* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
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* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* $Id: ServiceSchemaManagerImpl.java,v 1.8 2008/08/28 18:36:30 arviranga Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2012-2016 ForgeRock AS.
package com.sun.identity.sm;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import com.iplanet.services.util.AMEncryption;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
import com.iplanet.ums.IUMSConstants;
import com.sun.identity.common.DNUtils;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.shared.xml.XMLUtils;
* The class <code>ServiceSchemaManagerImpl</code> provides the internal
* implemation for <code>ServiceSchemaManager</code>. There should be only
* one instance of <code>ServiceSchemaManagerImpl
* </code> per service name and
* version. This class implements all the "read" methods and would receive
* notification when schema changes.
public class ServiceSchemaManagerImpl implements SMSObjectListener, CachedSMSEntry.SMSEntryUpdateListener {
// Instance variables
private String serviceName;
private String version;
private int instanceID;
private String i18nKey;
private String i18nFileName;
private String i18nJarURL;
private String serviceHierarchy;
private String viewBeanURL;
private int revisionNumber;
// Pointer to Service Manager
private ServiceManager sm;
// Pointer to Schema's SMS entry. This contains the schema attributes
private CachedSMSEntry smsEntry;
// Pointer to schema changes listeners
private Map listenerObjects;
private String listenerId;
// XML schema in String and Node formats (both can be null).
private String xmlSchema;
private Document document;
private Node schemaRoot;
// service sub-schemas & plugin interfaces
private Map subSchemas;
private Map pluginInterfaces;
private String resourceName;
// Private constructor, an instance can obtained only via getInstance
private ServiceSchemaManagerImpl(SSOToken t, String serviceName,
String version) throws SMSException, SSOException {
// Copy instance variables
this.serviceName = serviceName;
this.version = version;
instanceID = SMSUtils.getInstanceID();
subSchemas = new HashMap();
pluginInterfaces = new HashMap();
// Construct the Schema's SMS entry and validate it
smsEntry = CachedSMSEntry.getInstance(t, this, serviceName, version);
if (isValid()) {
} else {
// only SSOException gets masked, throw SMSException with SSO
throw (new SMSException(SMSEntry.bundle.getString(
* Returns if the object is still valid
* @return validity of this object
public boolean isValid() throws SMSException {
// if cache is not valid, don't bother checking the rest
if (smsEntry.isValid()) {
if (smsEntry.isDirty()) {
// Check if entry exists i.e service name with version exists
if (smsEntry.isNewEntry()) {
String[] msgs = { serviceName };
throw (new ServiceNotFoundException(IUMSConstants.UMS_BUNDLE_NAME,
IUMSConstants.SMS_service_does_not_exist, msgs));
return (smsEntry.isValid());
* Returns the Service name
public String getName() {
return (serviceName);
* Returns the Service's version
public String getVersion() {
return (version);
* Retuns I18N key for the service
String getI18NKey() {
return (i18nKey);
* Sets I18N key for the service
void setI18NKey(String fn) throws SMSException, SSOException {
i18nKey = fn;
Node schemaNode = XMLUtils.getRootNode(getDocument(), SMSUtils.SCHEMA);
((Element) schemaNode).setAttribute(SMSUtils.I18N_KEY, fn);
* Retuns revision number for the service
int getRevisionNumber() {
return (revisionNumber);
* Sets the revision number for the service
void setRevisionNumber(int revisionNumber) throws SMSException,
SSOException {
this.revisionNumber = revisionNumber;
Node schemaNode = XMLUtils.getRootNode(getDocument(), SMSUtils.SCHEMA);
((Element) schemaNode).setAttribute(SMSUtils.REVISION_NUMBER, Integer
* Returns the I18N properties file name for the service.
String getI18NFileName() {
return (i18nFileName);
void setI18NFileName(String fn) throws SMSException, SSOException {
i18nFileName = fn;
Node schemaNode = XMLUtils.getRootNode(getDocument(), SMSUtils.SCHEMA);
((Element) schemaNode).setAttribute(SMSUtils.PROPERTIES_FILENAME, fn);
* Returns the URL of the JAR file that contains the I18N properties file.
String getI18NJarURL() {
return (i18nJarURL);
void setI18NJarURL(String url) throws SMSException, SSOException {
i18nJarURL = url;
Node schemaNode = XMLUtils.getRootNode(getDocument(), SMSUtils.SCHEMA);
((Element) schemaNode).setAttribute(SMSUtils.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_URL, url);
* Returns the service's hiearchy
String getServiceHierarchy() {
return (serviceHierarchy);
void setServiceHierarchy(String newhierarchy) throws SMSException,
SSOException {
serviceHierarchy = newhierarchy;
Node schemaNode = XMLUtils.getRootNode(getDocument(), SMSUtils.SCHEMA);
((Element) schemaNode).setAttribute(SMSUtils.SERVICE_HIERARCHY,
* Returns URL of the view bean for the service
String getPropertiesViewBeanURL() {
return (viewBeanURL);
void setPropertiesViewBeanURL(String newhierarchy) throws SMSException,
SSOException {
viewBeanURL = newhierarchy;
Node schemaNode = XMLUtils.getRootNode(getDocument(), SMSUtils.SCHEMA);
((Element) schemaNode).setAttribute(SMSUtils.PROPERTIES_VIEW_BEAN_URL,
* The name to use in CREST representation.
public String getResourceName() {
return resourceName;
void setResourceName(String name) throws SMSException,
SSOException {
resourceName = name;
Node schemaNode = XMLUtils.getRootNode(getDocument(), SMSUtils.SCHEMA);
((Element) schemaNode).setAttribute(SMSUtils.RESOURCE_NAME, name);
* Returns the SchemaTypes available with this service
Set getSchemaTypes() throws SMSException {
return (new HashSet(subSchemas.keySet()));
ServiceSchemaImpl getSchema(SchemaType type) {
ServiceSchemaImpl answer = (ServiceSchemaImpl) subSchemas.get(type);
return (answer);
* Returns the service schema in XML for this service.
InputStream getSchema() {
return (new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlSchema.getBytes()));
CachedSMSEntry getCachedSMSEntry() {
return (smsEntry);
// @Override
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 89 * hash + (serviceName != null ? serviceName.hashCode() : 0);
hash = 89 * hash + (version != null ? version.hashCode() : 0);
hash = 89 * hash + instanceID;
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof ServiceSchemaManagerImpl) {
ServiceSchemaManagerImpl ssm = (ServiceSchemaManagerImpl) o;
if (serviceName.equalsIgnoreCase(ssm.serviceName)
&& version.equalsIgnoreCase(ssm.version)
&& (instanceID == ssm.instanceID)) {
return (true);
return (false);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
sb.append("\nService Schema Manager: ").append(serviceName).append(
"\n\tVersion: ").append(version);
sb.append("\nI18n file name: ").append(getI18NFileName());
sb.append("\nI18n Jar URL: ").append(getI18NJarURL());
sb.append("\nService hierarchy: ").append(getServiceHierarchy());
sb.append("\nProperty View Bean: ").append(getPropertiesViewBeanURL());
sb.append("\nResource Name: ").append(getResourceName());
ServiceSchemaImpl ss;
if ((ss = getSchema(SchemaType.GLOBAL)) != null) {
sb.append("\nGlobal Schema:\n").append(ss.toString());
if ((ss = getSchema(SchemaType.ORGANIZATION)) != null) {
sb.append("Organization Schema:\n").append(ss.toString());
if ((ss = getSchema(SchemaType.DYNAMIC)) != null) {
sb.append("Dynamic Schema:\n").append(ss.toString());
if ((ss = getSchema(SchemaType.USER)) != null) {
sb.append("User Schema:\n").append(ss.toString());
if ((ss = getSchema(SchemaType.POLICY)) != null) {
sb.append("Policy Schema:\n").append(ss.toString());
return (sb.toString());
* Register for changes to service's schema. The object will be called when
* schema for this service and version is changed.
synchronized String addListener(ServiceListener listener) {
return addListener(null, listener);
synchronized String addListener(String id, ServiceListener listener) {
if (listenerObjects == null) {
listenerObjects = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
// Check for empty since elememts could have been removed from
// listenerObjects objects.
if (listenerObjects.isEmpty()) {
listenerId = SMSNotificationManager.getInstance()
if (id == null) {
id = SMSUtils.getUniqueID();
listenerObjects.put(id, listener);
return (id);
* Unregisters the listener from the service for the given listener ID. The
* ID was issued when the listener was registered.
synchronized void removeListener(String listenerID) {
if (listenerObjects != null) {
if (listenerObjects.isEmpty()) {
// SMSObjectListener abstract method. Send notifications to clients
// registered via addListener
public void objectChanged(String name, int type) {
String dn = ServiceManager.getServiceNameDN(serviceName, version);
if (DNUtils.normalizeDN(dn).equals(DNUtils.normalizeDN(name))) {
// Sends notifications to listener objects
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("ServiceSchemaManagerImpl:objectChanged for "
+ serviceName + "(" + version + ")");
// SMSObjectListener abstract method. Send notifications to clients
// registered via addListener
public void allObjectsChanged() {
if ((listenerObjects != null) && !listenerObjects.isEmpty()) {
HashSet lObjects = new HashSet();
synchronized (listenerObjects) {
Iterator l = lObjects.iterator();
while (l.hasNext()) {
ServiceListener listener = (ServiceListener) l.next();
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("ServiceSchemaManagerImpl:" +
"Sending change notification to: " +
try {
listener.schemaChanged(serviceName, version);
} catch (Throwable t) {
debug.error("ServiceSchemaManagerImpl:" +
"allObjectsChanged. Listeners Exception sending " +
"notification to class: " +
listener.getClass().getName(), t);
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Plugin Methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------
Set getPluginInterfaceNames() {
return (new HashSet(pluginInterfaces.keySet()));
PluginInterface getPluginInterface(String piName) {
return ((PluginInterface) pluginInterfaces.get(piName));
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Internal protected methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------
void setServiceManager(ServiceManager sm) {
this.sm = sm;
Document getDocument() {
return (document);
Document getDocumentCopy() throws SMSException {
String schema = xmlSchema;
if ((schema == null) || (schema.length() == 0)) {
schema = SMSSchema.getDummyXML(serviceName, version);
return (SMSSchema.getXMLDocument(schema, false));
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
// Called by CachedSMSEntry to refresh the cache due to local changes
// and called via CachedSMSEntry's refresh when cache gets dirty.
// Method is synchronized since calls from CachedSMSEntry.refresh
// can happen at the same time.
public synchronized void update() {
if (!smsEntry.isValid()) {
// Clear the references and return
xmlSchema = smsEntry.getXMLSchema();
if (xmlSchema == null) {
// This could mean the service schema has been deleted
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("ServiceSchemaManagerImpl:: schema is null "
+ serviceName + "(" + version + ")");
// Construct the XML document from the schema
try {
document = SMSSchema.getXMLDocument(SMSSchema
.getServiceSchemaInputStream(xmlSchema), false);
schemaRoot = XMLUtils.getRootNode(document, SMSUtils.SCHEMA);
} catch (Exception e) {
// This should not happpen
debug.error("ServiceSchemaManagerImpl: XML parser error: "
+ serviceName + "(" + version + ")", e);
if (schemaRoot == null) {
debug.warning("ServiceSchemaManagerImpl: " + serviceName
+ "no schema found");
// Update instance variables
i18nKey = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(schemaRoot, SMSUtils.I18N_KEY);
i18nFileName = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(schemaRoot,
i18nJarURL = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(schemaRoot,
serviceHierarchy = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(schemaRoot,
viewBeanURL = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(schemaRoot,
resourceName = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(schemaRoot,
String revNum = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(schemaRoot,
try {
if (revNum != null) {
revisionNumber = Integer.parseInt(revNum);
} else {
revisionNumber = DEFAULT_REVISION;
} catch (Exception e) {
// could be no revision number or number format exception
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("ServiceSchemaManagerImpl ==> " + serviceName
+ ": Invalid revision revision number: " + revNum, e);
revisionNumber = REVISION_ERROR;
// Update sub-schema caches, if any
updateSchema(SchemaType.GLOBAL, SMSUtils.GLOBAL_SCHEMA);
updateSchema(SchemaType.ORGANIZATION, SMSUtils.ORG_SCHEMA);
updateSchema(SchemaType.DYNAMIC, SMSUtils.DYNAMIC_SCHEMA);
updateSchema(SchemaType.USER, SMSUtils.USER_SCHEMA);
updateSchema(SchemaType.POLICY, SMSUtils.POLICY_SCHEMA);
updateSchema(SchemaType.GROUP, SMSUtils.GROUP_SCHEMA);
updateSchema(SchemaType.DOMAIN, SMSUtils.DOMAIN_SCHEMA);
// Update plugin intefaces, if any
Iterator pins = XMLUtils.getChildNodes(schemaRoot,
while (pins.hasNext()) {
PluginInterface pi = new PluginInterface((Node) pins.next());
pluginInterfaces.put(pi.getName(), pi);
void updateGenericSchema(String schemaName) {
for (Iterator nodes = XMLUtils.getChildNodes(schemaRoot, schemaName)
.iterator(); nodes.hasNext();) {
Node childNode = (Node) nodes.next();
String stype = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(childNode,
if (stype == null) {
SchemaType type = new SchemaType(stype.toUpperCase());
ServiceSchemaImpl ss = (ServiceSchemaImpl) subSchemas.get(type);
if (ss != null) {
} else {
subSchemas.put(type, new ServiceSchemaImpl(this, childNode));
void updateSchema(SchemaType type, String schemaName) {
Node childNode = XMLUtils.getChildNode(schemaRoot, schemaName);
if (childNode == null) {
} else {
ServiceSchemaImpl ss = (ServiceSchemaImpl) subSchemas.get(type);
if (ss != null) {
} else {
subSchemas.put(type, new ServiceSchemaImpl(this, childNode));
private void clear() {
private Map clear(boolean forceClear) {
// Clear the local variable
// and mark the entry to be invalid and to be GCed.
// Remove itself from CachedSMSEntry listener list
if (smsEntry.isValid()) {
// Deregister for external notifications if there are no listeners
if (forceClear || (listenerObjects == null) || listenerObjects.isEmpty()) {
// Clear local cache
xmlSchema = null;
document = null;
schemaRoot = null;
if (subSchemas!=null && !subSchemas.isEmpty()) {
try {
Set ssiObjects = getSchemaTypes();
Iterator ssiIter = ssiObjects.iterator();
while (ssiIter.hasNext()) {
SchemaType stype = (SchemaType)ssiIter.next();
ServiceSchemaImpl ssi = getSchema(stype);
} catch (SMSException smse) {
debug.error("ServiceSchemaManagerImpl:clear. " +
"Exception getting schema types. " , smse);
return listenerObjects;
// Static method to get an instance of this class
static ServiceSchemaManagerImpl getInstance(SSOToken t, String serviceName,
String version) throws SMSException, SSOException {
String cacheName = ServiceManager.getCacheIndex(serviceName, version);
ServiceSchemaManagerImpl ssmi = null;
Map<String, ServiceListener> listeners = null;
while (true) {
ssmi = schemaManagers.get(cacheName);
if (ssmi != null && !ssmi.isValid()) {
if (schemaManagers.remove(cacheName, ssmi)) {
listeners = ssmi.clear(true);
} else {
if (ssmi != null) {
// Check if the entry needs to be updated
if (!SMSEntry.cacheSMSEntries) {
// Read the entry, since it should not be cached
return ssmi;
// Instantiate and add to cache
ssmi = new ServiceSchemaManagerImpl(t, serviceName, version);
//Utilizing SSMI_LOCK here to ensure that listeners are only added to one new ssmi instance
synchronized (SSMI_LOCK) {
ServiceSchemaManagerImpl tmp = schemaManagers.get(cacheName);
if (tmp == null) {
//listeners that were registered to old ServiceSchemaManagerImpl
//should be added back
//sundidentityrepositoryservice will add back new instance of
//SpecialRepo itself so not adding old ones here.
if (listeners != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, ServiceListener> entry : listeners.entrySet()) {
ssmi.addListener(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
schemaManagers.put(cacheName, ssmi);
} else {
ssmi = tmp;
return ssmi;
// Debug & I18n
private static Debug debug = SMSEntry.debug;
// Pointers to ServiceSchemaManager instances
private static final ConcurrentMap<String, ServiceSchemaManagerImpl> schemaManagers =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ServiceSchemaManagerImpl>();
private static final Object SSMI_LOCK = new Object();
private static final int DEFAULT_REVISION = 10;
private static final int REVISION_ERROR = -1;
public String toXML(AMEncryption encryptObj)
throws SMSException {
Document doc = getDocumentCopy();
ServiceManager.checkAndEncryptPasswordSyntax(doc, false, encryptObj);
return SMSSchema.nodeToString(
XMLUtils.getRootNode(doc, SMSUtils.SERVICE));
public String printListeners() {
if (listenerObjects==null) { return null; }
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Iterator iterator = listenerObjects.keySet().iterator();
String key = (String)iterator.next();
Object val = listenerObjects.get(key);
sb.append(key +"="+val +"\n");
return sb.toString();