* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* Copyright 2014 ForgeRock AS.
package com.sun.identity.saml2.common;
import org.forgerock.guice.core.InjectorHolder;
import org.forgerock.openam.federation.saml2.SAML2TokenRepository;
import org.forgerock.openam.federation.saml2.SAML2TokenRepositoryException;
import java.util.List;
* Provides helper methods specifically around using SAML2 Failover and the SAML2 Token Repository.
* Users of these methods much ensure that SAML2 Failover is enabled by checking the result of the
* {@link #isSAML2FailoverEnabled()} call before accessing the token repository.
public class SAML2FailoverUtils {
private SAML2FailoverUtils() {
* Checks whether SAML2 failover is enabled.
* @return true if SAML2 failover is enabled otherwise false.
public static boolean isSAML2FailoverEnabled() {
String enableFailOver = (String)SAML2ConfigService.getAttribute(SAML2ConfigService.SAML2_FAILOVER_ATTR);
return Boolean.parseBoolean(enableFailOver);
* Helper method for accessing the SAML2 Token Repository, should only be used when SAML2 failover is enabled.
* @param primaryKey The primary key of SAML2 object to save
* @param samlObj The SAML2 object to save
* @param expirationTime Expiration time in seconds from epoch.
* @throws SAML2TokenRepositoryException if there was a problem accessing the SAML2 Token Repository
public static void saveSAML2TokenWithoutSecondaryKey(String primaryKey, Object samlObj, long expirationTime)
throws SAML2TokenRepositoryException {
saveSAML2Token(primaryKey, null, samlObj, expirationTime);
* Helper method for accessing the SAML2 Token Repository, should only be used when SAML2 failover is enabled.
* @param primaryKey The primary key of the SAML2 object to save
* @param secondaryKey Secondary key, can be null
* @param samlObj The SAML2 object to save
* @param expirationTime Expiration time in seconds from epoch.
* @throws SAML2TokenRepositoryException if there was a problem accessing the SAML2 Token Repository
public static void saveSAML2Token(String primaryKey, String secondaryKey, Object samlObj, long expirationTime)
throws SAML2TokenRepositoryException {
SAML2TokenRepositoryHolder.getRepo().saveSAML2Token(primaryKey, secondaryKey, samlObj, expirationTime);
* Helper method for accessing the SAML2 Token Repository, should only be used when SAML2 failover is enabled.
* @param primaryKey The primary key of SAML2 object to retrieve
* @return An object representing the SAML2 object put into the repository using the key or null if not found.
* @throws SAML2TokenRepositoryException if there was a problem accessing the SAML2 Token Repository
public static Object retrieveSAML2Token(String primaryKey) throws SAML2TokenRepositoryException {
return SAML2TokenRepositoryHolder.getRepo().retrieveSAML2Token(primaryKey);
* Helper method for accessing the SAML2 Token Repository, should only be used when SAML2 failover is enabled.
* @param secondaryKey Secondary key to use when searching for matching tokens
* @return A non null, but possibly empty collection of SAML2 objects.
* @throws SAML2TokenRepositoryException if there was a problem accessing the SAML2 Token Repository
public static List retrieveSAML2TokensWithSecondaryKey(String secondaryKey) throws SAML2TokenRepositoryException {
return SAML2TokenRepositoryHolder.getRepo().retrieveSAML2TokensWithSecondaryKey(secondaryKey);
* Helper method for accessing the SAML2 Token Repository, should only be used when SAML2 failover is enabled.
* @param primaryKey The primary key of SAML2 object to delete
* @throws SAML2TokenRepositoryException if there was a problem accessing the SAML2 Token Repository
public static void deleteSAML2Token(String primaryKey) throws SAML2TokenRepositoryException {
* Enum to lazy init the SAML2TokenRepository variable in a thread safe manner.
private enum SAML2TokenRepositoryHolder {
private final SAML2TokenRepository repository;
private SAML2TokenRepositoryHolder() {
repository = InjectorHolder.getInstance(SAML2TokenRepository.class);
static SAML2TokenRepository getRepo() {
return INSTANCE.repository;