#README file for OpenAM stand alone client sdk samples
#Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
#The contents of this file are subject to the terms
#of the Common Development and Distribution License
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#compliance with the License.
#You can obtain a copy of the License at
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#See the License for the specific language governing
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#When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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#$Id: run-xacml-client-sample.sh,v 1.9 2008/08/19 19:11:25 veiming Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS.
#Runs the xacml client sample program
#constructs a xacml-context:Request
#makes XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery to PDP,
#receives XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement
#prints out xacml-context:Response
#Requires one parameter: the name of the resource file that defines
#property values used by the sample
#Default is xacmlClientSamples
#The corresponding file that would be read from classpath
#is xacmlClientSample.properites
#from classpath.
#A default template is included
#at ../resources/xacmlClientSample.properties
#See the template for more information on the properties
#Please update it to match your deployment
#You have to create user and policy at PDP to get right policy decision
#see ../resources/xacmlClientSample.properties for more information
#Requires ../resources/AMConfig.properties
#Must run "setup.sh" once to configure the client to find the OpenAM server, this
#is referred as PEP host below. Modify AMConfig.properties, set value of
#"com.sun.identity.agents.app.username" property to "amadmin", set value of
#"com.iplanet.am.service.password" property to the amadmin password if it is
#different from the password entered when running setup.sh command.
#Setting up PDP OpenAM and PEP OpenAM
# At PDP host, that is the host that would run the OpenAM acting as PDP.
# We would call this PDP OpenAM. At PDP host, do the following:
# deploy openam.war and configure it on a supported java ee container
# using OpenAM console, Configuration > Global> SAMLv2 SOAP Binding, set soap handler,
# key=/xacmlPdp|class=com.sun.identity.xacml.plugins.XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryHandler
# unzip ssoAdminTools.zip and setup OpenAM admin tools
# openam/bin/ssoadm create-cot -t xacml-pdp-cot -u amadmin -f <password_file>
# openam/bin/ssoadm create-metadata-templ -y xacmlPdpEntity -p /xacmlPdp -m xacmlPdp.xml -x xacmlPdp-x.xml -u amadmin -f <password_file>
# openam/bin/ssoadm import-entity -t xacml-pdp-cot -m xacmlPdp.xml -x xacmlPdp-x.xml -u amadmin -f <password_file>
# At PEP host, that is the host that would run the OpenAM acting as PEP metadata
# repository, do
# deploy openam.war and configure it on a supported java ee container
# unzip ssoAdminTools.zip and setup OpenAM admin tools
# openam/bin/ssoadm create-cot -t xacml-pep-cot -u amadmin -f <password_file>
# openam/bin/ssoadm create-metadata-templ -y xacmlPepEntity -e /xacmlPep -m xacmlPep.xml -x xacmlPep-x.xml -u amadmin -f <password_file>
# openam/bin/ssoadm import-entity -t xacml-pep-cot -m xacmlPep.xml -x xacmlPep-x.xml -u amadmin -f <password_file>
# copy xacmlPdp.xml from PDP host as xacmlPdp-r.xml to PEP host, do
# openam/bin/ssoadm import-entity -t xacml-pep-cot -m xacmlPdp-r.xml -u amadmin -f <password_file>
# At PDP host, do the following:
# copy xacmlPep.xml from PEP host as xacmlPep-r.xml to PDP host
# openam/bin/ssoadm import-entity -t xacml-pdp-cot -m xacmlPep-r.xml -u amadmin -f <password_file>
# Then, run this script
java -classpath resources:lib/* samples.xacml.XACMLClientSample xacmlClientSample