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# Push Notification Service translations
push-notification-description=Push Notification Service
# Push Notification Service translations
a010=SNS Access Key ID
a010.help=Amazon Simple Notification Service Access Key ID. For more information, see \
<a href="https://aws.amazon.com/developers/access-keys/">https://aws.amazon.com/developers/access-keys/</a>.
a020=SNS Access Key Secret
a020.help=Amazon Simple Notification Service Access Key Secret. For more information, see \
<a href="https://aws.amazon.com/developers/access-keys/">https://aws.amazon.com/developers/access-keys/</a>.
a030=SNS Endpoint for APNS
a030.help=The Simple Notification Service endpoint in Amazon Resource Name format, used to send push messages to the \
Apple Push Notification Service (APNS).
a040=SNS Endpoint for GCM
a040.help=The Simple Notification Service endpoint in Amazon Resource Name format, used to send push messages over \
Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).
a045=SNS Client Region
a045.help=Region of your registered Amazon Simple Notification Service client. For more information, see \
a050=Message Transport Delegate Factory
a050.help=The fully qualified class name of the factory responsible for creating the PushNotificationDelegate. \
The class must implement <code>org.forgerock.openam.services.push.PushNotificationDelegate</code>.
a060=Response Cache Duration
a060.help=The minimum lifetime (in seconds) to keep unanswered message records in the message dispatcher cache.\
To keep unanswered message records indefinitely, set this property to <code>0</code>.\
Should be tuned so that it is applicable to the use case of this service. For example, the ForgeRock \
Authenticator (Push) authentication module has a default timeout of 120 seconds.
a070=Response Cache Concurrency
a070.help=Level of concurrency to use when accessing the message dispatcher cache. Defaults to <code>16</code>, and \
must be greater than <code>0</code>. Choose a value to accommodate as many threads as will ever concurrently access \
the message dispatcher cache.
a080=Response Cache Size
a080.help=Maximum size of the message dispatcher cache, in number of records. If set to <code>0</code> the cache can \
grow indefinitely. If the number of records that need to be stored exceeds this maximum, then older items in the \
cache will be removed to make space.