "show-scrollbars" CSS classes) as its
"visibility" configuration property is toggled between "false" and "true."
Therefore, the shadow element acts like a shim, blocking scrollbars from
poking through the Menu.
1) The "hide-scrollbars" and "show-scrollbars" CSS classes classes are
applied only for Gecko on Mac OS X and are added/removed to/from the
Menu's root HTML element (DIV) via the "hideMacGeckoScrollbars" and
"showMacGeckoScrollbars" methods of YAHOO.widget.Overlay.
2) This fix is only applied when using the "Sam" skin; the CSS for the
original Menu skin does not contain any rules for rendering the
shadow element.
3) Once the fix is applied the bug will reappear if the window loses focus.
This can be fixed via Javascript by hiding and showing the Menu instance
when the window receives focus:
YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, "focus", function () {
** For more information see
*** version 2.2.2 ***
Fixed the following bugs:
+ "toString" method of MenuItem, MenuBarItem and ContextMenuItem classes will
no longer throw a JavaScript error when using the debug version
of the Event utility.
+ "toString" method of Menu, MenuBar and ContextMenu classes will
no longer attempt to output the instance's id if it is not available.
+ Logger statements output by debug version of MenuManager are now properly
categorized as "MenuManager"
*** version 2.2.1 ***
Added the following features:
+ Added the following methods to YAHOO.widget.Menu:
- "focus"
- "blur"
- "hasFocus"
+ Added the following Custom Events to YAHOO.widget.Menu:
+ "focusEvent"
+ "blurEvent"
+ Added the following methods to YAHOO.widget.MenuManager:
- "getFocusedMenuItem"
- "getFocusedMenu"
+ Added "hasFocus" method to YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
Fixed the following bugs:
+ Menu instances no longer set focus to themselves by default when made
visible. Menus only receive focus in response to the following events:
- The user mouses down on a MenuItem instance
- The user tabs into a MenuItem instance
+ Application of the "maxheight" configuration property is now correctly
deferred until the "render" event fires when Menu instance is being
lazy loaded.
+ The "maxheight" configuration property can now be set multiple times without
a Menu instance restoring itself to its original default height.
+ The "maxheight" configuration property can now be set on hidden Menu
instances that use lazy loading.
+ Menu instances with a "width" configuration property set will now render
at the specified width rather than shrink wrapping to their contents.
+ Menu item help text no longer wraps to the next line in Opera 9.
+ Immediate submenus of a Menubar instance will no longer shift their position
to try and remain inside the confines of the browser's viewport.
+ Lazy loaded ContextMenu instances now appear in the correct position when
they are made visible for the first time.
+ MenuBar instances no longer throw JavaScript errors when navigating items with
submenus containing no active items using the keyboard.
+ Replaced use of native "hasOwnProperty" method
with YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty.
+ Rendered Menu instances will now update their width when items are added
or removed.
+ Mousing over a Menu instance in an IE window that does not have focus will
no longer cause the window to receive focus.
+ "activeItem" property of YAHOO.widget.Menu now returns a reference to the
Menu's currently selected item.
+ Added a "visible" CSS class that is applied to visible Menu instances.
+ Refactored the Menu family to improve performance, especially when working
with a large number of instances in IE6.
*** version 2.2.0 ***
Added the following features:
* Added two new methods to YAHOO.widget.Menu:
* "getItems" - Returns a flat array of the items in a menu.
* "clearContent" - Removes all of the content from the menu, including the
menu items, group titles, header and footer.
* Added three new configuration attributes to YAHOO.widget.Menu:
* "submenuhidedelay" - Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that
should expire before a submenu is hidden when the user mouses out of a
menu item heading in the direction of a submenu. The value must be
greater than or equal to the value specified for the "showdelay"
configuration property.
* "maxheight" - Defines the maximum height (in pixels) for a menu before
the contents of the body are scrolled.
* "classname" - CSS class to be applied to the menu's root <div> element.
The specified class(es) are appended in addition to the default class as
specified by the menu's CSS_CLASS_NAME constant.
* Added new constants to YAHOO.widget.MenuItem:
* COLLAPSED_SUBMENU_INDICATOR_TEXT - String representing the text for the
<em> element used for the submenu arrow indicator.
* EXPANDED_SUBMENU_INDICATOR_TEXT - String representing the text for the
submenu arrow indicator element (<em>) when the submenu is visible.
* DISABLED_SUBMENU_INDICATOR_ALT_TEXT - String representing the text for
the submenu arrow indicator element (<em>) when the menu item is disabled.
* CHECKED_TEXT - String representing the text to be used for the checked
indicator element (<em>).
* DISABLED_CHECKED_TEXT - String representing the text to be used for the
checked indicator element (<em>) when the menu item is disabled.
* Added two new configuration attributes to YAHOO.widget.MenuItem:
* "onclick" - Object literal representing the code to be executed when the
button is clicked. Format:
fn: Function, // The handler to call when the event fires.
obj: Object, // An object to pass back to the handler.
scope: Object // The object to use for the scope of the handler.
* "classname" - CSS class to be applied to the menu item's root <li>
element. The specified class(es) are appended in addition to the default
class as specified by the menu item's CSS_CLASS_NAME constant.
* Added an "id" property to YAHOO.widget.MenuItem that represents the id of
the menu item's root <li> node. Although not a configuration attribute, this
property should be set via the object literal of configuration attributes
passed as the second argument to the constructor. If no value is
specified, then one will be generated using the "generateId" method of the
Dom utility (YAHOO.widget.Dom).
* Added a "trigger context menu event"
(YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu.triggerContextMenuEvent) that fires when the DOM
"contextmenu" event ("mousedown" for Opera) is fired by one of the elemeents
defined as a YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu instance's trigger.
* Added a "cancel" method to YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu that can be used to
cancel the display of a YAHOO.widget.ContextMen instance. This method
should be called within the scope of a "context menu" event handler for
one of the context menu's triggers
Fixed the following bugs:
* Users can now move diagonally from a menu item to its corresponding submenu
without the submenu hiding immediately.
* "destroy" method of YAHOO.widget.Menu now unsubscribes from the "text resize"
event (YAHOO.widget.Module.textResizeEvent).
* Browser progress bar no longer flashes when hovering over checked menu items
or menu items with submenus.
* Menu item submenu indicator image no longer jumps to the next line in
quirks mode.
* Mouse events no longer fire in Firefox if a YAHOO.widget.Menu instance is
moved by script into a stationary mouse pointer.
* Modified "toString" method of YAHOO.widget.ContextMenuItem to return the
correct class name, as it was reporting as YAHOO.widget.MenuBarItem.
* Default value for the "showdelay" configuration attribute is now 250
* Modified code so that all Menu images are added via CSS background images.
As a result, the following constants and properties have been deprecated:
* YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.IMG_ROOT
* YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.IMG_ROOT_SSL
* YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.imageRoot
* YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.isSecure
*** version 0.12.2 ***
* No changes
*** version 0.12.1 ***
Fixed the following bugs:
* Placed the call to the DOM "focus" method used by the MenuItem class inside
a zero-second timeout to resolve a race condition between menu positioning
and focusing of a menu item that resulted in the browser viewport
scrolling unnecessarily.
* Switched to JSMin for JavaScript compression to resolve issues with the
minified version.
* Disabled menu item instances will no longer display a submenu if the item is
clicked or moused over.
* Can no longer select more than one item in a menu if using the keyboard and
mouse simultaneously.
* Calling the "destory" method on a menu will now unregister all of the menu's
submenus from the MenuManager.
*** version 0.12 ***
Added the following features:
* Added the YAHOO.widget.MenuManager singleton class.
* Added two new methods to YAHOO.widget.Menu:
* "addItems" - Adds an array of items to a menu.
* "getRoot" - Returns the root menu in a menu hierarchy.
* Added two new events to YAHOO.widget.Menu:
* "itemAddedEvent" - Fires when an item is added to a menu.
* "itemRemovedEvent" - Fires when an item is removed from a menu.
* Added two new properties to YAHOO.widget.Menu:
* "itemData" - Array of items to be added to the menu.
* "lazyLoad" - Boolean indicating if the menu's "lazy load" feature
is enabled.
* Added new configuration properties to YAHOO.widget.Menu:
* "hidedelay" - Hides the menu after the specified number of milliseconds.
* "showdelay" - Shows the menu after the specified number of milliseconds.
* "container" - The containing element the menu should be rendered into.
* "clicktohide" - Boolean indicating if the menu will automatically be
hidden if the user clicks outside of it.
* "autosubmenudisplay" - Boolean indicating if submenus are automatically
made visible when the user mouses over the menu's items.
* Added a "toString" method to YAHOO.widget.MenuItem, YAHOO.widget.MenuBarItem
and YAHOO.widget.ContextMenuItem that returns the class name followed by the
value of the item's "text" configuration property.
Fixed the following bugs:
* Setting a YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu instance's "trigger" configuration
property will remove all previous triggers before setting up the new ones.
* "destroy" method of YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu cleans up all DOM event handlers.
* Clicking on a menu item with a submenu no longer hides/collapses the
entire menu.
* Clicking an item's submenu indicator image no longer collapses the
entire menu.
* Deprecated the YAHOO.widget.MenuModule and YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem
classes. The Base classes are now YAHOO.widget.Menu and
* "addItem" and "insertItem" methods of YAHOO.widget.Menu now accept an
object literal representing YAHOO.widget.MenuItem configuration properties.
* "clearActiveItem" now takes an argument: flag indicating if the Menu
instance's active item should be blurred.
* Switched the default value of the "visible" configuration property for
YAHOO.widget.Menu to "false."
* Switched the default value of the "constraintoviewport" configuration
property for YAHOO.widget.Menu to "true."
* Overloaded the "submenu" configuration property for YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
so that it now can accept any of the following:
* YAHOO.widget.Menu instance
* Object literal representation of a menu
* Element id
* Element reference
* "hide" and "show" methods of statically positioned menus now toggle the their
element's "display" style property between "block" and "none."
*** version 0.10.0 ***
* Initial release
* Known issues:
* Some Firefox extensions disable the ability for JavaScript to prevent
the display of the browser's default context menu. These extensions
can cause the YUI ContextMenu to stop working. If you encounter this
problem, you can reset the context menu preference in Firefox back to
the default by making sure the "Disable or replace context menus"
preference is checked:
Mac Firefox 1.0:
Preferences > Web Features >
Advanced... > Disable or replace context menus
Mac Firefox 1.5
Preferences > Context >
Advanced... > Disable or replace context menus
Windows Firefox 1.0
Tools > Options > Web Features >
Advanced... > Disable or replace context menus
Windows Firefox 1.5
Tools > Options > Context >
Advanced... > Disable or replace context menus
*** version 0.11.3 ***
Added the following features:
* Added a "target" configuration property to the MenuModuleItem object that
allows the user to specify the target of an item's anchor element. Items
that make use of the "target" configuration property will require the user
to click exactly on the item's anchor element to navigate to the specified
* Items without a "url" property set will automatically hide their parent
menu instance(s) when clicked.
Fixed the following bugs:
* Items in a submenu should now navigate to their specified URL when clicked.
* Removed MenuBar's use of "overflow:hidden." This fixes an issue in Firefox
1.5 in which submenus of a Menubar instance cannot overlay other absolutely
positioned elements on the page.
* Submenus of a Menubar instance will now automatically have their iframe shim
enabled in IE<7.
* Statically positioned Menubar and Menu instances will now render with the
correct position and dimensions in Safari.
* MenuModuleItem's "focus" method now checks to make sure that an item's
"display" style property is not "none" before trying to set focus to its
anchor element.
* A ContextMenu instance will now hide all other ContextMenu instances before
displaying itself.
* Removed the dead space in front of an item's submenu indicator image in IE.
This space was causing an item's submenu to flicker when the user hovered
over it.
* Moved the DOM event handlers for every menu from the root DIV node of each
instance to the document object. This change reduces the number of DOM event
handlers used by Menu to eight, improving the cleanup time required by the
Event utility.
*** version 0.11.0 ***
Added the following features:
* Overloaded the "addItem" and "insertItem" methods of MenuModule to accept a
string or a MenuModuleItem instance
* Added the ability to define a MenuItem instance as being "checked"
Fixed the following bugs:
* Changing the path for the submenu indicator image of one MenuModuleItem
subclass will no longer affect other subclasses
* MenuItem instances built from existing markup without anchor tags will no
longer trigger a JavaScript error when clicked
* Modified the implementation of the "imageRoot" property for the
MenuModuleItem class so that it is set to a secure/non-secure path when the
object is instantiated
* Menu instances now resize in response to changes to the browser's font size
* Modified the propagation of the MenuModule class's "submenualignment"
configuration property so that it only applies to instances of the same type
* Adjusted the specificity of the style rule that controls the position of a
MenuItem instance's submenu indicator image to prevent it from wrapping in IE
* Specified a width and height for submenu indicator images in the Menu
stylesheet to ensure that Menu instances are always rendered at the correct
* Clicking a MenuItem instance will no longer trigger two HTTP GET requests
* Users can now control or shift-click on MenuItem links
* In the Menu stylesheet (menu.css), switched from using "first" class to
"first-of-type" class
* Changed case of MenuModuleItem class's "subMenuIndicator" property
to "submenuIndicator"