* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at
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* See the License for the specific language governing
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* $Id: ServiceInstanceImpl.java,v 1.6 2008/07/11 01:46:20 arviranga Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2011-2016 ForgeRock AS.
package com.sun.identity.sm;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
import com.iplanet.ums.IUMSConstants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
* The class <code>ServiceInstanceImpl</code> provides methods to get
* service's instance variables.
class ServiceInstanceImpl implements CachedSMSEntry.SMSEntryUpdateListener {
// Cached SMS entry
private String name;
private String group;
private String uri;
private CachedSMSEntry smsEntry;
// Instance attributes
private Map attributes;
private ServiceInstanceImpl(String name, CachedSMSEntry entry) {
this.name = name;
smsEntry = entry;
if (smsEntry.isDirty()) {
} else {
String getName() {
return (name);
String getGroup() {
return (group);
String getURI() {
return (uri);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
sb.append("\nService Instance: ").append(name).append("\n\tGroup: ")
.append(getGroup()).append("\n\tURI: ").append(getURI())
.append("\n\tAttributes: ").append(attributes);
return (sb.toString());
Map getAttributes() {
return (SMSUtils.copyAttributes(attributes));
SMSEntry getSMSEntry() {
return (smsEntry.getClonedSMSEntry());
void refresh(SMSEntry newEntry) throws SMSException {
// Gets calls by local changes and also by notifications threads
// Hence synchronized to avoid data corruption
public synchronized void update() {
// Read the attributes
SMSEntry entry = smsEntry.getSMSEntry();
attributes = SMSUtils.getAttrsFromEntry(entry);
// Get the group attribute
group = SMSUtils.DEFAULT;
String[] groups = entry.getAttributeValues(SMSEntry.ATTR_SERVICE_ID);
if (groups != null) {
group = groups[0];
// Get the URI
uri = null;
String[] uris = entry.getAttributeValues(SMSEntry.ATTR_LABELED_URI);
if (uris != null) {
uri = uris[0];
boolean isValid() {
if (smsEntry.isValid() && smsEntry.isDirty()) {
return (smsEntry.isValid());
void clear() {
if (smsEntry.isValid()) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Protected static methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------
static ServiceInstanceImpl getInstance(SSOToken token, String serviceName,
String version, String iName) throws SMSException, SSOException {
//construct instance DN using default realm
return getInstance(token, serviceName, version, iName, null);
static ServiceInstanceImpl getInstance(SSOToken token, String serviceName,
String version, String iName, String oName) throws SMSException, SSOException {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("ServiceInstanceImpl::getInstance: called: " +
serviceName + "(" + version + ")" + " Instance: " + iName);
String cName = getCacheName(serviceName, version, iName, oName);
// Check the cache
ServiceInstanceImpl answer = getFromCache(cName, serviceName, version,
iName, oName, token);
if (answer != null) {
// Check if the entry has to be updated
if (!SMSEntry.cacheSMSEntries || answer.smsEntry.isDirty()) {
// Since the SMSEntries are not to be cached, read the entry
return (answer);
// Construct the service instance
synchronized (serviceInstances) {
// Check cache again, in case it was added by another thread
if ((answer = getFromCache(cName, serviceName, version, iName,
oName, token)) == null) {
// Still not present in cache, create and add to cache
CachedSMSEntry entry = checkAndUpdatePermission(cName,
serviceName, version, iName, oName, token);
answer = new ServiceInstanceImpl(iName, entry);
serviceInstances.put(cName, answer);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("ServiceInstanceImpl::getInstance: success: " +
serviceName + "(" + version + ")" + " Instance: " + iName);
return (answer);
// Clears the cache
static void clearCache() {
synchronized (serviceInstances) {
for (Iterator items = serviceInstances.values().iterator();
items.hasNext();) {
ServiceInstanceImpl impl = (ServiceInstanceImpl) items.next();
static String getCacheName(String sName, String version, String ins, String oName) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
return (sb.toString().toLowerCase());
static ServiceInstanceImpl getFromCache(String cacheName, String sName,
String version, String iName, String oName, SSOToken t) throws SMSException,
SSOException {
ServiceInstanceImpl answer = (ServiceInstanceImpl) serviceInstances
if (answer != null && !answer.smsEntry.isValid()) {
// CachedSMSEntry is invalid. Recreate this instance
answer = null;
if (answer != null) {
// Check if the user has permissions
Set principals = (Set) userPrincipals.get(cacheName);
if (!principals.contains(t.getTokenID().toString())) {
// Check if Principal has permission to read entry
checkAndUpdatePermission(cacheName, sName, version, iName, oName, t);
return (answer);
static synchronized CachedSMSEntry checkAndUpdatePermission(
String cacheName, String serviceName, String version, String iName,
String oName, SSOToken t) throws SMSException, SSOException {
// Construct the DN
// OPENAM-3269
// commenting out since it always construct DN with default realm
// String dn = "ou=" + iName + "," + CreateServiceConfig.INSTANCES_NODE
// + ServiceManager.getServiceNameDN(serviceName, version);
String dn = constructServiceInstanceDN(serviceName, version, iName, oName);
CachedSMSEntry entry = CachedSMSEntry.getInstance(t, dn);
if (entry.isDirty()) {
if (entry.isNewEntry()) {
String[] args = { iName };
throw (new SMSException(IUMSConstants.UMS_BUNDLE_NAME,
"sms-no-such-instance", args));
Set sudoPrincipals = (Set) userPrincipals.get(cacheName);
if (sudoPrincipals == null) {
sudoPrincipals = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet());
userPrincipals.put(cacheName, sudoPrincipals);
return (entry);
private static String constructServiceInstanceDN(String serviceName, String version,
String instanceName, String orgName) throws SMSException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
//DNMapper will map null or empty string to baseDN
orgName = DNMapper.orgNameToDN(orgName);
return sb.toString();
private static Map serviceInstances = Collections.synchronizedMap(
new HashMap());
private static Map userPrincipals = Collections.synchronizedMap(
new HashMap());
private static Debug debug = SMSEntry.debug;
public String toXML() {
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
.append(" ").append(SMSUtils.NAME).append("=\"").append(name)
.append(" ").append(SMSUtils.GROUP).append("=\"").append(group)
if ((uri != null) && (uri.length() > 0)) {
buff.append(" ").append(SMSUtils.URI).append("=\"").append(uri)
return buff.toString();