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$Id: home.jsp,v 1.7 2009/08/01 00:21:52 sean_brydon Exp $
<%@ include file="init.jspf" %>
<title>Book Flight With Great Air</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%= deployuri %>/com_sun_web_ui/css/css_ns6up.css" />
<%@ include file="header.jspf" %>
&lt; <a href="Readme.html">SAMLv2 Sample Page</a>
<h3><center><%= myTitle%>
appreciates your business<%= userLoggedIn ? ", " + userLabel : ""%></center></h3>
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="0" width="100%">
<td valign="top" align="left">
<% if(iAmIdp) { %>
Followings are the tasks that can be performed on the Identity Provider:
<% } else { %>
Followings are the tasks that can be performed on the Service Provider:
<% } %>
<td valign="top" align="left"> </td>
<!-- Login/Logout prompt -->
<td valign="top" align="left">
<% if(!userLoggedIn) { %> <!-- user not logged in -->
<% if(iAmIdp) { %> <!-- not logged in, i am idp -->
<a href="<%= localLoginUrl %>?goto=<%= thisUrl %>">
Local Login</a>
<% } else { %> <!-- not logged in, i am sp -->
<a href="<%= appBase %>spssoinit?metaAlias=<%= myMetaAlias %>&idpEntityID=<%= partnerEntityID %>&<%= SAML2Constants.BINDING %>=HTTP-Artifact&RelayState=<%= thisUrl %>">
SAMLv2 Login through IDP, secure service provided by <%= idpTitle%></a>
<a href="<%= localLoginUrl %>?goto=<%= thisUrl %>">
Local Login</a>
<% } %>
<% } else { %> <!-- user logged in -->
<% if(iAmIdp) { %> <!-- logged in, i am idp -->
<a href="<%= appBase %>IDPSloInit?<%= SAML2Constants.BINDING %>=<%= SAML2Constants.HTTP_REDIRECT %>&RelayState=<%= thisUrl %>">
SAMLv2 Logout</a>
<% } else { %> <!-- logged in, i am sp -->
<% if(isLocalLogin) { %>
<a href="<%= localLogoutUrl %>?goto=<%= thisUrl %>">
Local Logout</a>
<a href="<%= appBase %>spssoinit?metaAlias=<%= myMetaAlias %>&idpEntityID=<%= partnerEntityID %>&<%= SAML2Constants.BINDING %>=HTTP-Artifact&RelayState=<%= thisUrl %>">
SAMLv2 Login through IDP, secure service provided by <%= idpTitle%></a>
<% } else { %>
<a href="<%= appBase %>SPSloInit?idpEntityID=<%= partnerEntityID %>&<%= SAML2Constants.BINDING %>=<%= SAML2Constants.HTTP_REDIRECT %>&RelayState=<%= thisUrl %>">
SAMLv2 Logout</a>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<!-- Federate/Defederate prompt only if user is logged in -->
<% if(userLoggedIn) { %> <!-- user logged in -->
<% if(federatedWithPartner) { %> <!-- federated -->
<% if(iAmIdp) { %> <!-- federated, i am idp -->
<a href="<%= appBase %>IDPMniInit?metaAlias=<%= myMetaAlias %>&spEntityID=<%= partnerEntityID %>&requestType=Terminate&RelayState=<%= thisUrl %>">
Terminate Federation with <%= partnerTitle %></a>
<% } else { %> <!-- federated, i am sp -->
<a href="<%= appBase %>SPMniInit?metaAlias=<%= myMetaAlias %>&idpEntityID=<%= partnerEntityID %>&requestType=Terminate&RelayState=<%= thisUrl %>">
Terminate Federation with <%= partnerTitle %></a>
<% } %>
<% } else if(iAmIdp) { %> <!-- not federated, i am idp -->
<a href="<%= appBase %>idpssoinit?metaAlias=<%= myMetaAlias %>&spEntityID=<%= partnerEntityID %>&<%= SAML2Constants.BINDING %>=<%= SAML2Constants.HTTP_ARTIFACT %>&RelayState=<%= thisUrl %>">
Federate with <%= partnerTitle %></a>
<% } else { %> <!-- not federated, i am sp -->
<a href="<%= appBase %>spssoinit?metaAlias=<%= myMetaAlias %>&idpEntityID=<%= partnerEntityID %>&<%= SAML2Constants.BINDING %>=HTTP-Artifact&RelayState=<%= thisUrl %>">
Federate with <%= partnerTitle %></a>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<!-- links to hosted pages and pages hosted by partner -->
<% if (userLoggedIn) { %> <!-- user logged in -->
<% if (iAmIdp) { %> <!-- logged in, i am idp -->
<a href="reserveFlight.jsp">
Reserve Flight with us, <%= myTitle %>
<a href="<%= appBase %>idpssoinit?metaAlias=<%= myMetaAlias %>&spEntityID=<%= partnerEntityID %>&<%= SAML2Constants.BINDING %>=<%= SAML2Constants.HTTP_ARTIFACT %>&RelayState=<%= reserveCarWithPartnerUrl %>">
Reserve Car with our associate, <%= partnerTitle %>
<% } else {%> <!-- logged in, i am sp -->
<a href="<%= reserveCarUrl %>">
Reserve Car with us, <%= myTitle %>
<% } %>
<% } else { %> <!-- user not logged in -->
<% if (iAmIdp) { %> <!-- not logged in, i am idp -->
<a href="<%= localLoginUrl %>?goto=<%= reserveFlightUrl %>">
Reserve Flight with us, <%= myTitle %>
<a href="<%= appBase %>idpssoinit?metaAlias=<%= myMetaAlias %>&spEntityID=<%= partnerEntityID %>&<%= SAML2Constants.BINDING %>=<%= SAML2Constants.HTTP_ARTIFACT %>&RelayState=<%= reserveCarWithPartnerUrl %>">
Reserve Car with our associate, <%= partnerTitle %>
<% } else {%> <!-- not logged in, i am sp -->
<a href="reserveCar.jsp">
<a href="<%= appBase %>spssoinit?metaAlias=<%= myMetaAlias %>&idpEntityID=<%= partnerEntityID %>&<%= SAML2Constants.BINDING %>=HTTP-Artifact&RelayState=<%= reserveCarUrl %>">
Reserve Car with us, <%= myTitle %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<!-- show link to partner sample home -->
<% if (partnerSampleHomeUrl != null) { %>
<a href="<%= partnerSampleHomeUrl %>">
<%= partnerTitle %> Sample Home</a>
<% } %>