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<TITLE>Tips on Searching</TITLE>
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<H2>Tips on Searching</H2>
<P>To improve your search:</P>
<LI>Type words or phrases likely to be in the help topics.</LI>
<LI>Do not use wildcard characters ("*", for example). The search
finds partial matches without them: a search for "libraries"
also finds "library."</LI>
<LI>If too many topics are returned - enter more words to make the
search more specific.</LI>
<LI>If too few topics are returned - delete or change words in the
Search field.</LI>
<b>Note:</b> Boolean operators, such as AND, OR, and NOT, in the Search
field are ignored.
<p>The search compares words and phrases in the Search field with words
and phrases in the help topics. Findings are ranked on whether
terms in the Search field and the help topics:
<LI>all occur</LI>
<LI>occur in the same form</LI>
<LI>occur in the same order</LI>
<LI>occur without intervening words</LI>