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# $Id: libSOAPBinding.properties,v 1.3 2008/06/25 05:46:17 qcheng Exp $
binarySecurityTokenNull=Binary security token is null.
cannotProcessBinarySecurityToken=Unable to process binary security token.
cannotProcessRequest=Unable to process request.
cannotProcessSAMLAssertion=Unable to process SAML Assertion.
cannotVerifySignature=Unable to verify signature.
cannotSignRequest=Unable to sign request.
cannotSignResponse=Unable to sign response.
cannotCreateResponse=Unable to create response.
cannotDefineTrustManager=Unable to define JSSE trust manager
missingRequestHandler=Unable to find Request Handler.
missingKey=Missing key to the Request Handler in URL.
handlerKey=Key to Request Handler.
messageID=Message ID
soapEnvelopeMissingChildren=Unable to find children of SOAP Envelope.
missingSOAPHeader=Unable to find SOAP Header element.
unsupportedSOAPAction=Unsupported SOAPAction.
unsupportedAuthMech=Unsupported authentication mechanism.
refAttributeNull=ref attribute of UsageDirective header can't be null.
missingFaultCode=Unable to find SOAP Fault Code.
missingFaultString=Unable to find SOAP Fault String.
invalidChild=Found invalid child of Fault element.
invalidReferenceURI=Invalid Reference URI in Security Token Reference.
missingAsserionID=Missing Assertion ID Reference in Security Token Reference.
invalidMustUnderstand=Invalid syntax for attribute 'mustUnderstand'.
invalidTimestamp=Invalid syntax for attribute 'timestamp'.
missingCorrelationTimestamp=Missing Correlation header timestamp.
ProviderHeaderNull=Missing Provider header.
CorrelationHeaderNull=Missing Correlation header.
missingPCvalue=Missing ProcessingContext header element value.
missingProviderID=Missing provider id.
missingFaultStatusCode=Missing SOAP Fault Status code.
ServerError=Server Error
staleMsg=The message is too old.
dupMsg=Duplicated message.
missingMessageID=Missing messageID attribute in Correlation header.
invalidRef=refToMessageID in Correlation header doesn't match messageID in Correlation header in original request message.
ProcessingContextUnsupported=The Processing Context Facet URI is not supported.
bogusActor=Invalid actor
bogusMustUnderstand=Invalid mustUnderstand
unknownError=Unknown error
invalidElementSIU=Element {0} is not expected in ServiceInstanceUpdate header
invalidChildSIU=Invalid child element in ServiceInstanceUpdate header
tooManyEndpoint=Too many 'Endpoint' element in ServiceInstanceUpdate header
invalidSeqSIU=Invalid sequence of child elements in ServiceInstanceUpdate header
invalidNotOnOrAfter='notOnOrAfter' attribute value '{0}' has syntax error
tooManyChildrenCr='Credential' element can has only one childe element
validateResponseFailed=Response validation failed
secureRequestFailed=Securing request failed
secureResponseFailed=Securing response failed
cannotSignMessage=Unable to sign the message
cannotAddCorrelationHeader=Unable to add Correlation Header
discoveryQueryFailed=Discovery Query Failed
noDescriptions=No Descriptions found in Service Offering
noSecurityMechs=No Security Mechanisms found in Service Offering
processOfferingFailed=Service Offering processing failed
noWSAuthentication=Unable to find Web Service Authenticator