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# Resource set resource
title=Resource Sets
description=Resource set resource provider is responsible for managing Resource Sets belonging to a user. Available \
operations are update, query, read, revoke all action.
pathparams.user = The identifier for the user for which the request is regarding.
pathparam.description=Unique identifier of the Resource Set.
read.description=Read Resource Set from the collection by id.
action.revokeAll.description=Revoke every Resource Set belonging to the user.
query.description=Query the collection of the user's Resource Set.
update.description=Update a Resource Set record.
query.error.400.description=Invalid query.
update.error.400.description=Error validating the request context for the update.
query.error.405.description=The required query with the given parameters is not supported.
error.500.description = An internal error occurred. Causes may be one of:\n\
* Could not get connection\n\
* Could not complete search\n\
* Unexpected LDAP result type
schema.title=Resource Set resource schema
schema.description=Describes the structure of the OpenAM representation of a user's OAuth Resource Set. For further \
information see [insert link to the RSR standard], and documentation about UMA in OpenAM.
schema.scopes.description=List of Resource Set scopes.
schema._id.title=Resource set id
schema._id.description=Unique identifier of the Resource Set.
schema.resourceServer.title=Resource server
schema.resourceServer.description=The resources server name.
schema.labels.title=Resource labels
schema.labels.description=Labels of the resource.
schema.name.title=Resource name
schema.name.description=Name of the resource.
schema.icon_uri.title=Icon uri
schema.icon_uri.description=Resource icon uri.
schema.resourceOwnerId.title=Resource owner
schema.resourceOwnerId.description=Name of the resource owner.
schema.type.title=Resource type
schema.type.description=Type of the resources.