### SERVER_URL is the URL of the web container on which the OpenAM Server is
### deployed.
### DEPLOYMENT_URI is the OpenAM Server deployment URI.
### BASE_DIR is the configuration directory
### locale is the user locale.
### PLATFORM_LOCALE is is the locale of the OpenAM Server.
### AM_ENC_KEY is the password encryption key. In a multiserver installation,
### this parameter must have the same value as the other servers. By default,
### AM_ENC_KEY is set to "" which means that the OpenAM Server will generate a
### random password encryption key.
### ADMIN_PWD is the password for the default user, amAdmin. The password must
### be at least 8 characters in length. If this configuration will be part of
### an existing deployment, the password you enter must match that of the
### original deployment.
### AMLDAPUSERPASSWD is the password for default policy agent [UrlAccessAgent].
### The password must be at least 8 characters in length. If this configuration
### will be part of an existing deployment, the password you enter must match
### that of the original deployment.
### COOKIE_DOMAIN is the name of the trusted DNS domain that the OpenAM Server
### returns to a browser when it grants a session ID to a user.
### DATA_STORE is the type of configuration data store. Valid values are
### 'embedded' - OpenAM
### 'dirServer' - Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition
### If 'dirServer' is specified and the configuration data store contains
### configuration of existing OpenAM Servers, this OpenAM Server will be
### added to the existing multi-server setup.
### DIRECTORY_SSL specifies if the configuration data store is using SSL.
### Valid values are
### 'SSL' - SSL
### 'SIMPLE' - none SSL
### DIRECTORY_SERVER is the host name of the configuration data store.
### DIRECTORY_PORT is the port on which the configuration data store is
### listening for connections.
### ROOT_SUFFIX is the initial or root suffix of the configuration data store.
### SESSION_ROOT_SUFFIX is the parent suffix of the Session Root DN to persist session data.
### SESSION_STORE_TYPE is the type of Persistent Session Store.
### DS_DIRMGRDN is the DN (distinguished name) of the directory manager,
### the user who has unrestricted access to the configuration data store.
### DS_DIRMGRPASSWD is the password for the directory manager of the
### configuration data store.
DS_DIRMGRDN=cn=Directory Manager