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# Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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# You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
title = Sites Resource
description = This version 1.0 sites service represents a Sites resource with CQ operations on the users collection \
and CRUDPA operations available for the site item. Items can have server version 1.0 subresources.
pathparam.description=The site name from the path
action.template.description=Sites template action that returns a template json object for site insert
action.schema.description=Sites schema action that returns the sites schema json
create.description=Create new site entry
delete.description=Delete site entry
query.description=Query the collection of site entries
read.description=Read a site entry
update.description=Update a site entry
create.error.500.description=Internal server error happened during the read process. Cause can be: \
* Site with id already exists\n\
* Could not create site\n\
* Could not read site just created
delete.error.500.description=Internal server error happened during the delete process. Cause can be: \
* Could not read site\n\
* Revision did not match\n\
* Site still has servers attached to it\n\
* Could not delete site
query.error.400.description=Query only supports `true` filter
query.error.500.description=Internal server error happened during the query process. Could not read site
read.error.401.description=Invalid ssoToken
read.error.404.description=Cannot find site
read.error.500.description=Internal server error happened during the query process. Cause can be: \
* Error reading configuration for site\n\
* Error reading SMS
update.error.500.description=Internal server error happened during the update process. Cause can be: \
* Could not read site\n\
* Revision did not match\n\
* Could not update site\n\
* Could not read site after just updating it
schema.title=Site schema
schema.description=Site schema.
schema._id.description=Site name.
schema.id.title=Site id
schema.id.description=Site's unique identifier.
schema.url.title=Primary URL
schema.url.description=Site primary URL.
schema.secondaryurls.title=Secondary URLs
schema.secondaryurls.description=Secondary URLs for this site.
schema.servers.title=Assigned Servers
schema.servers.description=Servers assigned to this site.
schema.server.id.title=Server id
schema.server.id.description=Server's unique identifier for the site.
schema.server.url.title=Server URL
schema.server.url.description=Server URL of the site
action.schema.response.schema.title=Site schema action schema
action.schema.response.schema.description=Site schema action response schema.
action.template.response.schema.title=Site template action schema
action.template.response.schema.description=Site action template response schema.
action.template.response.url.title=Site URL
action.template.response.url.description=Site primary URL.
action.template.response.servers.description=Site servers.
action.template.response.secondaryurls.title=Secondary URLs
action.template.response.secondaryurls.description=Site secondary URLs.