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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
default.title=Audit Event
default.description=Audit events are logged through the global audit service.
realm.title=Audit Event
realm.description=Audit events are logged through a realm audit service.
pathparam.description=The topic under which to log the audit event.
create.description=Create a new audit event, which will be handled and logged by the configured audit service.
schema.title=Audit event schema
schema.description=The schema contains properties that are common to all topics and some that are unique to a specific \
topic. The description of each property indicates which topic the property applies to.
schema.access.server.description=The server details for an access event
schema.access.client.description=The client details for an access event
schema.access.request.description=The request details for an access event
schema.access.response.description=The response details for an access event
schema.access.http.title=Http details
schema.access.http.description=The Http details for an access event
schema.access.client.ip.title=Client IP address
schema.access.client.ip.description=The client IP address for an access event
schema.access.client.port.title=Client port
schema.access.client.port.description=The client port for an access event
schema.access.http.cookies.title=Http cookies
schema.access.http.cookies.description=The http cookies for an access event
schema.access.http.headers.title=Http headers
schema.access.http.headers.description=The http headers for an access event
schema.access.http.method.title=Http method
schema.access.http.method.description=The http method for an access event
schema.access.http.path.title=Http path
schema.access.http.path.description=The http path for an access event
schema.access.http.queryParameters.title=Http query parameters
schema.access.http.queryParameters.description=The http query parameters for an access event
schema.access.http.request.title=Http request
schema.access.http.request.description=The http request for an access event
schema.access.http.request.headers.title=Http request headers
schema.access.http.request.headers.description=The http request headers for an access event
schema.access.http.response.title=Http response
schema.access.http.response.description=The http response for an access event
schema.access.http.secure.title=Http secure
schema.access.http.secure.description=The http secure property for an access event
schema.access.request.detail.title=Request detail
schema.access.request.detail.description=The request detail for an access event
schema.access.request.operation.title=Request operation
schema.access.request.operation.description=The request operation for an access event
schema.access.request.protocol.title=Request protocol
schema.access.request.protocol.description=The request protocol for an access event
schema.access.response.detail.title=Response detail
schema.access.response.detail.description=The response detail for an access event
schema.access.response.elapsedTime.title=Response elapsed time
schema.access.response.elapsedTime.description=The response elapsedTime for an access event
schema.access.response.elapsedTimeUnits.title=Response elapsed time units
schema.access.response.elapsedTimeUnits.description=The response elapsed time units for an access event
schema.access.response.status.title=Response status
schema.access.response.status.description=The response status for an access event
schema.access.response.statusCode.title=Response status code
schema.access.response.statusCode.description=The response status code for an access event
schema.access.server.ip.title=Server IP address
schema.access.server.ip.description=The server ip address for an access event
schema.access.server.port.title=Server port
schema.access.server.port.description=The server port for an access event
schema.activity-and-config.after.title=After state
schema.activity-and-config.after.description=The state after an activity or config event occurred
schema.activity-and-config.before.title=Before state
schema.activity-and-config.before.description=The state before an activity or config event occurred
schema.activity-and-config.changedFields.title=Changed fields
schema.activity-and-config.changedFields.description=The changed fields after an activity or config event occurred
schema.activity-and-config.objectId.description=The object ID of the change that triggered an activity or config event
schema.activity-and-config.operation.description=The operation that triggered an activity or config event
schema.activity-and-config.revision.description=The revision for an activity or config event
schema.activity-and-config.runAs.description=What the change that triggered an activity or config event was run as
schema.authentication.context.description=The context of an authentication event
schema.authentication.entries.description=The entries for an authentication event
schema.authentication.entries.info.title=Entries information
schema.authentication.entries.info.description=The entries information for an authentication event
schema.authentication.entries.moduleId.description=The module ID for the authentication event
schema.authentication.entries.result.title=Module result
schema.authentication.entries.result.description=The result of the module authentication event
schema.authentication.principal.description=The principal responsible for the authentication event
schema.authentication.result.description=The result of the authentication event
schema.common.component.description=The component responsible for the event, used by all topics
schema.common.eventName.title=Event name
schema.common.eventName.description=The name of the event, used by all topics
schema.common.id.description=The ID of the event, used by all topics
schema.common.realm.description=The realm in which the event occurred, used by all topics
schema.common.timestamp.description=The time at which the event occurred, used by all topics
schema.common.trackingIds.title=Tracking IDs
schema.common.trackingIds.description=The tracking IDs of the event, used by all topics
schema.common.transactionId.title=Transaction ID
schema.common.transactionId.description=The transaction ID of the event, used by all topics
schema.common.userId.title=User ID
schema.common.userId.description=The ID of the user responsible for the event, used by all topics