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# Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
description=Service for manipulating Applications. It supports the CRUDQ operations.
pathparam.description=Application name
schema.description=Application schema
schema.name.description=Unique application identifier.
schema.displayName.title=Display name
schema.displayName.description=When defined, it is displayed in the UI instead of application name.
schema.description.description=String describing the application.
schema.applicationType.title=Application type
schema.applicationType.description=Name of the application type used as a template for the policy set.
schema.conditions.description=Condition types allowed in the context of the policy set.
schema.subjects.description=Subject types allowed in the context of the policy set.
schema.resourceTypeUuids.title=Resource type uuids
schema.resourceTypeUuids.description=A list of the UUIDs of the resource types associated with the policy set.
schema.entitlementCombiner.title=Entitlement combiner
schema.entitlementCombiner.description=Name of the decision combiner, such as "DenyOverride".
schema.searchIndex.title=Search index
schema.searchIndex.description=Class name of the implementation for searching indexes for resource names, \
such as "com.sun.identity.entitlement.util.ResourceNameSplitter" for URL resource names.
schema.saveIndex.title=Save index
schema.saveIndex.description=Class name of the implementation for creating indexes for resource names, \
such as "com.sun.identity.entitlement.util.ResourceNameIndexGenerator" for URL resource names.
schema.resourceComparator.title=Resource comparator
schema.resourceComparator.description=Class name of the resource comparator implementation used in the context of the \
policy set. The following implementations are available: "com.sun.identity.entitlement.ExactMatchResourceName", \
"com.sun.identity.entitlement.PrefixResourceName", "com.sun.identity.entitlement.RegExResourceName", \
schema.attributeNames.title=Attribute names
schema.attributeNames.description=A list of attribute names such as cn. \
The list is used to aid policy indexing and lookup.
schema.createdBy.title=Created by
schema.createdBy.description=A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject \
that created the application.
schema.lastModifiedBy.title=Last modified by
schema.lastModifiedBy.description=A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that most recently \
updated the application. If the application has not been modified since it was created, \
this will be the same value as createdBy.
schema.creationDate.title=Creation date
schema.creationDate.description=An integer containing the creation date and time, \
in number of seconds since the Unix Epoch.
schema.lastModifiedDate.title=Last modified date
schema.lastModifiedDate.description=An integer containing the last modified date and time, in number of seconds \
since the Unix Epoch. If the application has not been modified since it was created, \
this will be the same value as creationDate.
schema.editable.description=It indicates if application is editable.
query.description=Lists all the Applications in a realm
create.description=Creates a new Application in a realm
read.description=Reads an individual Application in a realm specified by its name
update.description=Updates an individual Application in a realm specified by its name
delete.description=Deletes an individual Application in a realm specified by its name
update.error.400.description=Bad request error. The cause can be the following:\n\
* The header "Content-Type"="application/json" is missing in the request\n\
* Application name specified in URL does not match application name specified in JSON.
create.error.400.description=Bad request error. The cause can be the following:\n\
* The header "Content-Type"="application/json" is missing in the request\n\
* "applicationType" or "name" properties are missing in the json of the application to be created.
error.401.description=Unauthorized error. The cause can be the following:\n\
The SSO header is missing in the request or user token is not valid.
error.403.description=Forbidden error. The cause can be the following:\n\
The user has insufficient privileges.
error.404.description=Not found error. The cause can be the following:\n\
Either application or realm does not exist.
error.409.description=Conflict error. The cause can be the following:\n\
The application to be created already exists.