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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
type.title=Type of a configuration entity
type.description=The type of a configuration entity is described as its ID, its name and whether or not it is a \
type.id.description=The identifier of the type
type.name.description=The name of the type
type.collection.title=Is Collection
type.collection.description=Whether the type is a collection or singleton configuration type
action.types.response.title=Types response
action.types.response.description=A collection of type objects in response to the request
action.types.response.result.description=The array of type results
action.nextdescendents.response.title=Next Descendents response
action.nextdescendents.response.description=The collection of next descendents beneath this endpoint
action.nextdescendents.response.result.item.description=A single descendent item
action.nextdescendents.response.id.description=The identifier of the item within its type
action.nextdescendents.response.type.description=The type of the item
action.nextdescendents.response.additional.title=Other properties
action.nextdescendents.response.additional.description=Any additional properties for the item (varies based on the \
schema of the type)
paths.contexts.engineConfiguration.title=Context Engine Configuration
paths.contexts.engineConfiguration.description=Engine configuration for the given scripting context
paths.services.title=Global Services
paths.services.description=Global and default configuration for services
paths.modules.title=Global Authentication Modules
paths.modules.description=Global and default configuration for authentication modules
paths.agents.title=Global Agents
paths.agents.description=Global and default configuration for agents