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$Id: configure.jsp,v 1.6 2008/11/25 23:50:42 exu Exp $
Portions Copyrighted 2012 ForgeRock Inc
Portions Copyrighted 2012 Open Source Solution Technology Corporation
<title>Configure Service Provider</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../com_sun_web_ui/css/css_ns6up.css"/>
String errorMsg = null;
<%@ include file="../util.jspf"%>
<%@ page
if (localAuthUrl != null) {
out.println("<script language=\"Javascript\">");
out.println("top.location.replace('" + localAuthUrl + "');");
boolean doneConfiguration = false;
boolean alreadyConfigured = false;
String hostedSPEntityID = null;
String remoteIDPEntityID = null;
String fedProtocol = null;
String proto = request.getParameter("proto");
String host = request.getParameter("host");
String port = request.getParameter("port");
String deploymenturi = request.getParameter("deploymenturi");
if ((localAuthUrl == null) && (errorMsg == null)) {
// fedProtocol would be value of "saml2", or "idff" or "ws-fed"
fedProtocol = request.getParameter(PROTOCOL_PARAM_NAME);
hostedSPEntityID = baseURL.trim() + "/" + SAMPLE_PREFIX +
fedProtocol + SP_SUFFIX;
if ((proto != null) && (host != null) && (port != null) &&
(deploymenturi != null)) {
proto = proto.trim();
host = host.trim();
port = port.trim();
deploymenturi = deploymenturi.trim();
if ((proto.length() > 0) && (host.length() > 0) &&
(port.length() > 0) && (deploymenturi.length() > 0) &&
(fedProtocol.length() > 0)) {
if (deploymenturi.charAt(0) != '/') {
deploymenturi = "/" + deploymenturi;
remoteIDPEntityID = new StringBuffer()
try {
hostedSPEntityID, request);
doneConfiguration = true;
} else if (fedProtocol.equals(SingleLogoutManager.IDFF)) {
hostedSPEntityID, request);
doneConfiguration = true;
} else if (fedProtocol.equals(SingleLogoutManager.WS_FED)) {
hostedSPEntityID, request);
doneConfiguration = true;
} else {
errorMsg = "Invalid federation protocol " + fedProtocol;
} catch (Exception clie) {
errorMsg = clie.getMessage();
} else {
errorMsg = "Required fields are missing.";
} else {
try {
checkCurrentSPConfiguration(baseURL.trim() + "/" +
} catch (Exception e) {
alreadyConfigured = true;
errorMsg = e.getMessage();
<body class="DefBdy">
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<div class="MstDivTtl"><img name="ProdName" src="../../../console/images/PrimaryProductName.png" alt="" /></div></td><td class="MstTdLogo" width="1%"><img name="RMRealm.mhCommon.BrandLogo" src="../../../com_sun_web_ui/images/other/javalogo.gif" alt="Java(TM) Logo" border="0" height="55" width="31" /></td></tr></tbody></table>
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<table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
if (!loggedIn) {
<p> </p>
You have not logged in to this Service Provider. Click
<a href=<%= baseURL+"/UI/Login?goto=" + baseURL + "/" + baseURI %>>here</a> to login .
} else {
if (!doneConfiguration) {
<h3>Configuring this instance as Service Provider</h3>
<form action="configure.jsp" method="GET">
This sample will create and load metadata for a hosted Service Provider
and a remote Identity Provider. <br/>
It will also setup circle of trust for the two providers.
<p> </p>
<table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>
if (errorMsg != null) {
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<b><font color="red"><%= errorMsg %></font></b>
if (!alreadyConfigured) {
<td colspan="2">Please provide the remote Identity Provider (must also be an
OpenAM instance) information:</td>
<td valign="center" width="25%">Federation Protocol:</td>
<td align="left">
<input name="spFederationProtocol" type="radio" value="saml2"/>SAML2<br/>
<input name="spFederationProtocol" type="radio" value="idff"/>IDFF<br/>
<input name="spFederationProtocol" type="radio" value="wsfed"/>WS-Federation<br/>
<td valign="center">Protocol:</td>
<input name="proto" type="radio" value="http" />HTTP<br/>
<input name="proto" type="radio" value="https" />HTTPS<br/>
<td><input name="host" type="text" size="30" value="" /></td>
<td><input name="port" type="text" size="6" value="" /></td>
<td>Deployment URI:</td>
<td><input name="deploymenturi" type="text" size="15" value="" /></td>
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<input type="submit" value="Configure" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
} else {
String idpBaseUrl = proto + "://" + host + ":" + port + deploymenturi;
String idpSampleUrl = idpBaseUrl +
String redirectURL = idpSampleUrl + "?" + SP_BASE_URL +
"=" + baseURL + "&" + PROTOCOL_PARAM_NAME + "=" + fedProtocol;
<p> </p>
Hosted Service Provider <%= hostedSPEntityID %> is created.
<p> </p>
Remote Identity Provider <%= remoteIDPEntityID %> is created.
<p> </p>
Circle of Trust <%= SAMPLE_COT_NAME %> is created.
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
Service Provider is configured. Click <a href="<%= redirectURL %>">here</a> to configure
remote Identity Provider.