* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
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* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2013 ForgeRock Inc.
package com.sun.identity.authentication.jaas;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.InvalidPasswordException;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;
import javax.security.auth.login.AppConfigurationEntry;
import javax.security.auth.login.AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag;
import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;
import javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyMap;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.same;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
* Exercises the login context.
* @author andrew.forrest@forgerock.com
public class LoginContextTest {
private static final String LOGIN_MODULE = "com.sun.identity.authentication.jaas.LoginContextTest$MockModule";
private static final String DELEGATE_MODULE = "delegate";
private Subject subject;
private CallbackHandler handler;
private LoginContext context;
private LoginModule requisiteDelegate;
private LoginModule requiredDelegate;
private LoginModule optionalDelegate;
private LoginModule sufficientDelegate;
private Map<LoginModule, Map<String, Object>> optionCache;
* This test sets up four mock login modules, each with different control flags. The modules are created with
* control flags in the following order: required, requisite, sufficient and optional.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown by invocation of the authentication framework.
public void setUp() throws LoginException {
optionCache = new HashMap<LoginModule, Map<String, Object>>();
// Create required delegate login module.
requiredDelegate = mock(LoginModule.class);
Map<String, Object> requiredOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
requiredOptions.put(DELEGATE_MODULE, requiredDelegate);
optionCache.put(requiredDelegate, requiredOptions);
AppConfigurationEntry requiredEntry = new AppConfigurationEntry(LOGIN_MODULE,
LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED, requiredOptions);
// Create requisite delegate login module.
requisiteDelegate = mock(LoginModule.class);
Map<String, Object> requisiteOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
requisiteOptions.put(DELEGATE_MODULE, requisiteDelegate);
optionCache.put(requisiteDelegate, requisiteOptions);
AppConfigurationEntry requisiteEntry = new AppConfigurationEntry(LOGIN_MODULE,
LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUISITE, requisiteOptions);
// Create sufficient delegate login module.
sufficientDelegate = mock(LoginModule.class);
Map<String, Object> sufficientOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
sufficientOptions.put(DELEGATE_MODULE, sufficientDelegate);
optionCache.put(sufficientDelegate, sufficientOptions);
AppConfigurationEntry sufficientEntry = new AppConfigurationEntry(LOGIN_MODULE,
LoginModuleControlFlag.SUFFICIENT, sufficientOptions);
// Create optional delegate login module.
optionalDelegate = mock(LoginModule.class);
Map<String, Object> optionalOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
optionalOptions.put(DELEGATE_MODULE, optionalDelegate);
optionCache.put(optionalDelegate, optionalOptions);
AppConfigurationEntry optionalEntry = new AppConfigurationEntry(LOGIN_MODULE,
LoginModuleControlFlag.OPTIONAL, optionalOptions);
AppConfigurationEntry[] entries =
new AppConfigurationEntry[] {requiredEntry, requisiteEntry, sufficientEntry, optionalEntry};
subject = new Subject();
handler = mock(CallbackHandler.class);
// Initialise class under test.
context = new LoginContext(entries, subject, handler);
* When a sufficient module succeeds and no preceding required or requisite modules have failed, the authentication
* chain terminates with a successful login, thereby ignoring any modules further in the chain.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown by invocation of the authentication framework.
public void sufficientSuccess() throws LoginException {
whenLoginReturnTrue(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate);
whenCommitReturnTrue(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate);
verifyInitialize(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate);
verifyLogin(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate);
verifyCommit(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate);
verifyNoMoreInteractions(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
* Sufficient module failures are only noted when required or requisite modules within the chain are ignored or
* there are no required or requisite modules in the chain and no other module has succeeded in authentication.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown by invocation of the authentication framework.
public void sufficientFailureIgnored() throws LoginException {
whenLoginReturnTrue(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, optionalDelegate);
whenCommitReturnTrue(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyInitialize(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyLogin(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyCommit(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyNoMoreInteractions(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
* An authentication failure in a required module is thrown when the authentication chain completes.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown by invocation of the authentication framework.
@Test(expectedExceptions = InvalidPasswordException.class)
public void requiredFailure() throws LoginException {
whenLoginReturnTrue(requisiteDelegate, optionalDelegate);
// Sufficient module ignored to stop the chain completing early.
whenAbortReturnTrue(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
try {
} finally {
verifyInitialize(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyLogin(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyAbort(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyNoMoreInteractions(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
* An authentication failure in a requisite module is thrown immediately, causing the authentication chain to
* terminate.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown by invocation of the authentication framework.
@Test(expectedExceptions = InvalidPasswordException.class)
public void requisiteFailure() throws LoginException {
whenAbortReturnTrue(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
try {
} finally {
verifyInitialize(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyLogin(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate);
verifyAbort(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyNoMoreInteractions(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
* Like with sufficient, optional module failures are only noted when required or requisite modules within the chain
* are ignored or there are no required or requisite modules in the chain and no other module has succeeded in
* authentication.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown by invocation of the authentication framework.
public void optionalFailureIgnored() throws LoginException {
whenLoginReturnTrue(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate);
// Sufficient module ignored to stop the chain completing early.
whenCommitReturnTrue(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate);
whenCommitReturnFalse(sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyInitialize(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyLogin(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyCommit(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyNoMoreInteractions(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
* Optional module failures are only noted when required or requisite modules within the chain are ignored or there
* are no required or requisite modules in the chain and no other module has succeeded in authentication.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown by invocation of the authentication framework.
@Test(expectedExceptions = InvalidPasswordException.class)
public void optionalFailureNoted() throws LoginException {
whenLoginReturnFalse(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate);
whenAbortReturnTrue(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
try {
} finally {
verifyInitialize(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyLogin(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyAbort(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyNoMoreInteractions(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
* Successful authentication in an optional module is only noted when required or requisite modules within the chain
* are ignored or there are no required or requisite modules in the chain.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown by invocation of the authentication framework.
public void optionalSuccessNoted() throws LoginException {
whenLoginReturnFalse(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate);
whenCommitReturnFalse(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate);
verifyInitialize(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyLogin(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyCommit(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
verifyNoMoreInteractions(requiredDelegate, requisiteDelegate, sufficientDelegate, optionalDelegate);
* Convenient method for setting login expectations.
* @param modules
* Modules for which the expectations are to be set.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown from module invocation.
private void whenLoginReturnTrue(LoginModule... modules) throws LoginException {
for (LoginModule module : modules) {
* Convenient method for setting login expectations.
* @param modules
* Modules for which the expectations are to be set.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown from module invocation.
private void whenLoginThrowInvalidPasswordException(LoginModule... modules) throws LoginException {
for (LoginModule module : modules) {
when(module.login()).thenThrow(new InvalidPasswordException("test-pw-failure"));
* Convenient method for setting login expectations.
* @param modules
* Modules for which the expectations are to be set.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown from module invocation.
private void whenLoginReturnFalse(LoginModule... modules) throws LoginException {
for (LoginModule module : modules) {
* Convenient method for setting commit expectations.
* @param modules
* Modules for which the expectations are to be set.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown from module invocation.
private void whenCommitReturnTrue(LoginModule... modules) throws LoginException {
for (LoginModule module : modules) {
* Convenient method for setting commit expectations.
* @param modules
* Modules for which the expectations are to be set.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown from module invocation.
private void whenCommitReturnFalse(LoginModule... modules) throws LoginException {
for (LoginModule module : modules) {
* Convenient method for setting abort expectations.
* @param modules
* Modules for which the expectations are to be set.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown from module invocation.
private void whenAbortReturnTrue(LoginModule... modules) throws LoginException {
for (LoginModule module : modules) {
* Convenient method verifying invocation of the initialize method against the passed modules.
* @param modules
* Modules for which method invocations are to be verified.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown from module invocation.
private void verifyInitialize(LoginModule... modules) {
for (LoginModule module : modules) {
// Options use eq() as opposed to same() because the map is wrapped by the authn framework.
verify(module).initialize(same(subject), same(handler), anyMap(), eq(optionCache.get(module)));
* Convenient method verifying invocation of the login method against the passed modules.
* @param modules
* Modules for which method invocations are to be verified.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown from module invocation.
private void verifyLogin(LoginModule... modules) throws LoginException {
for (LoginModule module : modules) {
* Convenient method verifying invocation of the commit method against the passed modules.
* @param modules
* Modules for which method invocations are to be verified.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown from module invocation.
private void verifyCommit(LoginModule... modules) throws LoginException {
for (LoginModule module : modules) {
* Convenient method verifying invocation of the abort method against the passed modules.
* @param modules
* Modules for which method invocations are to be verified.
* @throws LoginException
* Can be thrown from module invocation.
private void verifyAbort(LoginModule... modules) throws LoginException {
for (LoginModule module : modules) {
* As the authn framework initialises login modules via reflection, this class allows for method calls to be
* push out to a delegate, whereby the delegate is a mocked object that can have condition checking.
private static class MockModule implements LoginModule {
private LoginModule delegate;
public MockModule() {
// No-arg constructor.
public void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
Map<String, ?> sharedState, Map<String, ?> options) {
// Taking advantage of the options map to pass in the delegate module.
delegate = (LoginModule)options.get(DELEGATE_MODULE);
delegate.initialize(subject, callbackHandler, sharedState, options);
public boolean login() throws LoginException {
return delegate.login();
public boolean commit() throws LoginException {
return delegate.commit();
public boolean abort() throws LoginException {
return delegate.abort();
public boolean logout() throws LoginException {
return delegate.logout();