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$Id: README.setup,v 1.15 2008/10/09 23:48:21 ww203982 Exp $
Portions Copyrighted 2011 ForgeRock AS
OpenAM: openam-ssoAdminTools.zip
This file contains information on installing and using ssoAdminTools.zip.
It is assumed that OpenAM Server is available.
Table of contents:
1. Supported versions of Java Runtime
2. Installing ssoAdminTools.zip
3. What does this package contain?
1. Supported versions of Java Runtime
Java Runtime Environment 1.5 or higher.
2. What does this package contain?
|----README (this file)
| |
| |----*.jar (binaries needed for the scripts)
| |
| |----*.properties (properties file for binaries)
|----setup (setup script for linux and unix)
|----setup.bat (setup script for windows)
| |
| |----unix/bin/*.template (template of scripts for unix and linux)
| |
| |----windows/bin/* (required windows specific libraries)
3. Installing ssoAdminTools.zip
Before setting up ssoAdminTools.zip, JAVA_HOME environment variable needs to be
initialized to a path of a compatible Java Runtime.
Steps involved in installing ssoAdminTools.zip are:
Step 1: Unzip ssoAdminTools.zip to the desired directory.
Step 2: Go to the directory which has the ssoAdminTools.zip unzipped.
Run the setup command as follows:
"./setup" or "setup"
for Unix and Windows respectively.
Enter the configuration directory when prompted.
"Path to config files of OpenAM server [~/openam]:"
Enter the path to Debug Directory
"Debug Directory [~/ssoadm/debug]:"
Enter the path to the Log Directory
"Log Directory [~/ssoadm/log]:"
Step 3: After step 2 is performed, the CLIs can be run under the following
where <TOOLS_DIR> is the directory which has ssoAdminTools.zip unzipped
(ie: current directory), and <OPENAM_INSTANCE_NAME> is the deployment
URI of OpenAM.