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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
title = OAuth 2.0 User Applications
description = This endpoint exposes a list of all the applications (clients) that the user authorized using OAuth 2.0. \
Access for those applications can then be revoked on a per-client basis.
query.description = Get a list of the applications that have been granted OAuth 2.0 access. Only `_queryFilter=true` \
is supported.
query.error.500.description = Returned if the list of applications cannot be produced due to an internal error.
delete.description = Delete the tokens for the specified client ID.
delete.error.500.description = Returned if the list of applications cannot be produced due to an internal error.
pathparam.user = The identifier for the user for which the request is regarding.
pathparam.clientid = The OAuth 2.0 client ID for the application.
resource.id.title = Client ID
resource.id.description = The OAuth 2.0 client ID for the application.
resource.name.title = Display Name
resource.name.description = The human-readable display name for the OAuth 2.0 client
resource.expiry.title = Expiry Time
resource.expiry.description = When the tokens will currently expire (may be null).
resource.scopes.title = Scopes
resource.scopes.description = The total set of scopes granted to the application.
resource.scopedescription.title = Scope Descriptions
resource.scopedescription.description = The human-readable descriptions for the scope values.