* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2015-2016 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.sso.providers.stateless;
import static org.forgerock.util.Reject.checkNotNull;
import static com.sun.identity.setup.AMSetupServlet.isCurrentConfigurationValid;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.security.Key;
import java.security.KeyPair;
import java.security.interfaces.ECPrivateKey;
import java.security.interfaces.ECPublicKey;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe.CompressionAlgorithm;
import org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe.EncryptionMethod;
import org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe.JweAlgorithm;
import org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe.JweAlgorithmType;
import org.forgerock.json.jose.jws.JwsAlgorithm;
import org.forgerock.json.jose.jws.SigningManager;
import org.forgerock.json.jose.jws.handlers.SigningHandler;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.StringUtils;
import org.forgerock.util.Reject;
import org.forgerock.util.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.sun.identity.configuration.SystemProperties;
import com.sun.identity.shared.configuration.ISystemProperties;
* Responsible for creating instances of {@link JwtSessionMapper}.
* Encryption and signing are optional and can be combined. However, only one means of signing can be applied.
* @since 13.0.0
class JwtSessionMapperBuilder {
private static final String ENCRYPTION_METHOD =
private static final String DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_METHOD = "A128CBC-HS256";
private static final String RSA_PADDING_METHOD = "org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.rsa.padding";
private static final String DEFAULT_RSA_PADDING_METHOD = "RSA-OAEP-256";
private final SigningManager signingManager;
private final ISystemProperties systemProperties;
JwsAlgorithm jwsAlgorithm = JwsAlgorithm.NONE;
SigningHandler signingHandler = new SigningManager().newNopSigningHandler();
SigningHandler verificationHandler = new SigningManager().newNopSigningHandler();
JweAlgorithm jweAlgorithm = null;
Key encryptionKey = null;
Key decryptionKey = null;
EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod = null;
CompressionAlgorithm compressionAlgorithm = CompressionAlgorithm.NONE;
JwtSessionMapperBuilder(final SigningManager signingManager, final ISystemProperties systemProperties) {
this.signingManager = signingManager;
this.systemProperties = systemProperties;
* Creates a blank session mapping builder with no signing or encryption modes configured.
JwtSessionMapperBuilder() {
this(new SigningManager(), new SystemProperties());
* Instructs the builder to create instances of {@link JwtSessionMapper} that can sign and verify
* the JWT using RSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm.
* @param signingKeyPair Non-null, public-private key-pair to use to sign and verify the JWT.
* @return this {@link JwtSessionMapperBuilder}
* @see org.forgerock.json.jose.jws.JwsAlgorithm
JwtSessionMapperBuilder signedUsingRS256(@Nonnull final KeyPair signingKeyPair) {
Reject.ifNull(signingKeyPair, "signingKeyPair must not be null.");
jwsAlgorithm = JwsAlgorithm.RS256;
signingHandler = signingManager.newRsaSigningHandler(signingKeyPair.getPrivate());
verificationHandler = signingManager.newRsaSigningHandler(signingKeyPair.getPublic());
return this;
* Instructs the builder to create instances of {@link JwtSessionMapper} that can sign and verify
* the JWT using HMAC with the SHA-256 hash algorithm.
* @param sharedSecret Non-null, shared secret to use to sign and verify the JWT.
* @return this {@link JwtSessionMapperBuilder}
* @see org.forgerock.json.jose.jws.JwsAlgorithm
JwtSessionMapperBuilder signedUsingHS256(@Nonnull final String sharedSecret) {
signedUsingHSxxx(JwsAlgorithm.HS256, sharedSecret);
return this;
* Instructs the builder to create instances of {@link JwtSessionMapper} that can sign and verify
* the JWT using using SHA-384 hash algorithm.
* @param sharedSecret Non-null, shared secret to use to sign and verify the JWT.
* @return this {@link JwtSessionMapperBuilder}
* @see org.forgerock.json.jose.jws.JwsAlgorithm
JwtSessionMapperBuilder signedUsingHS384(@Nonnull final String sharedSecret) {
signedUsingHSxxx(JwsAlgorithm.HS384, sharedSecret);
return this;
* Instructs the builder to create instances of {@link JwtSessionMapper} that can sign and verify
* the JWT using using SHA-512 hash algorithm.
* @param sharedSecret Non-null, shared secret to use to sign and verify the JWT.
* @return this {@link JwtSessionMapperBuilder}
* @see org.forgerock.json.jose.jws.JwsAlgorithm
JwtSessionMapperBuilder signedUsingHS512(@Nonnull final String sharedSecret) {
signedUsingHSxxx(JwsAlgorithm.HS512, sharedSecret);
return this;
private void signedUsingHSxxx(@Nonnull final JwsAlgorithm jwsAlgorithm, @Nonnull final String sharedSecret) {
Reject.ifNull(jwsAlgorithm, "jwsAlgorithm must not be null.");
Reject.ifTrue(StringUtils.isEmpty(sharedSecret), "sharedSecret must not be null or empty string.");
final byte[] sharedSecretBytes = sharedSecret.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
this.jwsAlgorithm = jwsAlgorithm;
this.signingHandler = signingManager.newHmacSigningHandler(sharedSecretBytes);
this.verificationHandler = signingManager.newHmacSigningHandler(sharedSecretBytes);
* Instructs the builder to create instances of {@link JwtSessionMapper} that can sign and verify the JWT using
* the ES256 signature algorithm (ECDSA using P-256 curve over SHA-256 hashes).
* @param signingKeyPair the signing key pair, not null.
* @return this {@link JwtSessionMapperBuilder}
* @see JwsAlgorithm
JwtSessionMapperBuilder signedUsingES256(@Nonnull final KeyPair signingKeyPair) {
signedUsingESxxx(JwsAlgorithm.ES256, signingKeyPair);
return this;
* Instructs the builder to create instances of {@link JwtSessionMapper} that can sign and verify the JWT using
* the ES384 signature algorithm (ECDSA using P-384 curve over SHA-384 hashes).
* @param signingKeyPair the signing key pair, not null.
* @return this {@link JwtSessionMapperBuilder}
* @see JwsAlgorithm
JwtSessionMapperBuilder signedUsingES384(@Nonnull final KeyPair signingKeyPair) {
signedUsingESxxx(JwsAlgorithm.ES384, signingKeyPair);
return this;
* Instructs the builder to create instances of {@link JwtSessionMapper} that can sign and verify the JWT using
* the ES512 signature algorithm (ECDSA using P-521 (not a typo!) curve over SHA-512 hashes).
* @param signingKeyPair the signing key pair, not null.
* @return this {@link JwtSessionMapperBuilder}
* @see JwsAlgorithm
JwtSessionMapperBuilder signedUsingES512(@Nonnull final KeyPair signingKeyPair) {
signedUsingESxxx(JwsAlgorithm.ES512, signingKeyPair);
return this;
private void signedUsingESxxx(@Nonnull final JwsAlgorithm jwsAlgorithm, @Nonnull final KeyPair signingKeyPair) {
Reject.ifNull(signingKeyPair, "signingKeyPair must not be null.");
Reject.ifFalse(signingKeyPair.getPrivate() instanceof ECPrivateKey, "private key is not suitable for " +
Reject.ifFalse(signingKeyPair.getPublic() instanceof ECPublicKey, "public key is not suitable for " +
this.jwsAlgorithm = jwsAlgorithm;
this.signingHandler = signingManager.newEcdsaSigningHandler((ECPrivateKey) signingKeyPair.getPrivate());
this.verificationHandler = signingManager.newEcdsaVerificationHandler((ECPublicKey) signingKeyPair.getPublic());
* Instructs the builder to create instances of {@link JwtSessionMapper} that can encrypt and decrypt
* the JWT using RSA encryption. The system property {@literal org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.rsa .padding}
* can be used to control the RSA padding method (defaults to {@literal RSA-OAEP-256}). The system property
* {@literal org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.encryption.method} can be used to control the underlying
* content encryption method (defaults to {@literal A128CBC-HS256}).
* @param encryptionKeyPair Non-null, public-private key-pair to use to encrypt and decrypt the JWT.
* @return this {@link JwtSessionMapperBuilder}
* @see JweAlgorithm#RSA_OAEP
* @see JweAlgorithm#RSA_OAEP_256
* @see JweAlgorithm#RSAES_PKCS1_V1_5
* @see org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe.EncryptionMethod
JwtSessionMapperBuilder encryptedUsingKeyPair(@Nonnull final KeyPair encryptionKeyPair) {
Reject.ifNull(encryptionKeyPair, "encryptionKeyPair must not be null.");
this.encryptionKey = encryptionKeyPair.getPublic();
this.decryptionKey = encryptionKeyPair.getPrivate();
this.jweAlgorithm = JweAlgorithm.parseAlgorithm(
return this;
* Instructs the builder to constuct {@link JwtSessionMapper} instances that encrypt the JWT contents using <a
* href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3394">AES KeyWrap</a>. A unique key is generated for each JWT and then
* wrapped using the provided symmetric key. The strength is determined by the size of the given key: 128-bit key
* corresponds to {@link JweAlgorithm#A128KW} etc. Note that key sizes greater than 128 bits will require
* installation of the JCE Unlimited Strength policy files in the Java Runtime Environment. The system property
* {@literal org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.encryption.method} can be used to control the underlying
* content encryption method (defaults to {@literal A128CBC-HS256}).
* @param symmetricEncryptionKey the symmetric key. Must be 128, 192 or 256 bits in size.
* @return this {@link JwtSessionMapperBuilder}.
* @see JweAlgorithm#A128KW
* @see JweAlgorithm#A192KW
* @see JweAlgorithm#A256KW
* @see EncryptionMethod
JwtSessionMapperBuilder encryptedUsingKeyWrap(@Nonnull final Key symmetricEncryptionKey) {
Reject.ifNull(symmetricEncryptionKey, "symmetricEncryptionKey must not be null.");
this.encryptionKey = symmetricEncryptionKey;
this.decryptionKey = symmetricEncryptionKey;
switch (symmetricEncryptionKey.getEncoded().length) {
case 16:
this.jweAlgorithm = JweAlgorithm.A128KW;
case 24:
this.jweAlgorithm = JweAlgorithm.A192KW;
case 32:
this.jweAlgorithm = JweAlgorithm.A256KW;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key size for AES KeyWrap: must be 128, 192 or 256 bits");
return this;
* Instructs the builder to construct {@link JwtSessionMapper} instances that encrypt the JWT contents directly
* using the given AES key. The system property
* {@literal org.forgerock.openam.session.stateless.encryption.method} can be used to control the underlying
* content encryption method (defaults to {@literal A128CBC-HS256}).
* @param symmetricEncryptionKey the AES encryption key to use. Must be either 128, 192 or 256 bits.
* @return this {@link JwtSessionMapperBuilder}.
* @see JweAlgorithm#DIRECT
* @see EncryptionMethod
JwtSessionMapperBuilder encryptedUsingDirectKey(@Nonnull final Key symmetricEncryptionKey) {
Reject.ifNull(symmetricEncryptionKey, "symmetricEncryptionKey must not be null.");
this.encryptionKey = symmetricEncryptionKey;
this.decryptionKey = symmetricEncryptionKey;
this.jweAlgorithm = JweAlgorithm.DIRECT;
return this;
* Indicates that the content should be compressed before encryption using the given algorithm.
* @param compressionAlgorithm the compression algorithm to use.
* @return this builder object.
JwtSessionMapperBuilder compressedUsing(CompressionAlgorithm compressionAlgorithm) {
this.compressionAlgorithm = checkNotNull(compressionAlgorithm);
return this;
* @return JwtSessionMapper configured to perform signing and encryption as specified.
JwtSessionMapper build() {
Reject.ifNull(jwsAlgorithm, "jwsAlgorithm must not be null.");
Reject.ifNull(signingHandler, "signingHandler must not be null.");
Reject.ifNull(verificationHandler, "verificationHandler must not be null.");
if (jweAlgorithm != null) {
encryptionMethod = EncryptionMethod.parseMethod(
Reject.ifNull(encryptionMethod, "Encryption enabled but no EncryptionMethod specified");
Reject.ifNull(encryptionKey, "Encryption enabled but no encryption key specified");
Reject.ifNull(decryptionKey, "Encryption enabled but no decryption key specified");
Reject.ifTrue(jweAlgorithm.getAlgorithmType() == JweAlgorithmType.RSA && jwsAlgorithm == JwsAlgorithm.NONE,
"RSA encryption should not be used without a signature");
} else {
Reject.ifTrue(jwsAlgorithm == JwsAlgorithm.NONE && isConfigured(),
"No encryption or signature scheme specified!");
return new JwtSessionMapper(this);
JwsAlgorithm getJwsAlgorithm() {
return jwsAlgorithm;
boolean isConfigured() {
return isCurrentConfigurationValid();