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# Copyright 2014 ForgeRock AS.
forgerock-am-socialauthn-service-description=Social Authentication Implementations
a101=Display Names
a101.help=The display names for the implementations - this will be used to provide a name for the icon displayed on \
the login page. The key should be used across all the settings on this page to join them together.
a101.help.txt=For example:<table><tr><th>Key</th><th>Value</th></tr><tr><td>google</td><td>Google</td></tr></table>
a102=Authentication Chains
a102.help=The name of the authentication chains that are the entry points to being authenticated by each respective \
social authentication provider. The key should correspond to a key used to define a Display Name above.
a102.help.txt=For example:<table><tr><th>Key</th><th>Value</th></tr>\
a103.help=Either a full URL or a path relative to the base of the site/server where the image can be found. The image \
will be used on the login page to link to the authentication chain defined above. The key should correspond to a key \
used to define a Display Name above.
a103.help.txt=For example:<table><tr><th>Key</th><th>Value</th></tr>\
a104=Enabled Implementations
a104.help=Provide a key that has been used to define the settings above to enable that set of settings.
a104.help.txt=For example: google