* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
package com.sun.identity.console.sts.model;
import com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMConsoleException;
import com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMModelBase;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* This class is a bit of a 'tricky move': the STSHomeViewBean needs a single model, but needs to represent state from
* two services - the rest and soap sts. So the STSInstanceModel interface provides functionality to satisfy the STSHomeViewBean,
* and the rest and soap create and add view beans. Ultimately, both the RestSTSInstanceModel and the SoapSTSInstanceModel will get the bulk
* of their functionality from the STSInstanceModelBase, which extends the AMServiceProfileModelImpl class, thereby providing the
* functionality to harvest property-sheet state, and turn it into the {@code Map<String, Set<String>>} format which can
* be POSTed or PUT to sts-publish/rest or sts-publish/soap to create/update rest/soap instances. However, the page in
* the STS pane which displays the table of both rest and soap sts instances, which is handled by the STSHomeViewBean,
* also needs a AMModel implementation, one which can satisfy referencing two services. This class satisfies this need,
* but delegates the work to either the restSTSInstanceModel or the soapSTSInstanceModel.
* Note also that the Rest- and Soap- specific edit and add ViewBean classes do not return an instance of this class
* from getModelInternal, but rather an instance of the RestSTSInstanceModel or the SoapSTSInstanceModel, as these extend the
* AMServiceProfileModelImpl class, which is necessary to represent a service instance.
public class STSHomeViewBeanModelImpl extends AMModelBase implements STSHomeViewBeanModel {
private final STSInstanceModel restSTSInstanceModel;
private final STSInstanceModel soapSTSInstanceModel;
public STSHomeViewBeanModelImpl(HttpServletRequest req, Map map) throws AMConsoleException {
super(req, map);
restSTSInstanceModel = new RestSTSInstanceModel(req, map);
soapSTSInstanceModel = new SoapSTSInstanceModel(req, map);
public Set<String> getPublishedInstances(STSType stsType, String realm) throws AMConsoleException {
if (stsType.isRestSTS()) {
return restSTSInstanceModel.getPublishedInstances(stsType, realm);
} else {
return soapSTSInstanceModel.getPublishedInstances(stsType, realm);
public void deleteInstances(STSType stsType, Set<String> instanceNames) throws AMConsoleException {
if (stsType.isRestSTS()) {
restSTSInstanceModel.deleteInstances(stsType, instanceNames);
} else {
soapSTSInstanceModel.deleteInstances(stsType, instanceNames);