* Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
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* $Id: HttpURLResourceName.java,v 1.1 2009/11/24 21:42:35 madan_ranganath Exp $
package com.sun.identity.shared.whitelist;
/** This implementation of {@link ResourceName} extends
* {@link URLResourceName} to add special handling of resources which end
* in delimiter ({@link org.forgerock.openam.shared.resourcename.BaseURLResourceName})
* followed by a multi level wildcard. Wildcard card at the end matches across levels.
* so <code>http://abc.com/b/c/d/*</code> matches <code>
* http://abc.com/b/c/d/e/f/g.html</code>
* while <code>http://abc.com/"*"/d</code> matches only string of type
* <code>http://abc.com/a/d</code>. So embedded wildcard matches only at that
* level where specified, while wildcard at the end, matches
* across levels.
* Behaviour of existing URLResourceName was not changed to
* maintain backward compatibility.
* @see {@see BaseURLResourceName}
public class HttpURLResourceName extends URLResourceName {
* Compares two resources.
* Description: The targetResource may contain wildcard '*' which
* matches zero or more characters. The wildcard character
* can show up anywhere within the string. The targetResource
* can contain any number of wildcard characters.
* One of the five possible match types is returned based
* on how the two resource strings are related. The comparison
* starts from the beginning of the reource strings.
* ResourceMatch.NO_MATCH means two resources don't match.
* ResourceMatch.EXACT_MATCH means two resources match.
* ResourceMatch.SUB_RESOURCE_MATCH means targetResource is
* a sub resource of the requestResource.
* ResourceMatch.SUPER_RESOURCE_MATCH means targetResource
* is a super resource of the requestResource.
* ResourceMatch.WILDCARD_MATCH means two resources match
* with respect to the wildcard.
* @param requestResource name of the resource which will be compared
* @param targetResource name of the resource which will be compared with
* @param wildcardCompare flag for wildcard comparison
* @return returns <code>ResourceMatch</code> that
* specifies if the resources are exact match, or
* otherwise.
public ResourceMatch compare(String requestResource,
String targetResource,
boolean wildcardCompare)
if ((requestResource == null) || (targetResource == null)) {
return ResourceMatch.NO_MATCH;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("HttpURLResourceName.compare: "
+ "request resource=" + requestResource
+ "; policy resource=" + targetResource);
// The wildcards should not match the special character '?' if present
// in the resources.
int requestIndex = requestResource.indexOf("?");
int targetIndex = targetResource.indexOf("?");
if ((requestIndex >= 0) || (targetIndex >= 0)) {
ResourceMatch result = ResourceMatch.NO_MATCH;
// separate the resources at '?' if any.
String requestSubstring1 = requestResource;
String requestSubstring2 = null;
if (requestIndex >= 0) {
requestSubstring1 = requestResource.substring(0, requestIndex);
if (requestResource.length() > (requestIndex+1)) {
requestSubstring2 = requestResource.substring(requestIndex+1);
String targetSubstring1 = targetResource;
String targetSubstring2 = null;
if (targetIndex >= 0) {
targetSubstring1 = targetResource.substring(0, targetIndex);
if (targetResource.length() > (targetIndex+1)) {
targetSubstring2 = targetResource.substring(targetIndex+1);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("HttpURLResourceName.compare: "
+ "request resource substring1=" + requestSubstring1
+ "; request resource substring2=" + requestSubstring2
+ "; policy resource substring1=" + targetSubstring1
+ "; policy resource substring2=" + targetSubstring2);
ResourceMatch substring1Res =
compare(requestSubstring1, targetSubstring1, wildcardCompare);
if ((substring1Res == ResourceMatch.EXACT_MATCH) || (substring1Res == ResourceMatch.WILDCARD_MATCH)) {
if (targetSubstring2 != null && targetSubstring2.equals(wildcard) && requestResource.contains("?") &&
((requestSubstring2 == null) || (requestSubstring2.trim().length() == 0))) {
return ResourceMatch.WILDCARD_MATCH;
if ((requestSubstring2 == null) || (requestSubstring2.trim().length() == 0)) {
return ResourceMatch.SUB_RESOURCE_MATCH;
if ((targetSubstring2 == null)
|| (targetSubstring2.trim().length() == 0)) {
return ResourceMatch.SUPER_RESOURCE_MATCH;
ResourceMatch substring2Res =
compare(requestSubstring2, targetSubstring2, wildcardCompare);
if ((substring2Res == ResourceMatch.EXACT_MATCH)
|| (substring2Res == ResourceMatch.WILDCARD_MATCH)) {
if (substring1Res == substring2Res) {
result = substring2Res;
} else {
result = ResourceMatch.WILDCARD_MATCH;
} else {
result = substring1Res;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("HttpURLResourceName.compare: with query string "
+ "; result=" + result);
return result;
if ((!wildcardCompare) || !targetResource.endsWith(delimiter+wildcard)) {
return (super.compare(requestResource, targetResource,
ResourceMatch res = super.compare(requestResource, targetResource,
if ((res == ResourceMatch.EXACT_MATCH)
|| (res == ResourceMatch.WILDCARD_MATCH)
|| (res == ResourceMatch.SUPER_RESOURCE_MATCH)) {
res = ResourceMatch.WILDCARD_MATCH;
} else if (res == ResourceMatch.SUB_RESOURCE_MATCH) {
res = ResourceMatch.SUB_RESOURCE_MATCH;
} else {
res = ResourceMatch.NO_MATCH;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("HttpURLResourceName.compare: result=" + res);
return res;