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* $Id: MACGenerator.java,v 1.3 2008/06/25 05:43:38 qcheng Exp $
package com.sun.identity.log.secure;
import com.sun.identity.log.handlers.SecureFileHandler;
import com.sun.identity.log.spi.IGenerator;
* MACGenerator class implements the IGenerator interface and provides
* the mechanism to generate MAC for the data which is then used for
* checking for tampering.
public class MACGenerator implements IGenerator {
* Computes the MAC of the given data and converts it to string and
* returns it back.
* @param data is the data on which the MAC is to be calculated.
* @param params is an array of required objects for computing the MAC
* @return a String representing the generated MAC value for the given data.
* @throws Exception if it fails to generate mac value for log entry
public String generateLogField(String data, Object[] params)
throws Exception {
// The params array contains the log name(i.e. logname.type).
String log = (String)params[0];
SecureLogHelper helper = SecureFileHandler.getSecureLogHelper(log);
byte[] MAC = helper.generateLogEntryMAC(data);
String sMAC = helper.toHexString(MAC);