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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
# Push authentication user devices resource provider
title=Push Authentication User Devices
description=The push authentication user devices service is responsible for exposing functions to change the \
collection of Push authentication devices. The supported methods are action, delete, query
action.validate.description=Reset push device action. This action will remove all Push devices from the user's \
profile attributes
pathparams.user = The identifier for the user for which the request is regarding.
pathparam.description=The unique identifier of the push authentication user device
delete.description=Delete push user authentication device
update.description=Update an existing push authentication user device
query.description=Query the user's device profile
# Push authentication user devices resource provider schemas
action.validate.schema.title=Push user devices validate action schema
action.validate.schema.description=Push user devices validate action schema
error.unexpected.server.error.description=Unexpected server error happened during the process
schema.title=User devices schema
schema.description=User devices schema that is used for push authentication devices, trusted user devices and oath \
user devices
schema.lastSelectedDate.title=Last selected date
schema.lastSelectedDate.description=Date when the device was selected last time
schema.screen.title=Device screen properties
schema.screen.description=Device screen properties
schema.screenWidth.title=Screen width
schema.screenWidth.description=Devices screen width
schema.screenHeight.title=Screen height
schema.screenHeight.description=Device screen height
schema.screenColourDepth.title=Screen colour depth
schema.screenColourDepth.description=Device screen colour depth
schema.timezone.description=Timezone used by the device
schema.installedPlugins.title=Installed plugins
schema.installedPlugins.description=Installed plugins on the device
schema.installedFonts.title=Installed fonts
schema.installedFonts.description=Installed fonts on the device
schema.userAgent.title=User agent
schema.userAgent.description=User Agent
schema.appName.title=Application name
schema.appName.description=Application name
schema.appCodeName.title=Application code name
schema.appCodeName.description=Application code name
schema.appVersion.title=Application version
schema.appVersion.description=Application version
schema.buildID.title=Build ID
schema.buildID.description=Application build ID
schema.platform.description=Device platform
schema.oscpu.description=String that identifies the current operating system
schema.productSub.title=Product sub
schema.productSub.description=Product sub
schema.language.description=Device default language
schema.geolocation.description=Device physical location
schema.name.description=Device name
schema.selectionCounter.title=Selection counter
schema.selectionCounter.description=Selection counter
schema.uuid.title=Device id
schema.uuid.description=Device unique identifier