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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
title=Server Information
description=Provides information about the server.
pathparam.description=Server Information Identifier.
read.description=Read the server information.
error.400.description=The given resourceId is not supported for the read operation.
serverinfo.description=Represents server information.
serverinfo.domains.title=Cookie domains
serverinfo.domains.description=The list of domains into which OpenAM writes cookies.
serverinfo.protectedUserAttributes.title=Protected user attributes
serverinfo.protectedUserAttributes.description=A list of user profile attributes. Users modifying any of the \
attributes in this list will be required to enter a password as confirmation before the change is accepted.
serverinfo.cookieName.title=Cookie name
serverinfo.cookieName.description=Cookie name OpenAM uses to set a session handler ID during authentication.
serverinfo.secureCookie.title=Secure cookie
serverinfo.secureCookie.description=If yes, then OpenAM sets the cookie in secure mode such that the browser only \
returns the cookie if a secure protocol such as HTTPS is used.
serverinfo.forgotPassword.title=Forgotten password
serverinfo.forgotPassword.description=True if forgotten password is enabled.
serverinfo.forgotUsername.title=Forgot username
serverinfo.forgotUsername.description=True if forgotten username is enabled.
serverinfo.kbaEnabled.title=Security questions
serverinfo.kbaEnabled.description=True if security question are enabled.
serverinfo.selfRegistration.title=Self registration
serverinfo.selfRegistration.description=True if self registration is enabled.
serverinfo.lang.description=The locale.
serverinfo.successfulUserRegistrationDestination.title=Successful user registration destination
serverinfo.successfulUserRegistrationDestination.description=URL for redirect after successful user registration.
serverinfo.socialImplementations.title=Social implementations
serverinfo.socialImplementations.description=List of social authentication implementations.
serverinfo.referralsEnabled.title=Referrals enabled
serverinfo.referralsEnabled.description=If yes, then OpenAM allows creation of policies for HTTP and HTTPS resources \
whose FQDN matches the DNS alias for the realm even when no referral policy exists.
serverinfo.zeroPageLogin.title=Zero page login config
serverinfo.zeroPageLogin.description=Whether zero page login is enabled.
serverinfo.realm.description=The realm of the server.
serverinfo.xuiUserSessionValidationEnabled.title=XUI user session validation enabled
serverinfo.xuiUserSessionValidationEnabled.description=True if XUI user session validation is enabled.